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Mui Mui

Started by Mr.Minionman, August 05, 2016, 05:19:25 AM

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;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

(*) = EX OK
(!) = MAX OK

Daientou - (close) ;bk/ ;fd + ;c
Hien Nage - (close) ;bk/ ;fd + ;d

Command Normals
Nouten Kudaki - ;fd + ;a

Special Moves
Hien-Ryu Ken - ;qcf + ;a/ ;c (*)  
Ryusougeki -
  ∟ Ryusougeki • Derivation 1 [Ryusougeki ;a or ;c] - ;qcb + ;b/ ;d (*)
  ∟ Ryusougeki • Derivation 2 [Ryusougeki ;a or ;c] - ;qcb + ;a/ ;c (*)
     ∟ Ryusougeki • Derivation 2-1 [Ryusougeki • Derivation 2 ;a or ;c] - ;qcb + ;b/ ;d
     ∟ Ryusougeki • Derivation 2-2 [Ryusougeki • Derivation 2 ;a or ;c] -  ;qcb + ;a/ ;c
Ryusenshu - ;qcf + ;b/ ;d (*)
Doraryutotshu - (close) ;qcb + ;b/ ;d (*)

Super Special Moves
Higi • Chouryuha - ;qcf ;qcf + ;a/ ;c (!)
Enten-Gouryuha - ;qcf ;qcf + ;b/ ;d (!)

Climax Super Special Move
Seiryutenmei - ;hcb ;hcb + ;a ;c


Little different format this time. I'm changing to using LP, HP, LK, HK because I believe this is what beginners will use not the classic notation since that is what is used by the game.  This way they don't have to translate and I'm pretty sure the veterans can translate easily to A,B,C,D notation.  I will also post my video links that talk about this guide here at the top rather then in a later post. And with that here's what I got for Muimui

Link to a video explanation of this guild here (will update when uploaded): https://youtu.be/ijNLkZAAlpc

st.LP - [Even] Poke
st.HP - [~ -4] Outstanding poking tool, whiff punish very well
st.LK - [-2] Poke, only standing normal that cancels, Can combo into Tornado Kick or H.Command Throw
st.HK - [+1] Best Anti-Air Normal

cl.LP - [-1] Cancels
cl.HP - [-1] Cancels, activates much farther out than the rest of the close normals, this makes it easier to combo from MAX Mode cancels and hitting from run ups and jump in.
cl.LK - [Even] Cancels,
cl.HK - [-2] Cancels, max damage normal cancel, when you need a close if you want the most optimal damage use this, but it is much harder to use then cl.HP in things like MAX mode cancels. The timing is extremely tight going from lights into a MAX mode cancel into cl.HK. Not impossible, but for consistency I would suggest using cl.HP instead.

cr.LP - [Even] Cancels, mostly used as part of light hit confirm combos.
cr.HP - [~ -4] Cancels, good poke tool that you can use as a confirm for combos
cr.LK - [-1] Cancels, low light confirm tool
cr.HK - [-2] Cancels, Sweep

j.LP - Air 2 Air, not as good as j.LK
j.HP - Jump in that leans forward, therefore hits from farther out distances then j.HK. Mix with j.HK to make Anti-Airing more difficult, Crosses up but only at very specific distances
j.LK - Air 2 Air of choice, Cross up
j.HK - Jump in that has a far downward angle making it much easier to confirm into combos Cross up

Nouten Kudaki - [-5] f.LP
Help with hit confirming combos, particularly from cl.HP, f.LP into Rekkas or MAX cancel, Not an Overhead.

Hien-Ryu Ken - qcf+P - Up Punch

  • L: DP like punch that goes up 45 degrees
  • H: Does a roll (no hit) into the DP
  • EX: Like the H. version but the roll has 3 hits before going into the DP
  • All versions has some upper body invincibility. Light version seems to have it for less time than the others but most likely to use as a wakeup reversal due to it not having the roll.

Ryusougeki - qcb+P- Rekkas

  • Doesn’t seem to be a reason to use L. version as you can’t convert off of lights with it
  • Use qcf+K after the 1st or 2nd Rekka to fly back making it basically safe
  • Because of this even on block you want the second Rekka for chip then fly back with K
  • Flys back further with HK than with LK
  • EX.Rekka will do all 3 hits with one motion and wall bounce. This will fly your opponent over your head if doing this in the corner

Ryusenshu - qcf+K - Tornado Kick

  • Can combo H.Tornado Kick from lights, therefore if not MAX canceling this is the ender of choice for lights
  • EX version has some invincibility frames

Doraryutotsu - hcb+K - Command Throw

  • H/EX has more range then L
  • EX Wall Splats (like when hitting a CD) and is invincible on startup

Higi Chouryuha - qcfx2 + P - Beam

  • Can convert into this fairly easily from Rekkas or Wall Splat (CD or EX.Command Throw)
  • Most likely super you will use
  • Both levels have no invincibility so save use as combo enders
  • Can advance cancel into Super Flying Attack but will miss from mid screen if you cancel from too far back
  • Can climax cancel and hits at basically all distances except full screen

Enten Gouryuha - qcfx2 + K - Super Flying Attack

  • [Found by Desmond]I found out a good way to end with this super is from hitting a cornered opponent with EX qcb+AC after they wall bounce, then inputting the motion the opposite way.
    Regarding the invincibility, she does have it during the start while she rises in the air, but once she starts flying, its all gone. I will also add her normal & ex version different in ranges, the normal version has a longer range while the EX is slightly shorter. The normal version can punish Nakoruru's qcf+C~qcf+P attack on block.
  • Can advance cancel into Beam Super however will drop a lot of hits if doing it against the corner.
  • Can climax cancel, just be sure to do it as Muimui is dropping down from the sky at the end of the attack.

