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King (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, July 27, 2010, 03:53:24 AM

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;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

* = EX version possible

Hook Buster - ;bk / ;fd+ ;c / ;d

Command Moves
;df ;d= Slide Kick
King's slide kick moves her forward on the ground for a low hitting kick. If you land close high kick, you can combo into slide kick and initiate a cancel into Trap Shot (other cancels still to be tested). However, landing her slide kick by itself will not let you cancel into Trap Shot.

Special Moves
;fd ;dn ;df ;b or  ;d= Trap Shot*
King will do a backflip kick. If it lands, she will go into a full animation where she kicks the opponent multiple times. If it whiffs, no further animation will occur. Trap Shot can be canceled into a lot of different moves (Venom Strike, Surprise Rose, others??) and seems to be safe on block, making it extremely useful.

;dn ;df ;fd ;b or  ;d= Venom Strike* (can be done in air)
King's projectile. A standard fireball on the ground. She can also perform this move anytime during her jump-arc whether it be neutral, backward, or forward, which is very useful for zoning.

;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;b or  ;d= Tornado Kick '95*
King does a whirlwind kick forward. The start up on this move feels pretty slow, so don't throw it out when your opponent is close enough to react. It's called Tornado Kick '95 because her Tornado Kicks in recent games have been much more vertical, and this Tornado Kick resembles the OG horizontal version in KoF 95

Desperation Moves
;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd  ;b or  ;d= DM Double Strike
King throw's out two very large and fast Venom Stikes.

;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;a or  ;c= DM Surprise Rose*
King does an upwards kick during the first part of the animation, then lands forward for more kicks. The upwards kick in the beginning makes this super viable as an anti air, but it does not have great priority and can get beaten out by certain normals. Depending on whether you press  ;a or  ;c, she will travel shorter or farther respectively with the second part.

;dn ;db ;bk ;dn ;db ;bk ;b+ ;d= NEOMAX Venom Shot

Information provided by davidkong07

King's Wiki entry.

Console changes:
- (shown in video) Jump D stays out longer
- (shown in video) close C has faster startup
- (shown in video) D Venom Strike (air) has a smaller recoil
- far D has less lag
- (shown in video) Slide can be cancelled without being cancelled into

Yamamoto â€" We focused on her normals mainly. Although the number of changes are few, it will change gameplay significantly as normals are used most often. Her slide is a great low move and since her close HP {s.C} isn’t affected by scaling easily, please us it often as a combo starter.


Information moved to fist post. Thanks for the help filling these pages in. -nilcam

Technical Reference

Combos (thanks krazykone123)
- cr. B, cr. A, df+D, hcb+B, st. C
- cr. B, cr. A, df+D, dp+B, [DC] hcb+B, dp+D
- cr. B, cr. A, df+D [HD], st. D (2), df+D, (dp+B, [DC] hcb+B)*4, qcfx2+AC
- cr. C, df+D, hcb+B, dp+D, [DC] hcb+B, hcb+D, [SC] qcfx2+AC
- cr. B, cr. A, df+D [HD], st. D (2), dp+D, [DC] hcb+B, dp+D, [SC] qcfx2+AC, [MC] qcbx2+BD

Special Attack combos
- hcb+B, dp+K
- hcb+B, dp+K, (DC) hcb+B, dp+K
- hcb+B, dp+K, (DC) qcf+B
- qcf+BD, qcf+B, hcb+D
- hcb+B, dp+K, [DC] qcf+BD, qcf+Bx2, st. C

Madman himself over at mmcafe posts his write up (Update: Here's the original link, check it periodically in case he updates it)

Imperfect Player's guide for King in KOFXIII
Aka Professor's Personal notes for using King
Last revised on 08-09-2010

-Good at Zoning, has moves for both far range and close up.
-Excels at fighting from distance due to varieties of projectiles.
-Good at chip damage since Venom Strike is safe on Guard.

