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Iori Team Position

Started by Mr.Minionman, August 03, 2016, 03:01:05 AM

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Honestly? I think Iori is supposed to be a point character in this game. 1250/1500 MAX only marginally add to his damage in combos, his metered damage seems on the lower end of what people can do even in the trailer, and all of his ex moves are bad outside of combos except ex DP, which is a DP. He gets no damage gain from 1250 to 1500 either. Additionally, that damage pales in comparison to what Shun Sylvie and Kyo are doing in the demo with MAX, and what we've several other characters do in the exhibition builds.

His battery combos are easier to do, and if you are in the corner they'll even do more damage. Or what if you use him as a battery? His meterless combos on average are higher than most characters, and always give you juicy hard knockdowns.

He has plenty of options without meter, his damage doesn't really improve much with more max gauge, and there are potential anchor characters that will do more with that meter and extra max gauge in later positions. I think he should be on point, optimally.


I agree, though he's one of the few characters that has a super that can be heavily applied in neutral. That fireball super of his almost works like a Yoga Catastrophe, so i think having that resource should be put into consideration.
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I've not really considered it. Is it really that good? In oki situations it doesn't really seem worth it, Though i suppose if you are trying to clutch out a match having a obnoxious fireball that just sits there is a boon. I just wished it travelled like yoga catastrophe does lol


I need to play Iori more but I can imagine it being useful. As if pressure in KOF wasnt stressful enough. The main point I wanna make is that most other characters use meter for either reversals or combos; Iori can actually use it in neutral. Im curious to see how people take advantage of it.
I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


IMO Iori is as he ever was if this game is intended to be 'more like 98'. Doesn't matter where you put him, he can carry an entire team. This version probably isn't as good as Iori '98 (best Iori ever) but it comes damn close.

If you consider it from the standpoint of "Ok, I need a character that can get in whenever he wants, get out whenever he wants, and can play inside, outside, at all ranges" then Iori can do it all. He's not really limited to being useful 'only when he has meter' or 'only in EX' like say, Shun'ei.

You're going to see a lot of single Iori OCV comebacks if they don't nerf him in the future.
PSN/Steam: Shirakani


I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


In neutral it may still be ok, probs for corner pressure. It just depends on if they have access to a fast travel super ala mai. I'm surprised people even tried it for oki; that recovery is too damn long.

@Shirakani Yeah, no doubt he's the same Iori as he ever was. Slightly toned down, but still Iori. Having the work horse in the back when you need him certainly won't hurt him, but I do think he's probably at his most efficient in front.