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Dream Cancel KOF98UMFE Steam Battle #1 - 3/15/2015

Started by desmond_kof, March 05, 2015, 04:31:12 PM

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This will be our first steam battle for King of Fighters 98UM Final Edition! We will meet up and play together Sunday at 2pm Central time/3pm Eastern Standard Time!

We will meet in the group chat for the game steam://friends/joinchat/103582791433989595 (copy and paste)

This is will be the 2nd Journey To Dream Cancel Cup online event to play for PlayKOF ranking points!


All players in attendance will play each other in a first to 3 wins set. Everyone will play at the same time. After you have finished playing with one person, move on to the next available player and so on (in the chat say "FREE" when you are available). When you are playing, please try to keep track of your score either through chat reminders or tally marks on pen and paper. Report your final score in the group chat. All players wins will be tallied, ranked and posted at the end.

It is recommended you try to play as many different people as possible, and you are allowed to rematch with previous opponents once.

Top 3 scoring players will PlayKOF points and will be added to the ranking board!

If you're playing someone you've never faced before, be sure to run a test match to make sure both of your connections feel playable to each other. If they don't, you can opt out and face another person with a better connection.

While you are playing in the session make sure your connection is free and isn't being used to stream video or upload or download files. Also make sure that your connection isn't being used or shared by anyone else on your network. No wireless connections, please!

See you then!

P.S. Optional check-in is 30 minutes before the session starts (1:30pm CST, 2:30pm EST) and we will stop collecting scores at 6pm CST/7pm EST.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Great session! A good amount of players were in the group chat (around 17 max) with a fair amount of players doing rematches. Winner on the left, loser on the right. If I missed any scores, please let me know. I will rank placing for players by most amount of wins and most amount of games played.

emilkof vs thec0re

desmondkof vs moony blues

koko vs overheat76

desmondkof vs koko

thec0r3 vs FO the adventurer

moony blues vs overheat76

emilkof vs FO the adventurer

aroo vs thec0r3

arro vs desmondkof

moony blues vs thec0r3

emilkof vs aroo

buckweet vs overheat76

desmondkof vs thec0r3

emilkof vs moony blues

aroo vs overheat76

emilkof vs desmondkof

buckweet vs vicviper

thec0re vs overheat76

aroo vs moony blues

koko vs vicviper

moony blues vs overheat76 (rematch)

emilkof vs kco astro

mariokof vs aroo

buckweet vs crazydave

kco astro vs aroo

moony blues vs koko

desmondkof vs vicviper

kco astro vs moony blues

emilkof vs mariokof

pureyeti vs thec0r3

Koko vs overheat76

aroo vs buckweet

kco astro vs vicviper

moony blues vs buckweet

desmondkof vs thecore (rematch)

overheat vs vicviper

kcoastro vs buckweet

emilkof vs mariokof (rematch)

moony vs vicviper

desmondkof vs aroo (rematch)

kco astro vs desmondkof

mariokof vs laziefred

I will publish placings soon in another post.

GGs to Aroo, Koko (CrazyLi), KCO Astro (great EX Blue Mary), and Moony Blues!

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Hey guys here are the results, to avoid ties in the same place, I decided to go by highest amount of wins, with highest amount of games played, so I counted losses too. If I have anything wrong or incorrect, please post up.

1.) Emilkof: 8-0 = 8 games (32 playKOF points)
2.) Moony Blues: 6-4 = 10 games (16 playKOF points)
3.) desmond_kof: 6-3 = 9 games (8 playKOF points)
4.) Aroo: 5-4 = 9 games (4 playKOF points)
5.) KCO Astro: 5-1 = 6 games (2 playKOF points)
5.) buckweet: 3-3 = 6 games (2 playKOF points)
7.) Koko: 3-2 = 5 games (1 playKOF points)
7.) thec0re: 2-5 = 7 games (1 playKOF points)
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Quote from: desmond_kof on March 17, 2015, 05:45:53 PM
Hey guys here are the results, to avoid ties in the same place, I decided to go by highest amount of wins, with highest amount of games played, so I counted losses too. If I have anything wrong or incorrect, please post up.

