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The King of Fighters 98/UM General Discussion Thread

Started by krazykone123, July 28, 2010, 06:10:46 AM

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Mr Bakaboy

Bug me, I play now and then if I can get my butt off of 98UM or XIII
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Quick question in regards to OG 98:

Which character counters Iori? How do you get out of the corner if Iori's hopping? I've tried AB rolling and I still get nailed.

Current team: Clark, Ralf, toss up between Takuma and Heidern on 1st.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Blue Wolf

what happened to the  final edition version ??...and why i don't even see matches to that ver..??
also..how  we do a petition to SNK so the release it on ps3 & xbox..??


They are keeping it on NESICA live. My guess is that it's probably too expensive for SNKP to port to consoles and they rather make money by keeping it in arcades using NESICA.

I would love to see a port though, the changes they made to various characters seemed rather interesting. Plus if installed with good netplay (yeah, right) would be really fun.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on January 13, 2013, 04:01:46 PM
They are keeping it on NESICA live. My guess is that it's probably too expensive for SNKP to port to consoles and they rather make money by keeping it in arcades using NESICA.

I would love to see a port though, the changes they made to various characters seemed rather interesting. Plus if installed with good netplay (yeah, right) would be really fun.

It can be done with good netplay.  HOWEVER for it to be done with good netplay, we have to not pay any attention to it.  Much like we did with the second and third batch of Neo Geo Station games.

Potable Potpourri

Who're some exceptional Shingo players in OG 98, and if they exist, do they have any match footage?


Potable Potpourri

Quote from: PureYeti on February 24, 2013, 05:50:42 PM
I doubt they are well known shingo players
That's a damn shame. Looks like I'm going to have to be the first, then... ;)


Quote from: Potable Potpourri on February 19, 2013, 06:47:21 PM
Who're some exceptional Shingo players in OG 98, and if they exist, do they have any match footage?

Your best bet will be to look for a player named Ichiku...but most of his footage is from 98UM. Still has some relevance.

Blue Wolf

How about a petition to SNK to release final edition on consoles..??

Mr Bakaboy

No chance in hell. Playmore barely supports anything anymore. I'd see a better chance in seeing OG'98 on PS3 Neo Geo Station but that's very iffy anymore.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Since Final Edition is coming to Steam soon Ill post the changes from 98UM to FE that I've found in other sources:


  " If anyone's interested, since I bought the most recent Arcadia recently, I went ahead and translated the rest of the changes. Apologies if there is anything wrong ...

   Kyo (all)
   Close A recovery decreased by 2F
   c.A recovery decreased by 1F

   Kyo (normal)
   Aragami damage 10->13, guard point increased by 2F
   Weak RED kick as soon as he starts his descent, his hitbox has been improved lower (no changes to when he's dropping)
   Nuetsumi (counter?) can counter more attacks

   Kyo (alt)
   Yamibarai recovery decreased 3F, builds less meter

   Far B damage changed from 4->7
   HP Raikouken has become a 1 hit attack and can be followed up by putting opponent in float state, does less stun
   Raikou Katategoma's startup made 3F faster
   MAX Raikouken's recovery decreased by 9F

   df+C has smaller vulnerable box, AA potential upped
   Ura-nage (run throw) throws when he enters the throw range
   Arashi no Yama - the time of the flash is made on success, increased recovery, damage distribution changed so that 3rd hit does the most damage

   Terry (both)
   Strong Crack Shoot will hit crouching opponents, the recovery on landing has been increased, advantage when guarded, when hitting opponent out of air, you can follow up with j.D or if U.Terry you can power geyser
   Strong Rising Tackle has more invincible frames
   Far B damage 5->6

   Terry (normal)
   Power Charge damage has gone from (Weak) 4->8, (Strong) 9->12
   Power Dunk's invincibility on the Strong version has been extended, when trading hits with the first hit, you can follow up
   Strong High Angle Geyser invincible until before the attack

   Terry (alt)
   Fire Kick's first hit can be cancelled into special attacks
   Round Wave's builds less meter
   Power Geyser - Weak, Strong and MAX versions are all 8F faster, after flash invincibility is lost

   Andy (both)
   Close C hitbox widened below
   Strong Zaneiken slower startup, recovery decreased

   Andy (alt)
   Hishoken recovery reduced by 5F

   Joe (both)
   df+B recovery reduced

   Joe (normal)
   df+B will OTG (?)
   Strong Slash Kick's hitbox extended lower, will hit 'standard' opponents when they're crouching

