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Hit Box Fight Pad

Started by marchefelix, December 07, 2012, 01:15:00 AM

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This is a fight pad where the directions are buttons instead of a joystick. They have some videos of them doing combos in several games using their fight pad:


From what I've seen, using this pad is like playing on a keyboard without the stiffness of a keyboard. It seems really cool. What do you guys think of this pad?

Also, I find the placement of the up arrow a bit odd. Anyone know what are the advantages of having the up arrow where it is?

The Fluke

Quote from: marchefelix on December 07, 2012, 01:15:00 AM
Also, I find the placement of the up arrow a bit odd. Anyone know what are the advantages of having the up arrow where it is?

I believe it is where it is so you don't have to move any fingers around. A friend of mine uses a hitbox and while i haven't played him in any 2d games since he got it, it seems to work really well for him in ttt2.


So, I know this is a real old topic, but I started learning KoF around the time I started learning hitbox, which is about a month and a half ago.

Anyone else use hitbox? Sometimes it feels great to use and other times it's incredibly frustrating. I finally am starting to get half circles down but now I'm beginning to have more trouble with quarter circles and double quarter circles. For some reason my quarter circles are starting to be lazy or too fast and sometimes they don't even come out in SF4.

Practicing motions over and over in training mode is really tedious, especially because I went through long periods of learning to do motions on pad and then on stick in the past year, since I've only been playing fighters about a year.

I'd use stick but my tendons just can't handle the stress, especially in KoF. I wouldn't be able to play KoF at all for any extended amount of time without a hitbox. Maybe it's just a matter of time.


I know Tha C-Master was supposed to upload some more neat videos with alternate inputs.

I don't recommend using SF4 to practice on a new controller.  The very loose inputs and input storing can really mess up your since of execution in other games.  I always recommended Capcom vs SNK 2 for the following reasons:

1.  You have training mode, and some older games don't.
2.  You can adjust the speed to very slow (1 star) and learn the inputs slowly, and increase the speed as you improve.
3.  It doesn't have the input leniency of SF4 or most newer game.  You have Kof inputs AND SF inputs and you can learn both.

I think the hitbox is your best bet because you have the quickest speed (especially once you learn alternate inputs), more accuracy, and as you said comfort.  I like being able to play all day with no discomfort or being able to lay down and play if I see fit.

One thing you can also do is also do some trials or beat up on the CPU to  help yourself mentally do the motions.  Doing it in practice is a start, but you also want to be able to react with it.  Which also takes some practice.

The jump button being down allows you to use your right thumb to jump, which means you are using two hands to control your character, with one finger on each button.  This way you have the quickest and most precise control for things like 360's and tiger knee inputs.


Thanks for the tips. I think I will probably just keep using KoF to practice since I get really frustrated switching between games.

I was having really slow motions, but I figured out what was causing it in part.

I was holding my hand too horizontally close to the hitbox, like the first image here. Once I raised my hand and wrist a bit, it felt like I had more leverage so I could do the motions quicker and more cleanly:

I always hold my button hand in the upright position like that, but didn't notice my movement hand was so low. I think I developed it from spending hours and hours trying to learn to do accurate half circles in KoF. Its scary how easily you can ingrain bad habits...


Yea you also stress your hand out with it so low.  Slow inputs are great, hence why I recommend CvS2, but Kof is fine. Anything but SF4. Marvel requires complete half circles.

Double half circles in Kof have some leniency, so be aware of that.