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canceling rekka into super

Started by MetalThrashingMadman, July 25, 2016, 03:13:22 AM

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So I have been having trouble with canceling the second part of the rekka into super. I know I'm supposed to delay it, but the timing seems super tight. Most of my attempts end up with no super coming out at all. What's frustrating is this is easy for me to do in other KOFs, but for some reason I just can't do it in this one. Anyone else having the same trouble?

Didn't want to make a whole topic for this, but since the general Iori thread is locked I guess I have to.


Do it with the other button.

Ie if you're going  ;dn ;db ;bk ;a, then do the Ya Otome input with  ;c and vice versa.

Also the timing is not strict, at all. What you want to do is do the rekka input, let the stick go to neutral for a split sec, THEN do the Ya Otome input. The timing is identical to KOF2k1, if you've played it.

Either the 1st or 2nd hit of the Aoihana can be supercancelled. Its recommended to do the supercancel off  ;dn ;db ;bk ;a if you can help it as opposed to the  ;c version as the  ;c version won't connect cleanly in the open, while  ;a will.
PSN/Steam: Shirakani


Quote from: Shirakani on July 25, 2016, 06:23:23 AM
Do it with the other button.

Ie if you're going  ;dn ;db ;bk ;a, then do the Ya Otome input with  ;c and vice versa.
I have been doing this already, and I'm a pad player. However, for some reason, inputting the super as fast as I can has been giving me results. Don't know what the hell is up with that though.

Doesn't really matter anyway. I discovered that canceling into super from your normals is more damage.

Thanks for trying to help.


I've been using a dualshock4 too due to stick not working... I have a feeling you just stated your problem: You're doing the super as fast as you can.

That's probably way too fast. When I do it, I have to let my hands IDLE for a sec in neutral and it feels like there's a lot of idle time. BUFFER the two Aoihana inputs, and then wait for the moves to execute, the moment you hear the first Aoihana hit, start the super motion.

At least that's how I do it, it feels like you have way too much time to do it. If you're feeling like you're forced to rush the input, then you're probably not buffering the Aoihana and actually doing each move unbuffered... It won't work like that.

PSN/Steam: Shirakani


I think you misunderstand, doing the input faster seems to have solved my problem. I still miss it sometimes, but before it was the super would come too late, or nothing happened at all. It seems purposefully trying to delay the super was making me input it too late to cancel. A little more practice and I think I'll have it down.


What I do is just delay the 2nd rekka, then input the super command right after. It's pretty easy.

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