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KOFXIV Announced for 2016

Started by desmond_kof, September 15, 2015, 05:32:14 PM

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Given who's been revealed so far (officially), what team(s) do you think you'll main for sure?

I'm probably looking at Kim/Nelson/Luong (K-P-K), or Angel/K.O.D./Sylvie for fun.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Quote from: solidshark on March 30, 2016, 10:18:00 AM

Given who's been revealed so far (officially), what team(s) do you think you'll main for sure?

I'm probably looking at Kim/Nelson/Luong (K-P-K), or Angel/K.O.D./Sylvie for fun.

My planned rotation contains Ralf, K.O.D., Leona, Luong, Sylvie, Robert, and Tung so far. The problem is there are too many characters I like. I intend to be fundamentally competent with the entire cast, but choosing mains has always been difficult for me in a KOF.

The Fluke

I know atleast two friends who have said that 3v3 has been an issue for them. Your time gets divided when all you want to do is learn one character. Therefore i think that promoting both 1v1 and 3v3 play would be good. 1v1 as an entry level/whoever prefers it kind of thing and 3v3 as the classic alternative.

I'm thinking that Chang and Beni are looking cool so that might be where i start. I'll pick up Joe and Ryo as i do and i'll probably want to invest some time into learning how angel works. There are loads of alternatives already so i hope that i can distance myself enough to actually have a rotation so that i learn various characters.


Ummm.... Hard to say. It usually depends how certain character feels in KOF, so I can't be certain.

King is usually for my liking. Nelson seems kinda fun, but I think he might be bit too on the complicated side for my liking. Kula has always been solid performer. But I really hope this would be like XI, where every character is fun to play :)
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For me, personally, all the cast feels good to play once you get used to them. The question is getting used to some play styles that can seem hard to adjust too.

So far I like the look of Terry, Nelson, Robert, tizoc. But tbh all are looking good so far.


So far day 1: Angel/Luong/?

Decided to play characters that weren't in XIII first since I put a lot of time into most of that cast.

A lot of the returning characters are looking great though, really tempted to play them.


Hard for me to say. I'll would just main Kyo, Ralf, and Leoung.

Hypothetically speaking, would anyone like to see the return of challenge mode. Not XIII trail mode, but 02UM and XI challenge mode of doing different situations in game.


Quote from: Amedø310 on March 30, 2016, 07:20:51 PM
Hypothetically speaking, would anyone like to see the return of challenge mode. Not XIII trail mode, but 02UM and XI challenge mode of doing different situations in game.
More like challenge instead of trials. Fun fact, XI is the only KOF I've done all the challenges, ones in 98UM/2002UM were bit too much for me. I guess Mai challenge is the only one I haven't done, game kinda glitched somehow and suddenly I got the message that Mai was unlocked :) XIII trials were damn hard, probably Mature is the character I got the farthest, I think maybe the 5th trial.
"Look, game over. Beat it, or I'll boot you into space!"

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I like trials as they teach combos. It's more universal to help beginners too.

Challenge mode is fun though.. Some are really tough to beat.


Challenges are cool, I would prefer something more convoluted and indeed... well, challenging. But party mode will do it for me.
You unlocked Mai because the game registers certain amount of hours in-game, after a certain amount of time you will unlock characters.

Quote from: ottomatic on March 30, 2016, 10:54:34 AM

Given who's been revealed so far (officially), what team(s) do you think you'll main for sure?

I'm really, REALLY waiting for Kensou before I make any final team decisions. Is one of my favorite characters, like, way too much. The thing is, I hate the kind of sprites and goofiness they use for his character. I hate his 94-2002 design, it just looks like "that goofy kid that eats buns", I also dislike his XIII green attire, it just looks like "that random kung fu kid".
But his XI design?, is SO badass!, is great and really cool and.. I love it!, he also dominates the dragon power like he has never done it before and he has every possible move Kensou has learned so far. Best Kensou ever IMO (part of the reasons why I like XI so much)

Looking at the leak, he will have a black attire maybe?, so here's hoping that they give him the looks and personality he deserves. He is a freaking dragon!!, not a comic relief!! D:

...yeah... sorry for the rant.


Quote from: Amedø310 on March 30, 2016, 07:20:51 PM
Hypothetically speaking, would anyone like to see the return of challenge mode. Not XIII trail mode, but 02UM and XI challenge mode of doing different situations in game.

Yeah, I'd like to see that return. I do think some of the UM challenges got pretty ridiculous sometimes, but I'm not sure how overboard they could go in XIV. Mostly I'd hope they're challenging for vets but not too initmidating to newcomers, if that's possible.

I wouldn't mind seeing some of those mini-challenges they had in XIII Arcade mode either, making you fulfill certain requirements based on the system mechanics and such for rewards in a real-time CPU match. But I'd like it if that was optional for Arcade, or it's own mode.

Quote from: Arkayruz on March 30, 2016, 08:47:41 PM
...yeah... sorry for the rant.

Understandable rant. I liked his XI version, but I hope his XIV version resembles the agility and limberness he had from XIII. He felt like one of the smoothest characters in the last one, would be nice to keep that up.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


In hopes that we do get another trailer tomorrow, I've been trying to find more patterns... and I have found them.

For both the 8th and 9th trailers, the time of of announcement and the time if reveal have both been 14 hours apart.

I'm not too sure how time zones work on Twitter, but from where I'm seeing it, both announcements of a trailer came at the 3:00 AM mark while both reveals of the trailer came at the 5:00 PM mark.

Maybe I should stop looking so deep into this; there's a chance I'll end up hyping myself and others only to be disappointed when the next trailer doesn't come when I expect it to come :P

On another note, the picture solidshark posted has made me realize just how colorful and varied the cast looks so far. I'll be damned if one of the complaints about this game ends up being "it's too boring".


While I'd be happy if we got another trailer tomorrow, I hope they pace themselves according to their planned release. The reveals have been generating hype, but what happens when they've exhausted all their reveals and still have a month or so til release? How do they maintain excitement during that phase? The problem is this may also be indicative of a release earlier than we've expected, to which I would wonder the extent of online testing, something that will greatly affect the game's longevity.

TLDR: I hope they're keeping enough fuel to keep this hype train running til release.


Quote from: marchefelix on March 31, 2016, 04:19:14 AM
On another note, the picture solidshark posted has made me realize just how colorful and varied the cast looks so far. I'll be damned if one of the complaints about this game ends up being "it's too boring".
Good point. It's nice to see some colour in games, especially after 2006-2012 most games were something between brown and grey. I noticed that XII was somewhat contination to XI in terms of style. Both were colorful games, while XIII was kinda dark. Never seems XII live, but I'd argue that XII was better looking game than XIII, except when it came to character art. Everyone looked so bulky....
"Look, game over. Beat it, or I'll boot you into space!"

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Quote from: ottomatic on March 31, 2016, 07:45:16 AM
I hope they're keeping enough fuel to keep this hype train running til release.

In all honesty, I don't think there is a lot of resources to hype the game once every character is shown on the trailers.
So they need to handle the numbers accordingly.


Assuming there will be a trailer today, who are you expecting to appear? >:D

I want to see Kensou SO BAD.