   Joe (alt)
   Hurricane Upper attack box has widened
   Bakuretsuken first hit has a bigger hitbox at the bottom, [strong version/strong stop?] stops 2F faster, if you stop the Strong version on the first hit, without pushing you back further you can now link C, 2A then Pressure Knee

   Ryo (normal)
   Strong Kououken's startup has been made faster, as fast as Weak version
   Haohshoukouken's MAX version startup has been made [faster?], same as Weak version

   Ryo (alt)
   f+A will knock down on hit (no change to cancelled version)
   Weak Hienshippuukyaku's landing frames reduced [to/from?] 8F
   Weak Air Kououken's trajectory has been made a little shallower
   Haohshoukouken's startup is faster, Weak and MAX versions can connect after light attacks

   Robert (both)
   Longer reach on ground CD
   f+A hitbox widened forwards
   Hienryuujinkyaku landing recovery decreased 4F (Weak) and 3F (Strong)
   Haohshoukouken, Strong and MAX versions startup has been made faster, same as Weak version

   Robert (Alt)
   Weak Hienshippukyaku can be followed up on hit (mid-screen far C, corner Ryuuga followup possible)
   MAX Ryuuko Ranbu's invincibility extended by 10F

   Yuri (all)
   Jump A can be special move cancelled
   Jump CD can be special move cancelled

   Yuri (normal)
   Raiouken has had its recovery decreased, easier to be in adv frames on guard
   Strong Hienshippukyaku on hit can link standing A after, damage has been decreased from 9xn to 7xn

   Yuri (alt)
   Strong Saiha has less frames of recovery, on guard, now is adv frames

   c.B chain cancelling is earlier, easier to link
   on X-calibur's rebound, you can air attack, air throw or V-slasher
   Gravity Storm's invincible time has been increased on light and strong versions

   c.A chain cancellable
   far st.D body's vulnerable smaller to back
   st j.A faster startup
   Galtling Attack charge time same as other standard charge attacks
   Ground Bakudan Punch cannot be teched on hit
   MAX Umanori Vulcan Punch invincible until he attacks

   close st.B recovery reduced
   c.D recovery reduced by 4F

   Super Psychic Throw does 10 damage without followup when the opponent is dropped
   far A 3F faster, bigger vulnerable
   f+B's 2nd hit bigger up top
   Psycho Ball Attack both weak and strong versions 1F faster, strong version travels faster
   Nu Psycho Reflector less recovery

   close and far A bigger hitbox at bottom; hits Chin, Choi while they are in a crouched state
   c.B chain timing is earlier, easier to link
   far B damage 4->6
   f+A less recovery
   Ryuusougeki's (air dive) last hit can be cancelled by special attacks

   Kaitenteki Kuutotsuken (ground roll) is +3F for weak, +1F for strong on guard
   Strong Hyoutangeki (bottle throw) first hit has no hitback
   Weak Ryurinhourai (flying upper) faster startup

   f+B is leg invincible until she attacks
   Chuumon no Isshin (dd+A/B/C/D) now overhead, knocks down on hit
   Strong Tamayura no Norito (qcf+C) has frames reduced overall, from startup invincible frames extended to 15F

   Mai (normal)
   Hakuro no Mai (dance) recovery reduced, on guard, weak is -1F and strong is -10F
   Mizutori no Mai (3 fans DM) both weak and strong versions 9F earlier, A travels a little slower, C and MAX travel a little faster
   Houou no Mai (jump in air DM) on guard puts her at a little disadvantage

   Mai (alt)
   Taiyou no Mai ([2]8P) extended invincibility, less damage, recovery has been increased - unsafe on block

   King (normal)
   D Venom Strike's total frames same as B version

   King (alt)
   Surprise Rose untechable on hit

   f+B hitbox has been increased, can hit even point blank (?)
   Strong Hienzan is invincible at the same time he attacks
   Ryuuseiraku charge time equal to other standard charge moves
   Houou Tenbukyaku straight after the attack starts is invincible

   j.C vulnerable hitbox with his ball is smaller
   j.CD vulnerable hitbox with his ball is smaller

   Shissou Hishouzan (runslash) charge time standardised

   Yashiro (both)
   Close D made a low attack
   Jump C ability to crossup has been improved

