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The Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Thread, Larga vida al rey magneto!

Started by sibarraz, February 06, 2011, 05:45:45 PM

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Nikolai VolKOF

Man i take that back, all night tonight i could only get 3 games in about an hour what the hell!


Well, training mode has lag input simulation. Best new feature that Capcom has incorporated into a fighting game. Capcom games still lacks Arc System button mapping style though.


Quote from: Nikolai VolKOF on February 17, 2011, 10:36:56 AM
Man i take that back, all night tonight i could only get 3 games in about an hour what the hell!

maybe it's cause your game search is set to "same" region?" try "any". you might get worse connections, but at least you'll get games. i have no problem finding games. usually takes a minute or two at most.


Quotehonestly, the overall damage output of the game may limit a lot of high level competition potential, but that remains to be seen. give the game some time. it only came out today.

So i guess tomorrow the damage scaling will be right?..unless capcom releases a patch for this game this is just a broken fest when it comes to competitional play - watch the tournament posted by level up and you will see numerous wtf! moments and ridiculous comebacks(and people just started to figure the game out...just imagine in a few weeks how ridiculous the combos will look like).I will still buy the game just for the fun of it - if a game is broken it doesn't mean it can't be fun...but i will not pay 60$ for a mediocre over hyped title :)


Quote from: KBlackNoah on February 19, 2011, 12:47:56 AM
Quotehonestly, the overall damage output of the game may limit a lot of high level competition potential, but that remains to be seen. give the game some time. it only came out today.

So i guess tomorrow the damage scaling will be right?..unless capcom releases a patch for this game this is just a broken fest when it comes to competitional play - watch the tournament posted by level up and you will see numerous wtf! moments and ridiculous comebacks(and people just started to figure the game out...just imagine in a few weeks how ridiculous the combos will look like).I will still buy the game just for the fun of it - if a game is broken it doesn't mean it can't be fun...but i will not pay 60$ for a mediocre over hyped title :)

aside from damage output, tell me what's so broken about this game. if you talked about sent, sure, fine, but for now it just sounds like high damage and comeback potential makes a game broken. KOF XIII also has high damage and comeback potential thanks to the HD system, but that doesn't make it "broken". in mvc3, most of, if not all, the cast can do really big damage thanks to OTG combos and XF, so on paper that looks fair right? sure there are zoners vs rushdown, but that's what team synergy is for. anyway, i feel like people should find ways around things that are giving them a hard time instead of just saying everything is broken. people should learn to block, use XF defensively, and be patient.


Aside from damage the game is fun like i said and has fairly balanced rooster and as far as i've seen good online - that's why i am going to buy the game and enjoy it.I wouldn't compare this to kof XIII.To make kof look broken you must have skill not just mashing combos into supers.I haven't played XIII yet but i played them all and there are some broken shits in every game but it's unlikely to get away with high damage and not have almost perfect execution.MVC 3 is a fun game ..but poor presentation in comparison with all that hype...
Only thing i really love about mvc 3 is the rage quitter system they implemented  :) .I want that in all my fighting games from now on.


I just hope Sentinel gets nerfed. That's all.  ;)


sent isn't that bad you just have to know how to get around him

Shinra Shiranui

Quote from: Xxenace on February 20, 2011, 12:10:34 AM
sent isn't that bad you just have to know how to get around him

I strongly disagree, although i never used him i seen and fought sents over 200 times. He can grab into 70 percent combos, his cr+atk has invincibility on start up, has the strongest launch, most defense, great zone ablility, and can combo into into his super from about 3/4 of the screen.

Yes it is possible to beat sentinel but it would be a lie if you said "all you gotta do is" or "just watch out for". After playing the game for a while it lost intrest to me due to the fact that it requires not that much skill to play. simply do zero, sentinel, and dante mission mode to get the slightest understanding of them then you can beat just about half of online = )

KOF XIII: EX Kyo,Mai,Saiki

Nikolai VolKOF

Was having a hard time getting matches, but i started doing this and it has been pretty cool for me: Go into training mode and set the option for ranked or player match and fuck around in training until you get invite. Pretty cool really.


Holy crap I haven't touched this game since maybe the 5th day I had t. But I found out today that Capcom pretty much made Sentinel worthless with such a huge drop in health.

I was never one of the Sentinel complainers nor did I ever use him, but this move just reeks of desperation to me. Was Capcom afraid that the reason people were leaving the game and talking crap because of Sentinel?


It doesn't look like a desperate move at all, but there sure was a lot of complaints about Sentinel. Now there are a lot of complaints about the nerf being too much. I'll look forward to see how he will fare off with this change.

The Fluke

I played some yesterday and didn't face a single sentinel, this tells me that people don't care about the character, because he's still very playable (or so i believe) but simply use him for easy wins. I'm ok with this, though i did neither ask for it nor actually want it.

I'll add this. I've put ssf4 back on the shelf where it belongs because this game is way more fun. It has a faster pace and does not nesecarily require the same amount of precise timing and training with a single character. And as lame as it can be, it is somehow still not as lame as ssf4. If they are desperate then i don't know why because alot of people seem to prefer mvc3 and they have been open about intending the game to be broken, so things should be as planned.


I don't know how I feel about the Sent nerf. It was really unnecessary seeing how anyone half way decent at the game already figured out oh hey if I have Wesker or (in my group) Viper or a bunch of other people Sent can't do shit. This is similar to something that happened in SC2 when a 5rax reaper build was waaaay too strong. By the time Blizzard got around to nerfing it we already figured out how to deal with it and no one was scared of it anymore.


The Sentinel nerf doesn't surprise me in the least.


An example of a perfectly good strategy for destroying Sentinel. Most with skill would've discovered this video or their own strategy how to beat him; the driving force behind the nerf was (to be blunt), for noob players, for a noob game. Not to say it isn't enjoyable, it really is to me, but this is certainly up there for most accessible 2D fighter I've ever seen, and I'd say most accessing it aren't there to become masters or experts in the game. After Sent, I wonder who's next to be sent to the nerfing block.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995