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Started by desmond_kof, July 18, 2016, 02:41:43 AM

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;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

(*) = EX OK
(!) = MAX OK

Buster Knee Kick -  close ;bk / ;fd +  ;c
Aerial Leg Throw - close ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Normals
Sky Axe -  ;fd + ;b

Special Moves
Scarlet Phantom - ;qcb + ;a / ;c  (*)
Aqua Spear - ;qcf + ;a / ;c (*)
Rising Efreet - ;dp +  ;a /  ;c (*)
Blau Wing - in air ;qcf + ;a / ;c (*)
Thruster Vision, Front - in air ;qcf + ;b / ;d (*)
Thruster Vision, Back - in air ;qcb + ;b / ;d  (*)

Super Special Moves
Gaianic Burst - ;qcf ;qcf + ;a/ ;c (!)(!)
Specter Extension - ;qcf ;qcf +  ;b/  ;d (!)

Climax Desperation Move
Demolish Dimension - ;hcb ;hcb + ;a + ;c

Wiki draft Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tgJmxm4ZG9ybfOgD-Ncr2bjGEWUIiQioFHJ5CBIkzrY/edit

Wiki Page: http://www.dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Shun%27Ei_(XIV)
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


In the shun'Ei first reveal, he does jD, qcb+K, qcf+K, JC, all this is done in the air. Can he do this in the demo or did they take it out. I guess I will try it out tonight regardless.


Quote from: shinefist on July 19, 2016, 11:07:11 PM
In the shun'Ei first reveal, he does jD, qcb+K, qcf+K, JC, all this is done in the air. Can he do this in the demo or did they take it out. I guess I will try it out tonight regardless.

No, j. D is not cancelable anymore and he can only do one of the air dashes if he confirms an air j. C, which is the only button he can cancel beside air CD.


That multi air dash would of been a bit cheap if they kept it in. I'm glad they removed it.


Super simple safe jump ^

V Fuzzy Guarding in action


Desmond asked me to help with the wiki a while ago, and I finally stopped being lazy and did a little write-up for Shun'ei. Incomplete at the moment, but I felt had enough to post. Feel free to offer suggestions/edit it a little if y'all use any of it for the wiki. My notes are a little unpolished.

8/11 edit: Cleaned up/fixed some stuff, and put most of the practical combos that aren't random hit into qcfx2+k SC.

Shun’ei – KOFXIV demo (may change in full build)


cl.a: Standard anti-air jab. His only 4f normal, and +2 on block, which sets up his one of his only 3f tight frame traps outside of staggers (cl.a(+2), cr.a(5f)). Cancels to b normals, f+b, specials, and Max Mode.
cl.b: A close range knee. +1 on block. Cancels to specials, f+b, and Max Mode.
cl.c: A close range elbow. Would seem fast enough to frame trap with, but the activation range is poor. After one of any of his lights on block, you are out of the activation range. Cancels to f+b, specials, and Max Mode.
cl.d: A double hitting kick. Counts as one hit for combo scaling, so it is a good option for the highest damage you can do before Max Mode. Cancels to supers and Max Mode.

st.a: A slightly less vertical, but further horizontal jab than cl.a. Doesn’t hit crouchers, and only cancelable to supers or Max Mode.
st.b: A middle height kick. A good, low risk poke.  His front foot rises a lot for the kick, so it pseudo low crushes unless the low can reach his back foot. Only cancelable to supers or Max Mode.
st.c: A one-inch punch, for lack of a better term. Can press c again for a second hit to Max Mode confirm. Unsure about how useful it is in neutral. The hurtbox seems hard to hit, but the hitbox seems skinny. Both hits are only Max Mode cancelable.
st.d: A long range, decently quick roundhouse. Feels strong for controlling hop/run space. No lower hitbox, however. Only Max Mode cancelable.
st.cd: A jumping kick. Low crushes. Special/Max Mode cancelable on block (NOT WHIFF CANCELABLE). Slightly unsafe on block, can cancel to qcb+a to make it a little more safe. Ground hit wall slam can be followed up by qcb+c.