Seiryutenmei - hcbx2 + PP - Dragon Summon

  • Dashes almost the entire screen length very quickly. As long as that 1st hit connects you will do full damage
  • Is fully invincible even as you dash, including projectiles.  Therefore makes this a heavy damage projectile punish.
  • Be aware that if you use this on wakeup you may fly under an opponent trying a meaty jump in, causing you to lose 3 meters for no damage.




cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.LP, st.LK xx H.Tornado Kick (174)

cl.HP, f.LP xx H.Rekkas (222, 232 is starting with cl.HK)

  • It’s easier to get a cl.HP then a cl.HK due to cl.HP activating much farther out. So it tends to be more practical to hit

st.HK, cr.LP, st.LK xx H.Tornado (204)

1-Meter Super

cl.HP, f.LP xx H.Rekkas xx Beam Super (355 / 345 in corner)

1-Meter Max Cancel

These are Corner combos, but not really. Because of the corner carry from the normals and the reach of the first hit of the EX.Rekkas, you can be quite far away from the corner when you start this combo. Farthest distance seems to be 5 training mode squares from the corner of the stage (8 squares total from center to corners) if starting from cl.HP. If starting from lights you do need to be a closer to the corner around 3.5 squares from the corner.

cr.LP, cr.LP xx MAX, cl.HP, cl.LP xx EX.Command Throw, EX.Rekkas, H.Tornado Kick (362)
cl.HP, f.LP xx MAX, cl.HP, cl.LP xx EX.Command Throw, EX.Rekkas, H.Tornado Kick (416)

Mid screen combos when you can’t hit the other MAX Mode combo. EX Up Punch actually does less damage here then Heavy.

cr.LP, cr.LP  xx MAX, cl.HP, f.LP xx EX.Rekkas, H.Up Punch (298)
cl.HP, f.LP xx MAX, cl.HP, f.LP xx EX.Rekkas, H.Up Punch (352)

Basically the rest of the combos are just varients of the previous combos that just use more meter, but either by using the MAX version of the super, or adding a super into the MAX mode combo.


cl.HP, f.LP xx H.Rekkas xx MAX.Beam Super (464)
cl.HP, f.LP xx MAX, cl.HP, f.LP xx EX.Command Throw, MAX.Beam Super (494)


cl.HP, f.LP xx H.Rekkas xx Climax (529)
cl.HP, f.LP xx MAX, cl.HP, f.LP xx EX.Command Throw, Climax (547, corner only)


cl.HP, f.LP xx H.Rekkas xx Beam Super xx Climax (607)


cl.HP, f.LP xx H.Rekkas xx MAX.Beam Super xx Climax (703)
cl.HP, f.LP xx MAX, cl.HP, f.LP xx EX.Command Throw, MAX.Beam Super, Climax (719, corner only)


This is great!

I will add this info (along with my notes) to her wiki ASAP.

I do have some questions about below:

Quote from: Ginorm on August 31, 2016, 03:00:14 AM

Enten Gouryuha - qcfx2 + K - Super Flying Attack

  • Have not yet found a combo to end with this with the exception of combos that end with Muimui next to the opponent with them in the corner canceling into the Beam Super and then advance canceling this. Even then it's not great
  • Both levels have no invincibility. It’s even more terrible as a wakeup Super then the Beam and you will fly past your opponent and not hit them in some cases, and just get counter hit in others. If you want to spend a bar to escape just Guard Cancel Roll

  • I found out a good way to end with this super is from hitting a cornered opponent with EX qcb+AC after they wall bounce, then inputting the motion the opposite way.
  • Regarding the invincibility, she does have it during the start while she rises in the air, but once she starts flying, its all gone. I will also add her normal & ex version different in ranges, the normal version has a longer range while the EX is slightly shorter. The normal version can punish Nakoruru's qcf+C~qcf+P attack on block.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Thanks Desmond. I did find that as well but possibly my timing was off as I kept dropping a lot of the damage and my initial conclusion it wasn't worth the bar investment.  I'll spend some more time with that since Muimui is definitely in my roster now and adjust my notes accordingly.

I thought I was able to stuff it still on a meaty high attack, but I'll go back and double check. My notes tend to be a little messy till I transfer it onto a word doc / forums, so I could've just misread them.

Also anything to counter play Nakoruru is very helpful.


I've updated my notes, and just quoted your findings. Thanks again for that update!


Version 1.03 changes:
Backward Emergency Evasion = The aerial hitbox size issue has been fixed.
Far Heavy Kick (f+D) = The hitbox size has been increased. The overall recovery time has been increased. (means can hit crouching opponents now, but has longer recovery time)
Crouching Heavy Punch (cr. C) = The missing collision box has been added.
Nouten Kudaki (f+A) = Startup frames have been delayed. Has been changed into an overhead attack. (means slower start-up but now is an overhead. yay!)
Ryusenshu (qcb+K) = The damage value has been increased. The hitbox size has been increased.
Enten-Gouryuha (including MAX ver.) (qcfx2+K) = The aerial hitbox during the landing recovery frames has been removed.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."
