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Calling all KOF fans! PSN KOF XII community revival!

Started by FameDouglas, December 26, 2010, 02:12:26 PM

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Quote from: Ken-Chan 55 on February 05, 2011, 02:53:51 AM
Quote from: Running Wild on February 05, 2011, 02:09:38 AM
Problem with KOF12 is so many characters are un-finished, they are missing moves and lacking in options, and relevant gameplay elements to KOF are absent entirely. Let's take a look at what is not in KOF12 -

- Multi-Level Super Gauge
- Guard Cancel Attacks
- Guard Cancel Rolls
- Guard Gauge
- Dizzies
- Tech Throws
- Super Cancels

^^ KOF13 has all of these things, and more.

The only thing in 12 I liked was being able to combo into a CD attack because it gave characters without a command normal something to combo into.

Real talk, i just think your being overly pessimistic about it as people tend to do with this game. Back when i didnt know any better i probably would've made the same argument.

But really, even without all those said things the game is (mostly) balanced solid fun. Keep in mind that its a reboot, a fresh start so if your going to compare it to previous titles then i suggest that you dont do it so critically and actually try to enjoy the game for what it is instead of what it "should be". SNKP made it exactly what it was meant to be minus the occasional lagg issues.

P.S. Eat a pancake.
Radio killed the SNK SHOW!!!!! Radio killed the SNK SHOW!!!!


dude KOF 12 is as old school as it gets that is y is so damn good .....
another thing even tho is an "unfinished" game it still manages 2 be kof at is finest 
the only reason their moves r "limited" is because 1 their developers are very few & is a rebirth & not 2 mention the game is rated at 60fps is not easy to develop 2d games at 60fps so instead of bashing kof 12 embrace it
it might b the last kof : (
Radio killed the SNK SHOW!!!!! Radio killed the SNK SHOW!!!!

Running Wild

KOF13 is a far better reboot and is the real rebirth of the series. Everyone should of forgotten 12 even existed by now.

hdcloudstrife08  - You CLEARLY have no idea what you are talking about. All of the Neo-Geo games ran at 60 fps....

Quit making up excuses for this shitpile of a game. You can't excuse shit.

There is nothing to embrace with 12. It was a broken shit pile of a game when it was released, and nobody with a brain gives a damn about it anymore.

KOF13 will probably be the last KOF, but at least it'll be a good one.


Quote from: Running Wild on February 05, 2011, 02:09:38 AM
Problem with KOF12 is so many characters are un-finished, they are missing moves and lacking in options, and relevant gameplay elements to KOF are absent entirely. Let's take a look at what is not in KOF12 -

- Multi-Level Super Gauge
- Guard Cancel Attacks
- Guard Cancel Rolls
- Guard Gauge
- Dizzies
- Tech Throws
- Super Cancels

^^ KOF13 has all of these things, and more.

The only thing in 12 I liked was being able to combo into a CD attack because it gave characters without a command normal something to combo into.

All fans of KOF 2k2 are loving XIII because it has a lot of the things they're used to. But anyway, lemme touch on a few of your "points" without resorting to name calling or baseless insults as you have done in an effort to mask whatever insecurities you have about your knowledge of XII.

Multi-Level Super Gauge - KOF 94/95 was the series' beginning...neither of these games had more
than one super guage and had only one super move. 94 was good while 95 was GREAT with that foundation 94 had built which was really closer to Fatal Fury Special.

Guard Cancel Attacks - Are present (in essence) in XII but work differently than what you and fans of 2k2 prefer. In XII I'd say this works similar to the way the reversals work in Tekken or VF;  ;bk+ ;c ;d vs an incoming attack and can be done an unlimited number of times but does NOT mean it can be abused or that it's SAFE in anyway.

Guard Cancel Rolls - Not present in 94 or 95. With unlimited Guard Attakcs this would have been OVERKILL against the aggressor in a match. Instead of placing yourself at risk of being baited into a GA which should be done on REACTION and not prediction in the first place, a player would just opt to make sure contact is made and then go into the GCR. That would have promoted turtling.