-No high damage combos without meters.
-Not good at breaking into opponent; no overheads and jumps are too slow.
-No invincible anti-air without power meter.

1 minute tutorial on how to use King:

King is good at fighting both in far and close range. Her method of pressuring is by chip damage, rather than breaking into the opponent. A useful character against scrubs and turtling players, but weak against rushdowns when meter is not built up. Mid-tier character.

1.King is great at mind games from a distance. Annoy the opponent by zoning with Venom strikes of different strengths from the ground and air. Punish them if they jump or roll through.
2.Standing Weak kick is extremely useful in close combat. Fast, good reach, hits low, useful for countering after a guard, connects from jump attacks with ease. Great for starting off a combo with a slide.
3.Venom strike, especially weak, is good for chipping. The other specials are for combos only and will leave you dead on a guard.
4.Good anti airs are- Sliding, Crouching C, EX Trap Shot, EX Tornado Kick, Surprise Rose (both normal and EX).
5.Mandatory learnings to use King: The timings on Anti-airs, Tornado Kick & Trap Shot loop, power meter management, the input timing for canceling slides into specials/supers.

Detailed Stuff

Normal moves-
Standing A: Rarely used.
Standing B: King's most useful normal move. Long range, fast, cancelable. Needs to be guarded low. Useful for connecting into a slide.
Standing C (close): Rarely used.
Standing D (close): Not too fast but hits twice. Both hits are cancelable.
Standing C (far): Long range, relatively fast. Connects from weak Tornado Kick. Somewhat useful to prevent opponents from jumping in.
Standing D (far): Long range, hits higher than far C and somewhat useful to prevent opponents from jumping in.

Crouching A: Short range, cancelable.
Crouching B: Long range, not cancelable to a move but can hit rapidly/renda cancel. Can be linked to Crouching A or Standing B.
Crouching C: Good anti-air. Can beat most jumps as long as the timing is right and it's not a crossup. Cancelable.
Crouching D: Footsweep. Rarely used since there are better alternatives. Cancelable.

Jump A: Rarely used.
Jump B: Good air-against-air move.
Jump C: Not often used. Cancelable into Venom Strike although it doesn't seem to hit unless it's a counter.
Jump D: Useful for jumping in. Can be used for crossup.

Standing CD: Floating kick move. Slow, Good range. Cancelable with ground attacks.
Jumping CD: Good air-against-air move. Cancelable into Venom Strike although it doesn't seem to hit unless it's a counter.

Sliding (Downforward+B):
One of King's most important moves. Cancelable when used from a normal. Can be done from a kara-cancel/whiffed attack, so King can basically do cancelable slides from any distance. Useful for many situations, including combos and anti-air. Command input timing for canceling into a special/super is at near the end of the slide and can be hard to master at first.
Personal Action (Start):
Does her victory pose with a rose in her mouth, then kicks and smashes it into peices. The taunt is long and can't be canceled with any sort of controller or button motion/combination. No practical use.


Venom Strike:
All venom strikes leaves opponent with hit detection and followups are possible. Does not build up King's meter if dodged.
Weak: Travels slow but recovery is fast. Safe on guard. Good move for chipping opponent's life.
Fierce: Travels Fast.
EX: Extremely fast and penetrates projectiles. Opponent falls back when hit.
Air Venom Strike:
All air venom strikes leaves opponent with hit detection and followups are possible. Does not build up King's meter if dodged.
Weak: Travels slow, King drops straight down after shooting.
Fierce: Travels fast, King hops back and upwards after shooting and therefore lands slow. Use with extreme caution.
EX: Travels extremely fast, penetrates projectiles. King drops down very quickly after shooting.
Trap Shot:
Normal: Comes out fast but opened to attacks when guarded. For use in combos only. Can be used to punish some low attacks but extremely risky.
EX: Comes out faster and has invincibility. Good as anti-air.

