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Bandeiras Hattori

Started by solidshark, August 02, 2016, 07:36:56 AM

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;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

(*) = EX OK
(!) = MAX OK

Reverse Ippon Throw - (Close) ;bk / ;fd;c

Jigoku Wheel - (Close) ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Normals
Kabutowari - ;fd + ;a

Daruma Otoshi - ;df + ;d

Sankaku-Tobi - (Air) ;uf

Special Moves
Iguazu Otoshi  - (Charge Briefly) ;dn then ;up + ;a / ;c (*)

Shinobiashi - ;dp + ;b / ;d  (*)

Tengu no Tobikiri - ;qcf + ;a / ;c (*)

Kawarimi - (Parry) ;rdp + ;b / ;d (*)

Shining Ninja Arts - ;hcf + ;b / ;d (*)

Super Special Moves
Kama Itachi - ;qcf ;qcf + ;a / ;c (!)

Tatami Gaeshi - ;qcb ;qcb  + ;a / ;c (!)

Climax Desperation Move
Kage Bunshin - ;qcf ;hcb + ;b ;d
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Some stuff I have been trying. If you have any questions or suggestions don't hesitate to ask or let me know.

Not sure how to properly embed tweets, here are deeplinks to the videos.

Countering fire balls through the use of teleport and buffering command grab:

Fun reset done by canceling CD into teleport at the right time:

Corner combo using two bars:

Mid-screen two bar combo:

Unless the opponent does a counter roll, this is a rather safe use of CD with an available follow-up:

This was more for fun but ending midscreen MAX mode combos with j.CD is actually a good meterless ender:

I'm not known for discovering combos and 'tech' so take all of this with a grain of salt. Worth noting this is pre-final release date, things could change.


This is what I've been using as a B&B:

Either cr. B, B, f+A or C (one hit), F+A
HCF + D, cr. C
HCF + B to appear in front, DP + B to appear behind.

This is the basic mixup.  After that some options I've found are:
Close C
cr. C, Izuna Drop
cr. B into whatever
Regular throw

Updated with a proof of concept video:



Using qcf+C work if you want the meter less dmg.

Heres a combo vid i did with bandeiras.  Not complete but there's some nasty stuff

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

BD Corro

This is where I'm at right now for combos all damage is measured of cl.D(1), f.a starter unless stated otherwise


Starters - cl.C/D, f.a
                        cr.b, cl.b, f.a


Meterless - Bandeiras does great without meter thanks to QCF + C being a fantastic ender giving good
                          damage AND a hard knockdown leading into solid meaty oki, as well as air resets to keep
                          your opponents on their toes

                          HCF + D, QCF + C (210 + Hard Knockdown)
                          Stable ender leads into meaty cr.b / meaty f.a / stepback hop c / stepback hop b crossup

                          HCF + D, cr.C, HCF + B(Whiff) (191 + Air Reset)
                          Decent reset you have time to meaty

                          HCF + D, cr.C, DP + B (191 + Air Reset + Side Switch)
                          Better reset gives more time to meaty than HCF + B although not enough for f.a, Side switch is
                          easily reactable but still useful for positioning

                          HCF + D, cr.C, HCF + D(Whiff) (191 + Air Reset + Optional Side Switch)
                          Weakest air reset if cr.c is done early side switches if done later it does not, doesn't give time
                          to meaty, side switch gives much weaker spacing cr.c is all you can really get, if someone is
                          used to reacting to HCF + B reset as same side then maybe this'll catch them but probably not

                          HCF + D, HCF + B, far.b (207 + Air Reset)
                          Higher damage air reset that is relevant at a very specific distance from corner probably better 
                          to just take the hard knockdown

1 Meter - This is where Bandeiras's resets start to really shine, here they start to out damage his hard
                        knockdown ender and importantly they only use one ex move meaning you'll often be able to
                        do a cheeky ex move combo if the reset connects. It's also importantly when you start being
                        able to combo off of his f.a command overhead

                        MC cr.c, HCF + D, HCF + BD, delay QCF + C (294 + Hard Knockdown)
                        Just as stable as before but probably better to go with resets here, depending on team position
                        you'll have MAX time left to use EX teleport for your oki

                        MC cr.c, HCF + D, HCF + BD, delay HCF + B, cr.C, DP + B (316 + Air Reset + Side switch)
                        The delay on HCF + B can actually be split between the HCF + BD and the HCF + B if you find
                        that easier. The amount of advantage on the reset is related to the height that the last cr.c hits
                        at which means to get a meaty out of this you need to control the height of the juggle perfectly
                        which can be pretty rough but if you do it correctly cr.b will be a meaty. The HCF + B reset can
                        be done instead but you can't get a meaty from it so I'd advise against it

                        QCF + A, QCFx2 + P (289 + Hard Knockdown)
                        Gives a notably long hard knockdown but not that useful midscreen

                        QCBx2 + P, HCF + D, QCF + C (274 + Hard knockdown)
                        QCBx2 + P, HCF + D, HCF + B, cr.C, DP + B (301 + Air Reset + Side switch)
                        Different confirm, strictly worse than the Max mode combos

