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KOF14 please SNK developer read this...

Started by gwefen255, October 20, 2016, 06:34:57 PM

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Hi I am a very new to this kof14 game although I have heard about it (kof 99,2000 etc)but did not have the "Guts" or actual time to play one. I have been most playing the mainstream fighting game like Street Fighter so I thought having this experience from previous fighting game would confidently work my way easily on KOF14, to my surprise it is much more
complicated and technical than I have ever imagined!

When the first KOF14 came out here on canada around September 23  I went right away to ebay store to purchase one and did my workout with the tutorial right away, by the way just to let you know that I am a pure game pad player ever since I have started playing fighting games.

I have finished all the tutorial and already picked up my main three rosters which is very different from other fighting games you only have to choose 1 character at a time. I have finished all the trials specifics for my character and did perfectly well even though I struggle a lot on my first few tries.

Now I must say this game is very strategic and with its anime-ish like characters style which led me to this game. I have nothing to complain about the game mechanic or even the net code lag which is also a common thing to experience in some other fighting games but I  just noticed one thing when I tried to fight opponents online.

I have played with online opponents many times and one thing I noticed you have to be good at those  Fr34##n "JUMP-INS" yes those "JUMP-INS" no matter how good I am at making a string combo to EX-special I ALWAYS have issues with "JUMP-INS".

I struggle alot on making "JUMP-INS" because you have to execute  ;dn  ;up ;uf etc different commands for each 4 specific jumps and I ended up always on the defense because I failed horribly 90% on making offensive "JUMP-INS". Making an offensive playstye is a struggle and hard for me because of this inputs with "JUMP-INS" I know I may sound a noob but if I tried to make an offensive jump I always ended up being stuffed by my opponents anti air because my jumping is so high and slow!!!

I wish the developer would make the "Low Jump" a normal input  ;up and "Middle Jump" would be  ;dn  ;up or something instead of the current jumping inputs. It would help new player like me who really struggle with jumping inputs if you make the "Low Jump" a normal  ;up input and other "JUMP-INS" would execute  ;dn ;up ;uf etc it is always a struggle for me to be on the offensive side and I always ended up being on defense because I struggle with jumping command inputs.

I am loving this game so far but it I feel limited to my potential and fun because of those "JUMP-INS" input command please consider my suggestions(low jump  ;up)  and other reply and who experience the same situation as I have regarding this topic is welcome.


How long have you played the game? Because this sounds like you simply lack practice. SNK can't make such a change because one person said so. I've herd very little players struggle with hops and hyper hops but that's because they didn't spend the time to practice.

Another option is to quickly press down after jumping. So it would look like this:  ;up ;dn;ub ;dn;uf ;dn

So yeah if you have only put 50 or less hours in a game, then you still lack experience and/or practice.


Sounds like you just need more practice. When I first started playing KOF, hops were my problem for a long time.

Not sure if you've ever watch this tutorial, but the first half explains to you the 4 jumps and how to properly execute them.


Even though the game uses KOF98 as an example, the information still stand up for King of Fighters XIV.

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Hitting down after a hop doesn't do anything and if i try barely tapping i dont even get a hop i get nothing


That might be the sensitivity of your stick. If you quickly hit up and quickly down again, you do get a hop. It's because the game registers how long you hold up to determine whether you hop or not. Try to go up forward and down REALLY fast and see what it gets you.