Tornado Kick:
Weak: One of King's most important moves. Opponent floats when hit, continues to have hit detection. Hard to punish if guarded on tip.
Fierce: Double the damage of Weak and travels far. Doesn't float opponent like Weak and EX Surprise Rose is about the only possible follow-up. Opened to punishment when guarded.
EX: Fast, travels far, has good invincibility and useful both as anti-air and projectile punishment. Somewhat useful for escaping out of corners. Normally can't be connected to another move after landing. Opened to punishment when guarded.

Surprise Rose:
Normal: Has invincibility and good as an anti-air. Sometimes misses on the way down.
EX: Good anti-air, hit detection comes out faster and is useful as a finisher for a juggle at the corner. More damaging than normal version.

Double Strike:
Normal: Good damage. Fierce travels faster.
No EX version.

NEOMAX Venom Shot:
1 Frame execution, meaning that it comes out as fast as a special/super throw. Max 17 hits. Hard to get a full hit though possible from Max cancel. 450 damage on full hit, which is about the same amount as an average combo done with 2 power meters. Not a practical move except as a finisher for the match.

Basic Combos-

Things to remember:
Damage scaling is 5% decrease per hit, not per move.
Damage scaling stops after falling to 20% (around 16-17 hits)
Supers and Neomaxes stops scaling at 50% rather than 20%.
Special Moves with multiple hits: EX Venom: 2 (ground only) / Trap Shot: 4 / EX Trap Shot: 7 / Tornado Kick: 2 / EX Tornado Kick: 3
0 Drive meter/0 Power meter
Normal attack> Slide> Venom Strike
The most basic combo for King. King is at an advantage when guarded. Not to be used against opponents with a meter unless they don't realize they can AB guard cancel roll.

0 Drive meter/0 Power meter
Normal attack> Slide> B Tornado Kick> Standing C
Another basic combo. Far C connects from Tornado Kick.

0 Drive meter/1 Power meter
Normal attack> Slide> EX Venom Strike> B Venom Strike> D Tornado Kick
Done at corner. Relatively Damaging combo considering that only one meter is being used.
It can also be done in the middle of the screen by taking away the B Venom Strike.

0 Drive meter/2 Power meter
Normal attack> Slide> EX Venom Strike> B Venom Strike> Double Strike
Done at corner. Same as the combo above, but ends with a Double Strike. Relatively damaging.
It can also be done in the middle of the screen by taking away the B Venom Strike; the damage is lower but it pushes the opponent near the end of the screen.

1 Drive meter/ 0 (or 2) Power meter Corner Only
Normal attack> Slide> B Tornado Kick> Trap Shot (DriveCancel)> B Tornado Kick >  D Tornado Kick > EX Surprise Rose
King's easy and reliable T&T Loop. Remove the EX Surprise Rose when there's no power meter.

2 Drive meter/2 Power meter Corner Only
Normal attack> Slide> HyperDrive> Standing D(2hits)> Slide> [Trap Shot (Drive Cancel)>  B Tornado Kick] x 4 > D Tornado Kick> EX Surprise Rose
Done at corner. Very easy, just do King's T&T loop for 4 times.

Unconfirmed combo from Japanese Shitaraba BBS, reportedly to do 968 Damage:
2 Drive meter/5 Power meter
Jump C> crouching C> Slide> Hyperdrive> crouching C> Slide> EX Venom Strike>  B Venom Strike>  D Tornado Kick Hyperdrive on 1st hit> EX Air Venom Strike> [Trap Shot (Drive Cancel)> B Tornado Kick] x 3 > Double Strike > EX surprise Rose
In it to win it!


In it to win it!


Is there an SDM version of Double Strike? If so, what's different about it? I assume it would be similar to '98UM EX King.


Quote from: Remxi on July 29, 2010, 09:42:51 AM
Is there an SDM version of Double Strike? If so, what's different about it? I assume it would be similar to '98UM EX King.

