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Giving Thanks to the Dream Cancel community

Started by nilcam, December 12, 2010, 09:11:50 PM

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Yesterday I had an interview with Osirun for an upcoming Power Up Podcast. In the course of the conversation, he kept raving about the wiki and it got me thinking about what we've accomplished here at Dream Cancel. And it's a lot. I am of the opinion that we have the best online fighting game community. The vast majority of the discussion here is both informative and respectful. That in and of itself is amazing for an online community. I get a lot of positive comments about that.

Beyond that, the community has put in a ton of work on the wikis and it really shows. That sort of effort is what will make us THE place for KoF/SNK knowledge.

I am very thankful for everyone in the Dream Cancel community. All of the work put in by the mods and the members is humbling. When I built the site, I hoped people would get involved and enjoy their time here but I could never have imagined how great everything has become.

So, thanks to all of you.


Team work makes the dream work!  We got lots of hard work in front of us for 2011 and as soon as the console comes out I'll help out with the wiki a lot more.


I came to this place looking to be a part of something awesome, mission accomplished!!!!
" you fight well in the old style"


I do believe we have a long way to go, especially when after KOFXIII drops here in USA, so I'm glad of all the work that has been done here so far. Now we just gotta find a way to pull in good numbers for tournaments and get more people playing the series here period...
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Rex Dart

I'm also really thankful for everything people have put together here.

But I'm still getting warmed up! I hope to contribute much more in the future.




I'm very glad to be apart of this community, especially having been apart (and still apart) of several communities with either trolling, elitists, newbie bashing, or a combination of the three. I wasn't here from jump, but even in the time I've been here this site has grown exponentially, and I'm glad to have been able to contribute as much as I know and have learned. People here open-minded, are more than welcoming, and are willing to both teach and learn, and that's a plus in my book...

The wiki is indeed a landmark for this site, and once XIII drops I'm pretty sure its gonna blow this site up... Desmond Delaghetto is right, those numbers gotta start showing how dope of a game KoF and other SNK fighters are... 2011 is gonna be dope!!!
I'm on FightCade!!!

Nikolai VolKOF

This site is awesome. Wish i could contribute a little more. Hope it becomes one of THEE PRIMARY places for all KoF needs. Wish you all luck and appreciate the hard work


Wish i could contribute

But I dont own the game,lol



Quote from: Gramas on December 15, 2010, 02:46:48 AM
Wish i could contribute

But I dont own the game,lol


Wrong answer lol, kk123 doesn't play XIII but he contributes.  It's all about effort, if there's a will, there's a way.  translate.google.com goes a long way and the Japanese BBS is a plethora of information, there's also youtube videos that you can help watch and add info to each respective thread if you see something interesting.


Quote from: Kane317 on December 15, 2010, 10:14:11 AM
Quote from: Gramas on December 15, 2010, 02:46:48 AM
Wish i could contribute

But I dont own the game,lol


Wrong answer lol, kk123 doesn't play XIII but he contributes.  It's all about effort, if there's a will, there's a way.  translate.google.com goes a long way and the Japanese BBS is a plethora of information, there's also youtube videos that you can help watch and add info to each respective thread if you see something interesting.
I watch every video on samoai, emill or kusanagi channel!but its just that :/


Quote from: Gramas on December 15, 2010, 11:52:10 AM
Quote from: Kane317 on December 15, 2010, 10:14:11 AM
Quote from: Gramas on December 15, 2010, 02:46:48 AM
Wish i could contribute

But I dont own the game,lol


Wrong answer lol, kk123 doesn't play XIII but he contributes.  It's all about effort, if there's a will, there's a way.  translate.google.com goes a long way and the Japanese BBS is a plethora of information, there's also youtube videos that you can help watch and add info to each respective thread if you see something interesting.
I watch every video on samoai, emill or kusanagi channel!but its just that :/

I just watch some myself, and hence I added stuff to Duolon's thread :)  Link interesting combos that aren't listed in the threads and even if they are listed , help make a visual reference to it so new comers learning the combos can watch.  Our community can grow ten folds but unfortunately the Pareto Principle seems to always hold true.  =(

Just because we have access to XIII doesn't mean everything we post we found ourselves.  At least 1/2 the stuff I post is translated from a BBS and cross-referenced with my Mook that, by the way, I can't read either so it takes time, but I do it anyways to help the community ;)

Don't get me wrong Gramas, I'm not trying to single you out =)  I mean this as a general whole.