cr.a: A standard crouch jab. His fastest normal that isn’t range specific(5f). Cancelable to pretty much everything.
cr.b: A standard low kick. Kind of slow for a cr.b (6f). Delay canceling cr.bs long enough to leave gaps will be one of your strong ways to persuade people to not press buttons through your pressure since he doesn’t have the typical light to close heavy normal frame trap. Cancelable to other light normals/supers/Max Mode.
cr.c: An anti-air angled elbow. Forces standing on hit, and cancelable to f+b, Max Mode, and specials. Seems fine as an anti-air.
cr.d: A sweep with a little more range than cr.b. Soft knockdown. Special/f+b/Max Mode cancelable.

j.a: An air-to-air jab. His farthest horizontal jumping normal. Cancelable to his j.qcf or qcb+k.
j.b: His best pure air-to-ground. Can cross up, but it’s pretty hard. I’d stick to j.d for crossups.
j.c: A jack-of-all-trades normal. It can be used to jump in, but you need to be very low to the ground because the hitbox is so high. Cancelable to his j.qcf or qcb+k.
j.d A good air-to-ground. Crosses up, but you’ll have to work pretty hard to do it on standing opponents.
j.cd: A decent all around normal. Soft knockdown, juggle on CH. CH confirm with qcb+a/c depending on distance/height. Cancelable to his j.qcf or qcb+k.

f+b: A forward hopping kick. Doesn’t hit crouchers unless they’re in hitstun. I wouldn’t use this normal outside of cl.c confirms, since it is pretty unsafe on block/whiff. Only cancelable to j.qcf+p.

c throw: A knee to the face. Soft knockdown, and knocks them far back making it basically a reset to neutral unless you’re in the corner. In the corner, you have enough advantage to meaty them.

d throw: Shun’ei slams them down by flipping them head first with his legs. Hard knockdown.


qcb+p: A rush forward, followed by a punch if the opponent is close to you. A very long duration hard knockdown. Both are minus, and could possibly be punished by very fast things like Iori’s qcfhcb+ac if done too close. A version goes about 1/3rd of the screen, c version goes 2/3rds and is a little slower/worse on block. Can delay super cancel to pseudo confirm it into qcfx2+k.
qcb+ac is similar, except a little faster and wall bounces on hit.

qcf+p: A horizontal, stationary projectile. Soft knockdown. Range is a little less than round start, up to about the pinky nail of the projectile hand. A version is faster than c version. Pretty bad on close range block or whiff. Can super cancel on whiff.
qcf+ac starts up and recovers faster.

dp+p: A slow, but good vertical hitbox anti-air DP. Soft knockdown. A version seems to be upper body invul and stays in place, C is full invul on startup, but not until impact, and moves forward a little. Juggle options depend on height.
dp+ac moves forward, and is full invul until impact. On hit, a second hit pops them up to be juggled by pretty much whatever you want.

j.qcf+p: Shun’ei swings a big blue hand in the air. A version keeps air momentum, c version changes air momentum backwards. Juggles are possible after a version depending on height.
j.qcf+ac is kind of a mix between the two normal versions. It changes air momentum slightly back and down, allowing you to juggle.

j.qcf or qcb+k: Air dashes forward(qcf) and back(qcb). Cancelable to all air actions. Has a height restriction so you can’t tiger knee (qcf, uf+k) it right away or do it super close to the ground after a cancelable jump normal. You can use j.cd off this air dash, but you have to input it as bd for it to come out.
j.qcf/qcb+bd loses the height restriction, but can’t cancel into air specials.


qcfx2+p: Shun’ei summons two hands, forces them together, and fires them. Super cancelable on the first hit. Used in the occasional combo, but seems too slow to be used as a fireball punish.
qcfx2+ac has full invul, fires twice, and has a good first hitbox, so it could possibly used as an anti air for what his other ex super is too low to the ground to anti-air.