1.) Emilkof: 8-0 = 8 games (32 playKOF points)
2.) Moony Blues: 6-4 = 10 games (16 playKOF points)
3.) desmond_kof: 6-3 = 9 games (8 playKOF points)
4.) Aroo: 5-4 = 9 games (4 playKOF points)
5.) KCO Astro: 5-1 = 6 games (2 playKOF points)
5.) buckweet: 3-3 = 6 games (2 playKOF points)
7.) Koko: 3-2 = 5 games (1 playKOF points)

I don't think it makes sense that Moony is ahead of you at 6-4, when you went 6-3. Why should having more games played be a deciding factor if you're tied on wins? I would have ranked it:

1.) Emilkof: 8-0 = 8 games
2.) desmond_kof: 6-3 = 9 games
3.) Moony Blues: 6-4 = 10 games
4.) KCO Astro: 5-1 = 6 games
5.) Aroo: 5-4 = 9 games
6.) Koko: 3-2 = 5 games
7.) buckweet: 3-3 = 6 games

you're also missing the 8th person.

Crazy Li

I feel like he's encouraging just playing more than winning as weird as that sounds. It seems like the best chance to rank high is to play as much as possible in the given time frame, not necessarily having a good win percentage since going 3-8 would beat going 3-0 here from what I can tell.

It doesn't make sense from any kind of actual rankings system, but if playing games is the goal, that may be his ideology.

Sucks for me since I usually can't dedicate the full 4 hours to consistently play. At best I can only stay long enough to play 4-6 matches but it doesn't bother me that much since I'm not playing for anything anyway. I dun even know what playKOF points are xP


Quote from: Emil_kof on March 17, 2015, 07:50:37 PM
Quote from: desmond_kof on March 17, 2015, 05:45:53 PM
Hey guys here are the results, to avoid ties in the same place, I decided to go by highest amount of wins, with highest amount of games played, so I counted losses too. If I have anything wrong or incorrect, please post up.

1.) Emilkof: 8-0 = 8 games (32 playKOF points)
2.) Moony Blues: 6-4 = 10 games (16 playKOF points)
3.) desmond_kof: 6-3 = 9 games (8 playKOF points)
4.) Aroo: 5-4 = 9 games (4 playKOF points)
5.) KCO Astro: 5-1 = 6 games (2 playKOF points)
5.) buckweet: 3-3 = 6 games (2 playKOF points)
7.) Koko: 3-2 = 5 games (1 playKOF points)

I don't think it makes sense that Moony is ahead of you at 6-4, when you went 6-3. Why should having more games played be a deciding factor if you're tied on wins? I would have ranked it:

1.) Emilkof: 8-0 = 8 games
2.) desmond_kof: 6-3 = 9 games
3.) Moony Blues: 6-4 = 10 games
4.) KCO Astro: 5-1 = 6 games
5.) Aroo: 5-4 = 9 games
6.) Koko: 3-2 = 5 games
7.) buckweet: 3-3 = 6 games

you're also missing the 8th person.

I'm encouraging more of both high amount of wins, as well as most amount of games played next to players. It wouldn't be fair for me to rank people just based on wins if they tied if they didn't play as many games as another person. I feel that if you have put the time in to stick around and play as many people as you can (along with rematches) you should place higher than someone that has had the same amount of wins you have. So yes, I'm encouraging more of participation in the event rather than just a good score. It will avoid people from just hanging around and not participating as much as they should, which is the main reason I hold these events. It's for people to just PLAY; all the placings and points, ranks are just for an individuals own record keeping of how much they feel they are progressing or participating.

I am missing the 8th person because I'm using the column from the Local Round Robin (that is for players under 8) for online events: http://dreamcancel.com/journey-to-dream-cancel-cup/

I can add an 8th player just for the online events.
Quote from: Crazy Li on March 17, 2015, 08:55:49 PM
I feel like he's encouraging just playing more than winning as weird as that sounds. It seems like the best chance to rank high is to play as much as possible in the given time frame, not necessarily having a good win percentage since going 3-8 would beat going 3-0 here from what I can tell.

It doesn't make sense from any kind of actual rankings system, but if playing games is the goal, that may be his ideology.

