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NorCal KOF!

Started by Tone, November 26, 2010, 03:26:13 AM

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You guys can coordinate something. The owner of Gamecenter said Fridays was a good time. He really wants people in there every week. I wouldn't mind, but I'd probably not go considering there's a tournament every Friday. You can see if weekends are good; I'd be down for Saturdays or Sundays.

Anyway, here's the Event Schedule for the next month. This is tentative since it's coming so early, but just want everyone to be prepared.

March 1st - Versus Fridays - Milpitas Golfland, Milpitas
March 1st - Fight Night Rambats - The MADE, Oakland
March 8th - Fight Night Rambats - The MADE, Oakland
March 10th - Tight or Fight 7 - Milpitas Golfland, Oakland
March 15th - Versus Fridays - Milpitas Golfland, Milpitas
March 15th - (Last one) Fight Night Rambats - The MADE, Oakland
March 15th - 1st Day - Good Games Con - Laney College, Oakland
March 16th - 2nd Day - Good Games Con - Laney College, Oakland
March 29th - Versus Fridays - Milpitas Golfland, Milpitas

This is as far as I know where KOF XIII events will be held. If you know an event that is being hosted, please let me know. Also note that the 15th is REALLY convoluted, just go where you can.

Prizes for the The MADE Fight Night Rambats for first place overall (Meaning the entire season) is registration for EVO being paid.

EDIT: Orange Sauce casuals are canceled until further notice.

EDIT: Due to the size of SNCI, KOF XIII is not in the line up.


Just me being a nitpicky douchebag, but do you know if there's a reason the events at The MADE are called "rambats" instead of "ranbats"? I mean, it made sense at Ramnation, but... y'know... RAMnation.

I'll try to make it out to another MGL event; just been taking care of a lot of other things.


I have no clue! Just remember that their ranbat season starts THIS  friday, 22nd of Feb, okay?


I don't like being cynical, it's not fun. But there are a lot of venues for KoF. I let everyone know where and when it is. The venue tonight had a buy in of 5 dollars, didn't even ask for venue fee. Its a block from 16th st. Station at Oakland. 2 people showed up (and it wasn't me).

This is sad folks, no T.O. Is going to want to run a game when only 2 people show up. And our community isn't even dead. What are these podcasts for, these streamed majors for, casual events, event calenders, and all this work amounting to if nobody wants to participate.

I am sorry, this just makes me mad and depressed.


What you should do is first get rid of that negative attitude of your and do what you can do. The first thing I see on that list of tournaments is that 2 tournaments on the same day. It spreading the players apart plus need more sessions imo. Players like DC Lam is putting in work by driving to San Mateo etc. for sessions. To some extent that netplay might be a problem but it's not stopping anyone else. Look at East Coast for example, on the fb groups they're posting up sessions and tournaments.


Think of it this way: are there even regular sessions? Think of how a tournament looks to a newcomer. It can be pretty intimidating. How are you gonna expect people to show up to tournaments and throw in their own money when they don't even play with people on the regular? Honestly, it ain't happenin'. Gotta focus on sessions first. IMO. That can be difficult since a majority of players in the South Bay, who actually play KOF, don't play KOF as their main game. IIRC (someone correct me if I'm wrong), but even SBC session have more players for Marvel or other games than KOF. If I could hold sessions I would, but I can't. I'm sorry South Bay isn't like SF or North Bay. I knew that last year when we tried having KOF at MGL and only me and 1-2 other people would show up. Dudes I played with in the area, who were actually pretty decent, just dropped the game entirely. Nothing I can do about that. Just do what you can.

James, I'm glad you really made an effort to communicate and help to grow a scene here, but the local players have to step it up themselves.


Quote from: DJMirror949 on February 23, 2013, 07:53:30 AM
What you should do is first get rid of that negative attitude of your and do what you can do. The first thing I see on that list of tournaments is that 2 tournaments on the same day. It spreading the players apart plus need more sessions imo. Players like DC Lam is putting in work by driving to San Mateo etc. for sessions. To some extent that netplay might be a problem but it's not stopping anyone else. Look at East Coast for example, on the fb groups they're posting up sessions and tournaments.

Dude, I'm not going to shut up and smile so back it up. You aren't even referencing the SAME thing I am because this is an event I posted about in late January. There's no other event scheduled anywhere for KoF today other than RAMnation. This is what happened the LAST time events got held outside of San Francisco. Case and point, Milpitas Golfland stopped running KoF in their venues a year ago because no one came to the tournaments.

If nobody goes to tournaments for the games, people stop running the games. When people complain "Oh why are there no KoF events?", this is EXACTLY the reason why. We need to atleast attend events. If there's NOBODY out in that area and it's too far, that's understandable, but MADE is a few blocks away from the 12th St. Bart Station. You don't have to drive to MADE or even Oakland for that matter to get there.

The real problem is publicly supporting the game through any medium available. Again, I'm not often cynical, but I think this is the time for everyone to step back and realize we're fucking up.


I'm not telling you to shut up and smile. I'm only pointing out to get ride of that attitude since it's not helping at all. I will say it again: You do what you can do. Like Ivan said local players have to step it up themselves. This is probably not the right place to debate things like this because it discourage people even more but if you want to debate with me about this then feel free to fb me or something.


I think South Bay definitely has the potential to become the new central hub for NorCal KOF and hopefully size up to be as good as the guys in SF and maybe even SoCal in the future. So lets do this guys!!


Quote from: FataCon on February 23, 2013, 10:30:21 AMThink of it this way: are there even regular sessions? Think of how a tournament looks to a newcomer. It can be pretty intimidating. How are you gonna expect people to show up to tournaments and throw in their own money when they don't even play with people on the regular? Honestly, it ain't happenin'. Gotta focus on sessions first. IMO. That can be difficult since a majority of players in the South Bay, who actually play KOF, don't play KOF as their main game. IIRC (someone correct me if I'm wrong), but even SBC session have more players for Marvel or other games than KOF. If I could hold sessions I would, but I can't. I'm sorry South Bay isn't like SF or North Bay. I knew that last year when we tried having KOF at MGL and only me and 1-2 other people would show up. Dudes I played with in the area, who were actually pretty decent, just dropped the game entirely. Nothing I can do about that. Just do what you can.

I like this post, since most of it rings as "true story!" to me. The facts are that KoF players are small in number, spread out like hell, and the truth is the vast majority of us don't go far out of our way to play for various reasons. Our SBC thing is really just a tight-knit clique of people who play KoF rather casually, which isn't to say we don't benefit or level up from doing our thing but it's kind of low key and we just have fun. I'm not trying to say we're a model for anything, but it is an example of how things can get facilitated on a local level. Sessions breed communities!
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


Quote from: Reiki.Kito on February 22, 2013, 01:30:54 AM
March 8th - Fight Night Rambats - The MADE, Oakland

Hey guys, I will be there personally to take your money. Show up ok? If you're scare, I can understand.
Undefeated online KOF player.


I don't think they're going to run the game anymore, CharRex.


If you're in the area, I'm heading to GameCenter tonight and probably tomorrow with N4US to play KoF XIII.

Also, Versus Fridays is again at Milpitas Golfland this Friday. Registration starts at 7PM, will try to get there by 8.


thanks for letting us know, some of us will be there tomorrow. Time?
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


i'll be at game center tomorrow too, see you guys there.
ralf terry clark-team man heat!