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Started by jinxhand, December 13, 2010, 10:38:27 PM

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* All of Ai's attacks are the same whether close or standing. All of the properties listed for those moves are the same as well.

;a / ;b/ ;c are cancel-able and whiff cancel-able.
* st. ;a is a high attack in which Ai shoves her badge in the air. There is a small burst of energy surrounding it. It can chain up to 2 hits and can be canceled with ;df + ;c , a special or super. It can cancel into ;df + ;a , but no combo is guaranteed.
* st. ;b is a low kick. It can be canceled with ;df + ;c , a special or super. It can cancel into ;df + ;a , but no combo is guaranteed.
* st. ;c is Ai's regular spinning lariat. It can be canceled into ;df + ;a , ;df + ;c , a special or super. This move will hit twice, but in order to combo, the move must be canceled after the first hit.
* st. ;d is a hop spin kick that has good range but should be used at a distance. This causes knockdown, but a tech roll is possible.

* ;dn ;a is a low jab. This can chain to itself for 2 hits.
* ;dn ;b is a low kick that can link to ;dn + ;a . This move has range and hits low.
* ;dn ;c is a weird move in which Ai falls on her butt while a huge explosion flashes in front of her. Nothing is guaranteed from this move.
* ;dn ;d is her Hyper Tackle (see command moves)

;ub / ;up / ;uf ;a is a silly jumping punch that looks a striking pose.
;ub / ;up / ;uf ;b is a "butt attack" that's similar in looks to ;dn ;c minus the explosion. The hitbox is small.
;ub / ;up / ;uf ;c is a move similar to Kyo's ;ub / ;up / ;uf ;dn + ;c move in terms of animation. Ai does a double fist attack in the air that has an energy blast to it. This move is good for applying pressure.
;ub / ;up / ;uf ;d is a strange animated kick. The hitbox is rather large and is around the big foot.

Guard Cancel Tag Attack
Pressing the ;e button while blocking will allow Ai to do counter with Hyper Tackle ( ;df + ;c ), and she will then tag out.

Top Hunting Throw: ;bk / ;fd + ;c ;d
*Can be broken. Normal knockdown.

Command Moves
Robo Arm: ;df + ;a
* Ai crouches and drops a robotic arm in front of her. This move can be canceled into a special, and is apart of her standard bread-n-butter combo ( ;dn ;b , ;df + ;a , ;df + ;d;dn  ;db ;bk + ;c ).

Whirlwind Fist: ;bk / ;fd + ;c
* Ai does a spinning lariat that can be controlled by holding back or forward. This move can help in terms of getting space to bait a move, or to simply stay at a safe distance to avoid a possible GCFS.

Hyper Tackle: ;db / ;dn / ;df + ;d
* Ai does a running tackle. This move can be canceled into a special or super move. It's not a safe move to use on its own, as most times the move is canceled with qcb + C, or qcf + B/D. Pressing  ;dn or ;db while attempting to combo the move will result in the tackle to hit, but not the move it was canceled into. For best results, use the ;df + ;d for doing combos on 1p side, or ;db + ;d for combos on 2p side.

Special Moves
Joy Joy Block: ;dn  ;df ;fd + ;a / ;c / ;a ;c (Hold d to increase the speed)
* Ai calls for a Tetris piece to fall from the sky. Using ;a calls for square shaped pieces at a close range. ;c will call for "z", "s", and "L" shaped Tetris pieces at midscreen. Using both ;a and ;c together will call for "L", "I", and "t" shaped Tetris pieces at long range. While holding the button, press down to increase the speed. This move causes knockdown.
Baseball Stars: ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a
* Ai swings with a baseball bat. This does one hit, and can be canceled into a super. This causes knockdown.

Baseball Stars Professional: ;dn ;db ;bk + ;c
* Ai does her baseball bat swing, but instead it hits for 2 hits instead of one. All of the properties for this move are the same as in ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a . Both moves can deflect projectiles.

Baseball Stars 2: ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a ;c
* Ai calls for a square shaped Tetris piece, then swings her bat to hit it towards her opponent. The block will go across the whole screen towards the opponent.