2 Meter - QCFx2 AC is an excellent ender super and if it hits low enough there is a final slash which
                       causes an incredibly long hard knockdown, QCBx2 AC is a great starter if you intend to lead into
                       resets and if you land a reset while still in max mode is an excellent use of meter

                       MC cr.c, HCF + D, HCF + BD, delay HCF + B, QCFx2 P (480 + Hard knockdown + Side switch)
                       If you control the juggle height correctly you'll get the final slash on the super by just button
                       holding it. This knockdown is dumb long so add safehops to the standard oki options
                       MC cr.c, HCF + D, HCF + BD, delay HCF + B, QCF + A, QCFx2 P (489 + Hard knockdown)
                       Bleeds a little extra damage out of the combo but stops the final slash hitting, it's still a hard
                       knockdown and sends the opponent flying towards the corner
                       QCF + A, QCBx2 AC, HCF + D, QCF + C (460 + Hard knockdown)
                       Stable ender same oki as usual above combos are preferable

                       QCF + A, QCBx2 AC, HCF + D, HCF + B, cr.C, DP + B (486 + Air Reset + Side switch)
                       Same as usual you have time to meaty however if you use the HCF + B version of the reset then
                       you won't

                       MC cl.d(1), f.a, QCF + A, QCBx2 AC, HCF + D, QCF + C (428 + Hard knockdown)
                       MC cl.d(1), f.a, QCF + A, QCBx2 AC, HCF + D, HCF + B, cr.C, DP + B (447 + Air Reset + Side             
                       Max mode variations worse damage, easier to confirm

3 Meter - It's generally pretty easy to work his climax move in as an ender but the damage isn't that great
                        it is a hard knockdown though and you do have time to run up and meaty

                        MC cr.c, HCF + D, HCF + BD, delay HCF + B, QCF + A, QCFHCB + BD (596 + Hard knockdown)
                        This is possible with any size max gauge but it's pretty strict if he's your point

                        HCF + D, QCF + A, QCFHCB + BD (542 + Hard knockdown)
                        Lazy combo
I have more but it's getting late I'll update in the future, feel free to mention where any of this could be improved



Quote from: SirroM1 on August 26, 2016, 09:25:50 AM

Max Mode Combos
Some good ideas with CD mid screen and his teleport. I would recommend including the attack data on screen or list the total damage somewhere to help viewers decipher the results.


Quote from: KrsJin on August 26, 2016, 09:03:33 PM
Quote from: SirroM1 on August 26, 2016, 09:25:50 AM

Max Mode Combos
Some good ideas with CD mid screen and his teleport. I would recommend including the attack data on screen or list the total damage somewhere to help viewers decipher the results.
definitely ill re-upload tonight or tomorrow

Jon Slayton

So you if you buffer in his command dash behind another move and hold the downforward and D, you have enough charge to cancel the dash into command grab. Not sure if the invincibility carries over but it's a lot faster than waiting for the dash to end. I buffered it into back dash in this video.

Also tacked on a max mode combo:



Made a quick video showing some of the ways you can mask the input buffer and get that down charge for the dash cancel. Some of them took a few tries but I haven't grinded the execution for it yet so bear with me lol

Notable ones are CD whiffed and sweep whiffed.



Quote from: Jon Slayton on August 27, 2016, 09:16:30 AM
So you if you buffer in his command dash behind another move and hold the downforward and D, you have enough charge to cancel the dash into command grab. Not sure if the invincibility carries over but it's a lot faster than waiting for the dash to end. I buffered it into back dash in this video.

Also tacked on a max mode combo:



Made a quick video showing some of the ways you can mask the input buffer and get that down charge for the dash cancel. Some of them took a few tries but I haven't grinded the execution for it yet so bear with me lol

Notable ones are CD whiffed and sweep whiffed.


he more shit i see this character do the more i start to like em

Jon Slayton

So apparently if you can charge while running with down forward. Not only does this let you do run up command grab, it actually gives you a different command grab animation!

Also, found a meaty cross up with his j.B after back throw. He can easily cross up crouching opponents with j.B but it's finnicky on standing opponents, unless set up on oki.


Also found if you space is slide to max distance it's even on block, so it's actually a pretty safe poke tool. Goes under fireballs too.


Noticed the distance his command grab goes is different if you buffer it off run too. Real curious as to why they chose to do that.

After last night I'm more optimistic in Bandeiras. Thank you for everyone who pointed out doing c.C xx hcf+B to land in front of the opponent for Oki. This opened up so much more potential with him I feel.

Also, I'm a fan of canceling into his level 2 ground pound super as early as possible now mid screen in his MAX mode combos. Opens up more damage, begins building meter back. Good all around.

Jon Slayton

Quote from: KrsJin on August 28, 2016, 04:51:04 PM
Noticed the distance his command grab goes is different if you buffer it off run too. Real curious as to why they chose to do that.

I think it's a throwback to Hanzo from sam sho, his Izuna Drop did the same thing when you did it while running.


Definitely be cautious when using his counter special. Can whiff many attacks/crouching opponents and is super punishable on block. Kind of sad at this realization.