qcfx2+k: A rush super. One of your main tools to convert random hits or whiff punish very bad whiffs. Travel time is very fast.
Super cancelable on all hits and a little bit after the last hit. If you're midscreen and use this super, make sure to do your super cancel in the other direction, since you side swap during this super.
qcfx2+bd is very fast and has a lot of invul to blow through certain things like ground fireballs. It also is usually your go-to ender for combos using 2 bars, since the last hit doesn’t seem to scale below 100. Using it as an anti-air can work, but the vertical hitbox isn’t amazing for jumps.

hcbx2+ac: A straight up angled dp, followed by anime. Anti-air someone with this to make them feel bad about their life choices. Usually most commonly used in combos after a qcfx2+k to secure a kill, since it is hard to combo into otherwise, and most combos using this don't do terribly much more than using qcfx2+bd.

Meterless: does the most damage off of a cr.b confirm (cr.b, rush AAAA.) That's about it.
Meter: You're better off going into max mode or using a super cancel off of lights if you know how to use either of them.
Max: You're better off using optimized max mode combos if you know one.

0 bar
cr.b, cr.a, qcb+a = 111   
cr.b, rush AAAA = 148 (must have 0 meter)
cl.c, f+b, delay j.qcf+a, qcb+c = 234   
ground hit st.cd, qcb+c = 151   
(corner) cl.c, f+b, delay j.qcf+a, dp+c, dp+a, cl.c = 354   
(corner) st.cd, dp+c, dp+a, qcb+a = 282 (can't delay dp+c)

1 bar         
(not close to corner)cr.b, cr.a/cl.c, BC, cl.c, f+b, delay j.qcf+a, qcb+ac, dp+ac, dp+c, qcb+c = 409/456
(corner) cr.b, cr.a/cl.c, BC, cr.c, dp+ac, tk j.qcf+ac, dp+c, dp+a, cl.c = 377/421   
(corner) cl.c, f+b, delay j.qcf+a, dp+c, qcb+a xx qcfx2+p   = 430
(corner) cr.b, cr.a/cl.c, BC, cl.c, f+b, j.qcf+a, dp+ac, dp+c, dp+a, qcb+ac, qcb+c = 433/485 (second/third char only | sideswaps after qcb+ac)

2 bar (If you're on anchor, these combos can be climax canceled after qcfx2+bd, for +3 meter. Adds about 255 damage to each combo.)      
cr.b, cr.a/cl.c, BC, cr.c, dp+c, qcb+ac, qcb+c xx qcfx2+bd = 522/568 (if not in corner, delay qcb+c | if done in corner, you sideswap after qcb+ac and do qcb+c other direction asap)   
(midscreen) cr.b, cr.a/cl.c, BC, cl.c, f+b, j.qcf+a, qcb+ac, dp+c, qcb+c xx qcfx2+bd = 554/597 (second or third char only | if done with back to corner delay cl.c after bc and j.qcf+a as much as possible)
(not in corner) cr.b, cr.a/cl.c, BC, cl.c, qcb+ac, dp+ac, dp+c, qcb+c xx qcfx2+bd = 583/627 (third char only | delay dp+ac a little)
(corner) cr.b, cr.a/cl.c, BC, cl.c, f+b, j.qcf+a, dp+ac, dp+c, qcb+c xx qcfx2+bd = 568/609 (second/third char only)
(corner) cr.b, cr.a/cl.c, BC, cl.c, dp+ac, dp+c, qcb+ac, qcb+c xx qcfx2+bd = 579/624 (third char only | sideswap after qcb+ac)


Wow, cl. D only counts as one hit in the scaling? Super interesting. I wonder if there are more moves that too that.
I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


Quote from: Coliflowerz on July 31, 2016, 11:27:04 AM
Wow, cl. D only counts as one hit in the scaling? Super interesting. I wonder if there are more moves that too that.

Off the top of my head, Nelson's cl.c(2) also only counts as one hit for scaling.


