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Calling all KOF fans! PSN KOF XII community revival!

Started by FameDouglas, December 26, 2010, 02:12:26 PM

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Quote from: hdcloudstrife08 on January 08, 2011, 11:04:05 AM
We welcome BUNJI to KOF 12 with an ass woopin he will never foget LOL video will b up soon Cheers!!!!!!

Yessir! Welcome the family!


I was checkin the character discussion boards for Ryo. He gets snubbed out in favor of Robert often times.

Okay...9 outta 10 times.

Why such hatred for a versatile yet unique tool-set besides the practice needed for effective use?

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: FameDouglas on January 08, 2011, 10:00:14 PM
I was checkin the character discussion boards for Ryo. He gets snubbed out in favor of Robert often times.

Okay...9 outta 10 times.

Why such hatred for a versatile yet unique tool-set besides the practice needed for effective use?

Because Robert is more flash then Ryo and people seem to like the kick variation of the Kyokugen martial arts a lot more then the fist variation.  Plus Robert has a far better fireball that is used effectively for both offense and defense, while Ryo's fireball is more of an offensive tool or a combo part essentially.  Plus the HienShinpakku kick has full distance and puts him to safety if the opponent blocks.  Ryo's triple kick does not put him in safety and is more of a combo move which is harder to spam.


I had a feeling that ease of use was one of the reasons in comparison. It makes sense in reflection of the Kyokugenryu hierarchy.

Takuma's is the final  mastery form called Shoran I think. Ryo's form is under that, then Robert's form and then the basic form centering on projectile based attacks is Yuri's form.

Well, outside of combo videos and players lookin to use infinite combos, I guess we won't see too many Takuma players especially w/o an anti-air special.


We're going live online at 12 am EST/11 pm CST for those of you that wanna join the party.

Recommended connection is 20 Mb or higher WIRED! Anything less than that will lag up the place.

"But I play COD BO and SSF IV online no problem and I'm on my neighbors' connection - I'm wireless in my mom's basement - I got wireless but it's high speed and only like 20 feet away". All that means NOTHING.

Again, if you don't have at least a 20 Mb  wired connection, you're setting yourself up for frustration. We have already confirmed this with most of the XII community which is actively growing more and more each day.

Hope to see you all online in about 30 minutes!

Homies Over Shotos

How does this explain my connection then which is only 6 mbps down and 1.5 mbps up?  SNKP games are more distance based then bandwidth based as most fighting games are very low on actual bandwidth consumption.


I have to say that you're an anomaly, Homie. lol

You're in CA right? I'm on the east coast in VA so I'm not sure if the distance means anything or in your case, why you're to play with a relatively low speed connection. Everyone, except you of course, with speeds lower than 20 Mb and wireless have all been laggy no matter how close they were.


Quote from: FameDouglas on January 09, 2011, 07:07:27 AM
I have to say that you're an anomaly, Homie. lol

You're in CA right? I'm on the east coast in VA so I'm not sure if the distance means anything or in your case, why you're to play with a relatively low speed connection. Everyone, except you of course, with speeds lower than 20 Mb and wireless have all been laggy no matter how close they were.

Just wanted to add that anything other than "recommended specs" will be hit or miss...more miss of course. Tonight was a huge miss to the left for all the brave souls who believed in their wireless connections.

It may sound crazy, but so far...I think we're dead on with this one.

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: FameDouglas on January 09, 2011, 09:21:47 AM
Quote from: FameDouglas on January 09, 2011, 07:07:27 AM
I have to say that you're an anomaly, Homie. lol

You're in CA right? I'm on the east coast in VA so I'm not sure if the distance means anything or in your case, why you're to play with a relatively low speed connection. Everyone, except you of course, with speeds lower than 20 Mb and wireless have all been laggy no matter how close they were.

Just wanted to add that anything other than "recommended specs" will be hit or miss...more miss of course. Tonight was a huge miss to the left for all the brave souls who believed in their wireless connections.

It may sound crazy, but so far...I think we're dead on with this one.

Yeah wireless really fucking sucks.  But most people have to use it because it's easier then cabling through the house and more convenient.  They forget to properly set their PS3 in DMZ or don't even bother to forward the ports.


Radio killed the SNK SHOW!!!!! Radio killed the SNK SHOW!!!!


gg shout outs to da usual crew in KOF XII.

and Bunji101

So, um...yeah, we're playing ranked arcade matches these days. Good for some trophies finally huh? lol


Radio killed the SNK SHOW!!!!! Radio killed the SNK SHOW!!!!


I found my copy of the game, I'll be on this week so add me BD_THE_ANSWER


Quote from: THE ANSWER on January 10, 2011, 05:40:41 PM
I found my copy of the game, I'll be on this week so add me BD_THE_ANSWER

Right on...will do!

I'm sure you've seen us mention it several times on this thread about how to get the most outta KOF XII's online play as far as connection requirements. Anything less than 20 Mb and mos def if it ain't a wired connection, then expect to be frustrated a lil bit. Otherwise, it's hit or miss...more miss than hit.

Oh well, it don't hurt to try so let's give a chance at least. I'll add you to the list. The crew welcomes you!


Hey wassup DCdotcom? It's ya favorite heavyweight, FameDouglas, letting yall know we go live on KOF XII at 9pm EST. Arcade match - sparring filter (still ranked and gives everyone a chance to earn some trophies).

Warm up for the party...