Guard Gauge - This was not present in 94 or 95, the series' humble beginnings. Woulda been nice but since this is a REBOOT, a return to the roots [94/95], it wasn't necessary. (I LOVE Guard Crush too btw).

Dizzies - Come on, really? As easy as it is to pull off combos in XII coupled with the fact that damage reduction was almost a NON-FACTOR...stack on the presence of CC's in the game and you would have cried FOUL the first time you were victim to a 55% or more CC combo and ended up dizzy with less than 10% left afterward. Standing  ;c for the finish! lol I don't recall 2k2 havin dizzies...it's been a while. XIII doesn't seem to have them either so I think there may be some misinformation in your statement. Oh well...on to the next one!

Tech Throws - were not present in 94/95, the series' humble beginnings. Throws took on the VF rule of thumb...striking beats throws->throws beat guarding (and evasion rolls)->guarding beats strikes. If you're afraid of being thrown, toss a few LP's out there to keep em honest! Ask Goro, Clark and Raiden about that.

Super Cancels - Not present in 94/95. Would have been nice to look at if EVERYONE had them and not just Shen Woo! There is ONE Super Cancel in XII and it's exclusive to "not Kyo/Robert/Terry/Joe/Andy" but Shen Woo! lol Seriously though, this would have been OVERKILL on the ease of combo-ability (for lack of a better word) AND the fact that they didn't do much damage reduction in the first place (94/95 had NO DMG redux in combos).

There ya have it. It seems you're misunderstanding what they were tryin to do in regards to REBOOTING the series. As far as SNKPs "mistakes" are concerned in regards to KOF...their BIGGEST mistake of all was NOT REBOOTING after the NESTS Saga was completed!

As far as character having few moves or moves taken away from them or altered in some way...if you were a true fan of the entire KOF series and not just a fan of 98/02, you know that this was, in fact, NORMAL throughout the series and was not a flaw or a mistake. That's part of what kept KOF fresh for so many years!

That's it for tonight's KOF 110 lecture. For your homework assignment, you should go back and actually PLAY through all the KOF games (Max Impact and 2006 too!) and not just the ones you're good at (***cough*** 98/2k2) and study the progression of not only the characters and how they've changed in each game but also the core gameplay mechanics and features...you might be surprised as to which KOF had Guard Cancels FIRST!

Due at the end of the month...


Quote from: Running Wild on February 05, 2011, 03:41:25 AM
KOF13 is a far better reboot and is the real rebirth of the series. Everyone should of forgotten 12 even existed by now.

hdcloudstrife08  - You CLEARLY have no idea what you are talking about. All of the Neo-Geo games ran at 60 fps....

Quit making up excuses for this shitpile of a game. You can't excuse shit.

There is nothing to embrace with 12. It was a broken shit pile of a game when it was released, and nobody with a brain gives a damn about it anymore.

KOF13 will probably be the last KOF, but at least it'll be a good one.

ALL NeoGeo games 60 frames per second?! lol No, I think you've been misinformed. It's clear you love yourself some 2k2 but can I ask you something?

Were you any good at KOF XII? (Yes or no question)

Running Wild

Dude, just because 12 was supposed to be a "reboot" is no excuse to take away over 15 years worth of gameplay advancements (and special moves) that were added throughout the KOF series.

I mean first of all, no tech throws is the dumbest shit ever. Every fighting game has some way to reversal/escape a regular throw. But when you think about it, in 12 it's not so bad considering regular throws are garbage with no range and slow start-up... but then that also causes problems - Cracking a turtling player becomes difficult. Especially with the absence of the guard gauge. You could take a risk and try throwing out a fully charged CD attack, but that's still a huge risk and you could potentially eat a Critical Counter trying to do it.

Quoteyou know that this was, in fact, NORMAL throughout the series and was not a flaw or a mistake. That's part of what kept KOF fresh for so many years!