Maybe there's a rule in place that if it's a normal attack with only one input it will only count as one hit for scaling? Is this the case with Kyo's  ;df ;d now?


Quote from: KrsJin on August 02, 2016, 09:48:27 PM
Maybe there's a rule in place that if it's a normal attack with only one input it will only count as one hit for scaling? Is this the case with Kyo's  ;df ;d now?

Just tested it, doesn't seem to be the case. Nor does it seem to be the case for Kyo's st. C.
I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


Combos into Safe Jumps against Kyo. These might work on other characters. I only tested against Kyo's 4 frame dp+A/AC.


1. (Anywhere) Close D grab,  vertical short hop, air hcf+B/D, air db+D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Cj0aX5_C8

2. (Mid-screen, 1 Bar) Cl. C, f+B, air qcf+A, qcf (x2)+A/C, whiff cr. A, forward short hop, db+D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qrx8ajXUI8

3. (Mid-screen, 1 Bar) Starter combo, BC, cl. C, dp+AC, dp+C, qcb+AC, whiff cancel cr. D,  qcb+C, AB, forward jump, air db+D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkMLfuH0uTY

4. (Mid-screen, 1 Bar) Starter combo, BC, cl. C, dp+AC, dp+C, qcb+AC, qcb+C (x2), forward short hop, air db+D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRcCYQtsJ_Y

-The safe-jump will beat Kyo's dp+A, which will give Shunei a counter hit. The safe-jump will lose to Kyo's Ex dp, which has invincible start-up frames. Both Kyo's dp+A and ex dp have 4 frames of start-up, but the ex dp's start-up frames are invincible.

5. (Mid-screen, 1 Bar, Reset) Starter combo, BC, cl. C, dp+AC, dp+C, qcb+AC, forward hyper hop, air D, forward hyper hop, air db+D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VC7useAUkq4

6. (Corner, 1 Bar, Reset) Starter combo, BC, cl. C, f+B, air qcf+A, dp+AC, qcf+AC, cl. B, forward hyper hop, air db+B: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eO-tG9nWahM

7. (Corner) Cl. C, f+B, air qcf+A, qcb+A, whiff cl. B (x2), forward jump, air db+D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_8QeLqP4YY

8. (Mid-screen, 2 Bars) Starter combo, BC, cl. C, f+B, air qcf+A, qcb+AC,  whiff cancel cr. D, qcb+C, qcf (x2)+AC, whiff cancel cr. D, qcb+A, forward jump, air db+D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rXskz4AIaE

9. (Anywhere) Start combo, qcb+A, AB, forward jump, air db+D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87DAJxk99nE

10. (Corner, 2 Bars) Starter combo, BC, cl. C, f+B, air qcf+A, dp+AC, qcb+C, qcf (x2)+AC,  whiff cl. C (x2),  forward jump, air db+D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JTjovSHjaU


Patch disallows  ;fd ;dn ;df ;a ;c;fd ;dn ;df ;c;fd ;dn ;df ;a. The last one whiffs now.
I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


Also the patch does not allow shun'ei to combo:

EX   ;dn ;db ;bk  ;a ;b into  ;dn ;df ;fd ;a or  ;b

There were some ninja nerfs in that patch that most people haven't discovered yet. The reason for them removing the 3 dps combo was that it lead into Shun'Ei's 100% combo. So us having 80% ~ 90% combos is fine, but outright killing someone isn't. Lol. Also this thread needs to be updated more. Unless other people are going to SRK or Orochinagi for their KOF info.


Quote from: BeastOfPrey on September 03, 2016, 10:46:14 PM
Also this thread needs to be updated more. Unless other people are going to SRK or Orochinagi for their KOF info.

Updates will come when more people like yourself post.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


I made a Pastebin compiling a bunch of info on Shun'ei's normals, specials, and supers, as well as a general strategy. Check it out!


Also feel free to check out any of the other Pastebins I made from that account.