Sucks for me since I usually can't dedicate the full 4 hours to consistently play. At best I can only stay long enough to play 4-6 matches but it doesn't bother me that much since I'm not playing for anything anyway. I dun even know what playKOF points are xP

I decided upon using a ranking system because we are doing a circuit project called Journey To Dream Cancel Cup which is basically like Capcom Pro Tour but with a much smaller (and grassroots) scale. The rankings don't attribute to person's actual skill compared to others they just signify how much a person has played by either playing games online, doing local tournaments, or traveling. So if you play more and do more activities then you may rank high. The points earned in the circuit are called playKOF points: http://dreamcancel.com/journey-to-dream-cancel-cup/
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Crazy Li

While I understand your goal to encourage play, it does make it hard on people who can't fit into the windows of your events. If I could realistically play the entire 4 hours that it was being held, I would... but it's not really feasible for me to have the availability to rank up the amount of matches that some other players do. I usually can only get an hour or so of actual play in during the time you're actually taking scores do to my availability.

That sort of tiebreaker is fine if all things are equal... but in reality, they're not. People who are available for the entire event have a great advantage over those who are not. It's not my fault if I can only play 5 matches before you stop taking scores. It's not like I intentionally sit around on my score and avoid playing. I'm all for incentivising people to play more, but it's not really fair to those of us who can't do a 2PM-6PM Central time or whatever window. For me, that's 12PM-4PM and I'm usually still at work at noon.


Quote from: Crazy Li on March 17, 2015, 10:48:06 PM
While I understand your goal to encourage play, it does make it hard on people who can't fit into the windows of your events. If I could realistically play the entire 4 hours that it was being held, I would... but it's not really feasible for me to have the availability to rank up the amount of matches that some other players do. I usually can only get an hour or so of actual play in during the time you're actually taking scores do to my availability.

That sort of tiebreaker is fine if all things are equal... but in reality, they're not. People who are available for the entire event have a great advantage over those who are not. It's not my fault if I can only play 5 matches before you stop taking scores. It's not like I intentionally sit around on my score and avoid playing. I'm all for incentivising people to play more, but it's not really fair to those of us who can't do a 2PM-6PM Central time or whatever window. For me, that's 12PM-4PM and I'm usually still at work at noon.

Just keep in mind that the importance of placing and ranking means differently for certain people, so if you feel that placement, points and ranking mean nothing to you and they don't help or inspire you to improve then it's okay if you are indifferent about what scores or numbers you get. The main goal for the events is to just get people to play period and to trade steam ids. If you're able to play the whole event and get as many games in, go for it. If you can only come in during the last hour and play a few people that's okay too, but for the placing I will still place people above those who have the availability, interest and willingness to play more.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Crazy Li

So basically if I have interest and willingness, but not the availability, I'm less valuable


Quote from: Crazy Li on March 17, 2015, 11:46:47 PM
So basically if I have interest and willingness, but not the availability, I'm less valuable

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Crazy Li

Quote from: desmond_kof on March 17, 2015, 11:47:51 PM
Quote from: Crazy Li on March 17, 2015, 11:46:47 PM
So basically if I have interest and willingness, but not the availability, I'm less valuable


That is the message you are sending.


Quote from: Crazy Li on March 18, 2015, 07:07:41 AM
Quote from: desmond_kof on March 17, 2015, 11:47:51 PM
Quote from: Crazy Li on March 17, 2015, 11:46:47 PM
So basically if I have interest and willingness, but not the availability, I'm less valuable


That is the message you are sending.

That is not the message I am intending to give. I expressed many times in my posts the reassurance regarding the options of acknowledging placing in these events. Please don't make this some kind of personal issue. It's not a big deal.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Crazy Li

Not making it a personal issue, just trying to interpret what I'm reading and telling you what it looks like.

I'll drop it though. Run your stuff however you feel like it. It's not like I'm trying to get your to change anything.


Quote from: Crazy Li on March 18, 2015, 08:18:32 AM
Not making it a personal issue, just trying to interpret what I'm reading and telling you what it looks like.

I'll drop it though. Run your stuff however you feel like it. It's not like I'm trying to get your to change anything.

Thank you.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Hey desmond_kof, just wanted to say I think the way you're running these events is great! No matter what you do there will always be those you can't make happy, so take feedback, but don't dwell on it too much.

BTW, sorry I missed out on the 98 Steam battle. I got sick the day before, but barring any sickness I'll be there for any future ones.