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NorCal KOF!

Started by Tone, November 26, 2010, 03:26:13 AM

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A dude in the FB group is moving up to NorCal soon (San Jose specifically). He's looking for sessions and stuff. I'll be willing to host sessions again, but due to space I can only have 2 setups, 8 people max. Just gauging interest at the moment.



tell him: welcome to South Bay Cult.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


look at the reply # for your post, Mezzo  ;)


KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


Sup guys! I just got in to KOF and would love to get games or go to a session. I live in the San Jose area btw.


sup dawg. If you're in the the south bay and want games, you got 'em with us basically lol. When did you land in town? Have you ever been to MGL?
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


Mezzo, this is a totally different guy. Amir'll probably show up soon though.


oh alright lol. Either way that makes another player for the scene, good shit.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


Are there any sessions going on in the area? I would love to see how I do in real offline matches.


like I said, I'm unaware of any sessions that we're not usually involved in. When we play it's usually on Fridays at one of our places. Are you free on most Fridays?
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


Anybody in Norcal want to try playing on Steam? I'm in Auburn, about ~140 miles north of San Francisco, ~165 for San Jose, ~120 for Modesto.

I've tried just playing with randoms and it hasn't been a good experience. Nobody really communicates and they all leave after ~2 matches. I've had incredibly smooth matches with 3/4 players and I can't tell if it's the same on their end, or where they are from, or why they are so quick to leave. =[

How do I message other players on Steam? I haven't really used Steam much for online games in many years. Would be nice to ask people how the connection felt for them, where they are from, etc.


What's your account name? I'll add you.



Hello ladies and gents,

So according to an announcement by Joe, the guy that runs Capsule Entertainment, he's going to be running Versus Fridays again. Now, KoF won't be a featured game, but I did ask if he'd be willing to give us a station. He says if people show up, he'll give us a station to play.

This is huge considering Versus Fridays were originally canceled and now they're back. UMVC3 and SSFIV:AE are the focus, but as long as we have people come through, we have KoF back again.