No there is not, she only has Ex Surprise Rose.


has her hcf+p and hcb+p from 02um been removed?
- Beasting or just regular beastiality? -


Yes. XIII King is apparently based on her Art of Fighting/Ryuuko no Ken versions, which is also why she has the Double Strike as a DM, even though she already has an EX Venom Strike... :=(

For the record, King lost the Mirage Kick (hcb+P advancing multi-kick move) and Mirage Dance (hcf+P command throw), as well as the 45 degree angle, multi-hit '96 version of the Tornado Kick, as early as KOF 2003.


In This vid King does her standard BnB (c.D, d/f.D, Tornado Kick) but then lands a far C after the Tornado Kick which leads me to believe that she would be able to substitute that with an EX Trap Shot...ouch. And that's without even using the HD Bar.

Do note that Andy was backturned, but the combo was still midscreen.


From what I know is that King has to utilize her fireball game as her strongest point and for BnB's she can do  ;dn ;b, ;dn ;a,  ;df ;d+ tornado kick or Std. ;d, ;df ;d+ tornado kick.

For Block strings she can use her Std. ;c ;d+Venom strike or Std. ;d, ;df ;d+venom strike. Also you can use her Std. ;c ;d as a poke too.

If somebody can try this for me Std. ;d, ;df ;d+ tornado kick into EX trap shot I think this will combo.
KOF XIII: Iori/King/Yuri


j.D instant overhead?

Is c.C cancellable? c.D?

What else will connect after hcb+D? Hopefully a cancellable normal for reset into meaty fireball.

Can you activate off a naked df+D?

Is s.CD cancellable into df+D on hit or whiff?

Any air normals cancellabe? If so, will a fireball combo from it?


Quote from: Remxi on August 03, 2010, 12:42:38 PM
j.D instant overhead?

Is c.C cancellable? c.D?

What else will connect after hcb+D? Hopefully a cancellable normal for reset into meaty fireball.

Can you activate off a naked df+D?

Is s.CD cancellable into df+D on hit or whiff?

Any air normals cancellabe? If so, will a fireball combo from it?
I've seen a Std. ;c connect after tornado kick as a juggle.
KOF XIII: Iori/King/Yuri


King looks really fun to play in XIII, her run speed is much faster than you'd expect too
- Beasting or just regular beastiality? -


Quote from: Remxi on August 03, 2010, 12:42:38 PM

What else will connect after hcb+D? Hopefully a cancellable normal for reset into meaty fireball.

hcb+D can be combo'd into midair Venom Strike (DC) and trap shot in the corner(also DC), Ex trap shot possibly can be combo'd after as well without a DC.

normals so far only s. ;c seems to connect.

as for the rest of your questions, I'd like some answers to them as well.
Winning is Everything. How you do it doesn't matter...

PSN/XBL/Steam: TrulyAmiracle



EDIT: Moved to the top, thanks! -Kane317


Quote from: Remxi on August 03, 2010, 12:42:38 PM
Is c.C cancellable? c.D?

Mook says yes to both.

Quote from: Remxi on August 03, 2010, 12:42:38 PM
Can you activate off a naked df+D?

Technically no, but Madman says if you empty cancel into the df.D, it'll work (Cool!).
EDIT: Just tested it with d.A (empty cancel) into df.D.

Quote from: Remxi on August 03, 2010, 12:42:38 PM
Is s.CD cancellable into df+D on hit or whiff?

s.CD is cancelable.  I've noticed in XIII that if the normal cancels, it'll empty cancel (like the s.CDs have always have) e.g. Kensou s.D (empty cancel) --> qcb+P

Quote from: Remxi on August 03, 2010, 12:42:38 PM
Any air normals cancellabe? If so, will a fireball combo from it?

j.A and j.C are cancelable, haven't tested it but logically it has to otherwise they wouldn't make it cancelable.