Yeah I definitely noticed that, where other forums everyone is eager to not listen to anyone else and just talk trash this one is actually a helpful community. I was telling some friends I'm trying to get into KoF about it.


As much as I like how much work we've gotten done around here, I got a lot of questions and critisims involving said community.


1. As good as the wiki looks it could look better, now I'm not knocking the work we've done or anything but I have to say we could have a lot more done if we had a lot more people putting in work (like they should). It seems like the amount of serious work being done around here fluctuates from a good bit to none at all every other day and by my standards that's not good. I mean if we upped the ante so that everyone did AT LEAST a few things a day we'd be straight. That's something I'd like to see change by at least the first/second week of January. Seriously guys the way I look at it you can't be part of the community if you don't at least help it grow.


2. It's really off and on, one side usually has to do with people strictly talking about XIII, which is good but the lack of KOF talk in general is very un-nerving. Does no one play 98/2k2 any more? I mean people who haven't even played XIII just come here and sperg about XIII and XIII only? for fucks sake it that all that's on your mind? what happend to 2002UM or 98? Wouldn't it help to learn something about those games first? ask for tips? combos? something... :/

Gameplay Discussion

3. This one is more serious. It seems like the gameplay schtick has yet to catch on but yeah it needs to. Maybe it's just me but I don't see the point in having a Open Topic thread unless you're putting in your fair share of work around here. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, but at least won't be living with mother until he's 36. Basically earn your stars kiddies, I don't want this site to devolve into off-topic bullshit with no serious discussion what-so-ever. I mean you guys can makes jokes and what not but can you at least do something productive while you're at it?

SoCal KOF Peeps

4. This one is quite simple, hey SoCal thread!... you guys need to contribute more. You guys actually played XIII so the least you could do is... I dunno tell people about the game? share tricks? explain match-ups? etc. This is your (main) game right? take charge mang. I hate the fact that it's mostly Kane doing all the FG talk for the SoCal group.


5. I know a few of you guys play KOF on GGPO/ARClive, what the hell are you waiting for!? fighting randoms is fun but can you at least prove that you exist? if I go into the 98/2002 room(s) I wanna see some American flags.


6. Nobody cares if you don't like K'/Raiden, go make a blog post or yell into your pillow or something you pansy, they're top tier get over it.

I could think up more but it's not really necessary... just take these into consideration, please and thank you.


Damn man, you bring up some really good points that have been sitting in the back of my head for a while.
Quote from: krazykone123 on December 17, 2010, 06:07:45 AM


Ok, I agree with this right here. I contribute a little of the knowledge that I have and sometimes I am a little busy to spend time to write up or finish up things in the wiki. Plus sometimes I may feel like I should research and experiment with the game more before I add anything to the wiki to make sure that is accurate.

Also, I'm sad that there isn't anything much on the 98UM and the OG 2002 wiki is incomplete. We also don't have a XI wiki too...

Quote from: krazykone123 on December 17, 2010, 06:07:45 AM


Yes, I think I've said this a few times when the site first emerge that people should try to learn the older games first and not save themselves when KOFXIII drops, which is what exactly people are doing...And many of the people that are excited for the game and are talking in the forum section (especially the general discussion thread) probably don't even understand the whole KOF system as a whole.

It would suck to have just people that play KOFXIII and not any other KOF games. That's sorta like how SSF4 have players that JUST play that game and haven't explored or learned any other SF games.

Quote from: krazykone123 on December 17, 2010, 06:07:45 AM

Gameplay Discussion

I wish there was more in depth gameplay discussion myself, there is too much general discussion and speculation on KOFXIII and other stuff which I feel can maybe turn away a lot of the more knowledgeable and serious players of KOF. They may say "Oh, there isn't no serious discussions of the game here, so maybe they don't wanna learn it or take it seriously".

I'd be more comfortable having this site full of serious, dedicated and skilled players rather than just 'fans' of the game. In my interview with Osirun I said that many other KOF sites were fan heavy, it would be too bad of dc became apart of them...

Quote from: krazykone123 on December 17, 2010, 06:07:45 AM


I think you already know my feelings on that topic and I even made a thread about it that no one took very seriously which made me feel that no one takes learning the game seriously too, so I'm not sure how we can make more people play on those online platforms.  :/

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."