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The Virtua Figher 5 thread: just 6 months before the end of the world

Started by solidshark, February 22, 2011, 07:23:05 AM

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Just because inputs aren't difficult, doesn't mean something can't be hard or frustrating.  Now, I'm not saying VF is hard, I have absolutely no experience with the game so I'm not qualified to make that assumption.  But many factors other than input difficulty determine the overall difficulty of a game.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Stone Drum

Of course, it can be hard for other reasons.  But I never found anything difficult about the game, there was never a point in learning the game where I reached a point where I simply couldn't do something or couldn't understand something.  It just takes a heck of a long time to build the muscle memory to be proficient with your character.  Often it is difficult commands or very strict frame links that make fighting games hard, and I was just making a point that in that regard, vf5 is a cakewalk

tangentially, I hate the traditional sound effects -_-


I personally feel like the only thing that's hard in this particular game is coming up with "your" style... What I mean by that is aside from the typical archetypes such as grappler for example, you can actually take that character and make them something of your own, regardless of moveset...

Jacky is probably one of the most popular characters people play with other than Akira and Pai, yet you can take 2 random Jacky players and they may very well play totally different from each other... Not many games can be said about that...

For some games you're kinda stuck at that archetype, and the only way to truly benefit from that and win is by playing that character the exact way he/she was made to be played... For example you're not gonna find a Ryu that doesn't throw out one single hadouken. He needs that!!! You will find Akira players who don't always rely on things like SPoD (*Stun Palm of Doom). It's there, and it's a signature move of his, but it's not essential for winning.

*For those that aren't sure what SPoD looks like, refer to this:

Virtua Fighter 2 Akira SPoD Stun Palm of Doom
I'm on FightCade!!!

Proto Cloud

Most 3D fighters are like that though. It ain't something new in VF.

Stone Drum

True, vf isn't really too unique in that regard.  That can be said for just about all fighters, I think.  But I think where vf is unique is in unmatched fluidity and dynamism.  The fighting between two good players is like a dance, especially compared to other 3d fighters like soul calibur that feel like stunted one bout trades of attacks.  Block, throw an attack, get blocked, block, repeat.  That's exaggeration, but that is how other 3d fighters feel to me after playing vf..


Quote from: Proto Cloud on May 21, 2012, 02:52:04 AM
Most 3D fighters are like that though. It ain't something new in VF.

You're right about that. I just personally feel there's more freedom in VF than in other 3D fighters, and it's been consistent throughout the series.

In sticking with the grappler archetype, if King's M.O. is grabbing the mess outta someone, that's pretty much what he's gonna (or should) do. Sure, he can be played without grapples, but it cripples him moreso than it would Wolf, or even Tina from DOA... I think this actually applied more to King of older Tekkens, as with T6 King, he could do substantial damage with the bound system allowing him to not just rely on air throws in combos. Prior to that, he was basically limited imo...

I'm on FightCade!!!

Proto Cloud

That only speaks to how balanced the game mechanics have been in VF. It all really depends on how gimped certain aspects of your character/game are, but for the most part you can play them the way you want. Defense, Offense, Counter fishing, Striker, Grappler and etc.

Sometimes I wish more 2D fighters would be able to replicate this in a way. Because Strekken tried that and failed pretty miserably.


Don't you think that game mechanics are integral in allowing freedom in terms of playstyle??? I'm not necessarily saying that playstyle variety for 1 particular character can't be done in other games, but that the "level" of variety, or as I've been saying "freedom" is moreso than in other 3d fighters... I'm a Feng player, and personally, I feel he's very good at CH fishing, rushdown, mixup, and turtling (which is what many Feng players have been doing since 5.0)...

You're exactly right though, specific game mechanics being gimped can definitely affect any character, and can either force them into playing their "role" or allow him/her to take on another style altogether...

As far as 2d fighters go, the only game I can think of that gives the player any type of freedom would be Battle Fantasia. The freedom doesn't work for every character (like Urs and Freed for example), but for the majority of them, you can play almost any style you prefer.

I would say KOF, but certain characters are a hodge podge of 2-3 gameplay styles, and when attempted, some characters can't certain things because of their weakness, be it a purpose-specific projectile, or moves only being beneficial in certain aspects, but not in others (Billy's hitboxes of his qcf+P and qcb+P come to mind)...

I'm on FightCade!!!


Yeah, but remember, TOO much variety in how a character can be played can be a bad thing as well.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on May 21, 2012, 10:14:23 PM
Yeah, but remember, TOO much variety in how a character can be played can be a bad thing as well.

Yeah if they're anything like Toki, then that's bad...
I'm on FightCade!!!

Proto Cloud

KOF is decent because of the mechanics in place. The lack of moves and good ones for that matter hurt some characters. I play BF and it isn't all that good in that respect.

Mostly what causes most of the problems in 2D is how matchup oriented the game is. SF is very guilty of this one with characters that can win against another based on just one normal or a vortex. It cuts down your options greatly when faced certain odds.


It's almost time!!! I'm definitely gonna get this as soon as the server updates...

Who's getting this for PSN?? Add me, and let's battle!!!
I'm on FightCade!!!


"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on June 05, 2012, 12:31:53 AM
Quote from: jinxhand on June 05, 2012, 12:14:08 AM

Who's getting this for PSN?? Add me, and let's battle!!!

I will. PSN: DesmonDelaghetto

Will you guys mind trying to do some chilean-northamerican matches to test connection?

My PSN Id is DefensorVirtuoso

DefensorVirtuoso is the name that the vf anime received here, which oddly enough translates to righteous defender

Waifu Material


Quote from: jinxhand on June 05, 2012, 12:14:08 AM
It's almost time!!! I'm definitely gonna get this as soon as the server updates...

Who's getting this for PSN?? Add me, and let's battle!!!

I will be but don't expect a challenge or anything like that!... oh yeah and my connection is kinda bad so yeah if you have patience then i'm down.
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".