I wouldn't call giving Clark only 2 special moves "normal" and not keeping it fresh at all when you look back to him from 96-XI. Clark came a long way from being a Ralf headswap, now he's back to being a headswap... and a very ineffective one at that compared to his buddy Ralf who at least gained some very useful new moves, even if it was only 2 new moves. They were at least good moves. All poor Clark got was a hop and an air throw.

When I look at KOF12, I see an extremely barebones games with very limited options and primitive fighting gameplay compared to previous KOF installments and other 2D fighters on the market. The game is lacking in every aspect, but now that KOF13 is out, it fixed just about everything fans complained about with 12.

Really there is no more reason to hold onto 12. There never was.


umm...that IS the definition of reboot. Clean slate, fresh start, new beginning. Meaning a return to original foundation to rebuild from ground zero ("barebones" as you so fondly put it).

You avoided my previous question to regurgitate your already defeated argument(s).

We are all aware by now that you favor 2k2...we get it. Really...nothin wrong with that. Just don't bash something you ain't in  full understanding of with reckless abandon to people who are and like KOF XII for what it is...


dude u r clearly RUNNING WILD!!!!!!!!
u have no idea what u talking about lol i told u stop posting u will only make it worst 4 u LMMFAO
hd all kof run at 60fps lol u already EFFIN UP ........
Radio killed the SNK SHOW!!!!! Radio killed the SNK SHOW!!!!


Quote from: Running Wild on February 05, 2011, 03:41:25 AM
KOF13 is a far better reboot and is the real rebirth of the series. Everyone should of forgotten 12 even existed by now.

hdcloudstrife08  - You CLEARLY have no idea what you are talking about. All of the Neo-Geo games ran at 60 fps....

Quit making up excuses for this shitpile of a game. You can't excuse shit.

There is nothing to embrace with 12. It was a broken shit pile of a game when it was released, and nobody with a brain gives a damn about it anymore.

KOF13 will probably be the last KOF, but at least it'll be a good one.
lol this dude is so wakk he just want b accepted by other NOOBS!!!!!!!
is so sad yet so FUNNY , he should really eat a BLUEBERRY PANCAKE!!!!!
Radio killed the SNK SHOW!!!!! Radio killed the SNK SHOW!!!!

Ken-Chan 55

it's settled, free pancakes for running wild. i told you he had no argument


Radio killed the SNK SHOW!!!!! Radio killed the SNK SHOW!!!!


There's a grappling character in this game called Street Fighter who had only 2 special moves in the beginning stages...Lariat and Spinning Piledriver. His name is Zangief. He eventually gained a couple of new moves over the span of time.

There's also a character in the Street Fighter series that still to this day has only two special moves since his inception (not including supers and command normals). His name is Guile.

I know it's off topic and kinda like beatin a dead horse but...then again......


Radio killed the SNK SHOW!!!!! Radio killed the SNK SHOW!!!!

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: FameDouglas on February 05, 2011, 01:25:13 PM
There's a grappling character in this game called Street Fighter who had only 2 special moves in the beginning stages...Lariat and Spinning Piledriver. His name is Zangief. He eventually gained a couple of new moves over the span of time.

There's also a character in the Street Fighter series that still to this day has only two special moves since his inception (not including supers and command normals). His name is Guile.

I know it's off topic and kinda like beatin a dead horse but...then again......

That's because Guile is like Micheal Jackson.  He only knows two moves, but he's still one of the best.  HOO HOO!


Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on February 05, 2011, 06:49:18 PM
Quote from: FameDouglas on February 05, 2011, 01:25:13 PM
There's a grappling character in this game called Street Fighter who had only 2 special moves in the beginning stages...Lariat and Spinning Piledriver. His name is Zangief. He eventually gained a couple of new moves over the span of time.

There's also a character in the Street Fighter series that still to this day has only two special moves since his inception (not including supers and command normals). His name is Guile.

I know it's off topic and kinda like beatin a dead horse but...then again......

That's because Guile is like Micheal Jackson.  He only knows two moves, but he's still one of the best.  HOO HOO!