Joy Joy Balloon: ;a + ;b + ;c (possible in the air)
* Ai jumps in the air into a balloon that materializes as she jumps. Her movement is minimized, but she gains a few different moves also.

Joy Joy Treasure: ;a + ;b + ;c ~ ;a ;c
* While Ai is in the balloon, she will throw out projectiles. The button strength determines the type of projectiles. ;a shoots out small ones, and ;c shoots out big projectiles.

Joy Joy Kick: ;a + ;b + ;c ~ ;b
* While Ai is in the balloon, she will do a kick. There's nothing really special about this move.

Joy Joy Block: ;a + ;b + ;c ~ ;dn ;df ;fd + ;a / ;c
* While Ai is in the balloon, she will call out a square shaped Tetris piece that stays in the air for a few seconds. This is one of her only real defensive move while in Joy Joy Balloon mode.

Lightning Ball: ;a + ;b + ;c ~ ;a + ;b + ;c
* While Ai is in the balloon, her character will turn black while energy emits from behind the balloon, causing a huge ball of energy to do damage.

Cancel Balloon: ;a + ;b + ;c ~ ;d
* While Ai is in the balloon, she will jump out, and the balloon will disappear. She can do 2 moves after this jump.

Fire Spinning Top: ;a + ;b + ;c ~ ;d ~ ;a / ;c
* While Ai jumps out of the balloon, she attacks with a jump attack that does fire damage. This move knocks down.

Moon-Sault: ;a + ;b + ;c ~ ;d ~ ;b / ;d
* Ai does the same move as Fire Spinning Top, except it doesn't do fire damage, and does not knock down.

Alter Ego: ;dn ;df ;fd + ;b / ;d
* Ai does a pose while a doppelganger image dashes in front of her. Using ;b keeps Ai in place, while the image moves. She can still attack while the image moves. Using ;d teleports Ai forward, and/or to the other side of the opponent.

2020 Super Catch: ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk + ;b / ;d
* Ai uses a robotic glove to catch projectiles. This move does not counter anything, it just absorbs the projectile into her meter. Using ;b catches high projectiles, and using ;d catches low projectiles. 

Desperation Moves
Joy Joy Party: ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd + ;a / ;c
* Ai shoots out lightning from her handheld while a massive amount of Tetris blocks fall from the sky. The lightning does no damage whatsoever. All of the damage comes from the blocks.

Last Resort: ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a / ;c
* Ai summons a robotic sphere (think of the Phantasm) that shoots out pea-like projectiles. This move is considered an ultimate juggle, and can be used to setup very strong combos.

Charge Power! Shoot the Unit!: During Last Resort, ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a / ;c
* Ai shoots that robotic sphere in a massive projectile. This move can be done with the tiger knee method to shoot from a low area without being on the ground.

A/D Assault
ASO2 Last Guardian: ;dn ;db ;bk ;dn ;db ;bk + ;c ;e (When partner is Yuki and within 10 counts after Lightning Ball)
* Ai summons a massive gun and shoots the opponent into the air towards a ship that appears in the sky. While Ai hides behind a shield, a target scope appears shooting tons of lighting towards the opponent.

All strats and combos can be found here: http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Ai_(NGBC)
I'm on FightCade!!!


Color palettes for Ai. Props to TFG.

I'm on FightCade!!!


5C 3A 214A 6321463214C [ABC] B B D C ( 214C 6321463214 [ABC] B B D C ) xN

2BA 3D 214A

5C 3AD 236E

She also has a few setups that're really left/right confusion. These have to be timed properly in order to actually confuse the enemy, though. Always time the teleport at the same time, even if you move / don't move.

2BA 3D 214A |

| -> Take a step back, 236D. This'll land you right in front of them.

| -> Don't move, 236D. This'll go right through them.
MBAA: H-Aoko
MBAC: Hisui & Kohaku
LB2: S-Akari
NGBC: DIO & Kaede
KOFXIII: Yuri / King / DuoLon


Does Joy Joy Balloon have some kind of hidden timer or limit on it? She tends to automatically hop off as soon as I enter at times.