   Yashiro (normal)
   Weak Jet Counter's recovery has been reduced 2F
   Weak Jet Counter - Still's input time from Jet Counter has been decreased by 3F (?)
   Sledge Hammer's stun points has been greatly increased

   Shermie (both)
   c.B chain timing is earlier, easier to link to standing B
   close C has a bigger hitbox at the bottom; hits Chin, Choi while they are in a crouched state
   j.D faster startup
   f+B is an overhead for first hit

   Shermie (normal)
   Shermie Shoot travels further, does more damage
   Shermie Whip stronger hitbox

   Shermie (alt)
   Jajitsu no Odori (spin) damage from B.ver 8x5 -> 12x5 (half is scaled), D.ver 10x5 -> 14x5 (half is scaled)
   Mugetsu no Raiun (kiss) B,C,D versions recovery reduced, same as A ver
   MAX Genei Shukumei Shinshi (drill) until after startup is invincible

   Chris (normal)
   D Scramble Dash shorter recovery

   Chris (alt)
   Kagami wo Hoeru Honoo (dunk) less landing recovery
   Daichi wo Harau Gouka (charge DM) faster startup = 8F

   Yamazaki (both)
   far C on hit/guard can cancel to Special or DM attacks
   Hebi Tsukai - Low (shaaa!) reduced recovery, when guard cancel roll'd you will be at -2 frames
   Sadomaso (counter) damage 13->21
   Guillotine (upper DM) if the opponent is standing, even if the rising part whiffs, the falling part is easier to hit with

   Yamazaki (normal)
   Bakudan Bachiki (cmd throw) damage 22->27

   Yamazaki (alt)
   f+A 2nd hit will knock down (no change to cancelled version)

   Mary (both)
   Spin Fall has recovery decreased, easier to make even or a little disadv now

   Billy (both)
   close C has a bigger hitbox at the bottom; hits Chin, Choi while they are in a crouched state
   c.D cancellable with special, DM attacks
   f+A 2nd hit has a bigger hitbox at the bottom; hits Chin, Choi while they are in a crouched state
   Sansetsukon Chuudan Uchi ([4]6A/C) recovery reduced - A.ver 6F, C.ver 10F

   Billy (normal)
   Karyuu (Suiryuu) Tsuigeki Kon (counter) counter frames 2F earlier
   Shippuukon/Shuuten Renha Kon (tap moves) can cancel with ABCD
   Daishippuu (go to hell!) when the 1st and 2nd hit hits the opponent in the air, will hit to the 3rd, 1~2nd hits' vulnerable smaller to the back

   Step in extra's distance the same as Kyo's
   Cmd throw has more recovery on hit, dash light attacks -> cmd throw loops doesnt work

   Strong Metal Massacre slower startup, less recovery
   Sacrilege damage from 9xn->14xn (half is scaled)

   j.C remains active longer 4->8F
   j.D remains active longer 5->8F
   Dying Foetus is invincible up until grab

   Heavy D
   close C recovery decreased by 2F, can link c.A etc from it, bigger hitbox, can hit characters that are slightly shorter
   Shadow - as long as you don't do a Strong special after, even if you get hit by an opponents attack the effect continues
   Light RSD (after Shadow) has faster startup, can link from lights
   D.Shadow motion finishes in the screen flash, can move very early after the flash
   MAX D.Shadow after executing, effects continue until the end of the round

   close C has a bigger hitbox at the bottom; hits Chin, Choi while they are in a crouched state
   c.C has its hitbox bigger at the bottom; hits Chin, Choi while they are in a crouched state, on hit/guard, can be cancelled into specials/DMs
   Weak Death Heel invincible until straight after startup
   Strong Death Heel when you make it hit via combo will not whiff

   Close C's has a bigger hitbox at the bottom; hits Chin, Choi while they are in a crouched state
   Jump C can be cancelled into air attacks
   Weak Big Bang Tackle has faster startup

   Strong Moon Slasher more invincible, longer recovery

   far B active frames lengthened from 3->5F
   close C has a bigger hitbox at the bottom; hits Chin, Choi while they are in a crouched state
   Mouko Buraigan (qcb+A/C) reduced recovery
   Weak Ryuuko Ranbu invincible until after startup

   Weak Nada-guruma (dp+B) 2nd hit's hitbox is bigger at the front+bottom, will not whiff on hit
   Kamu-kakari (hcb+K) less recovery, 2nd hit will not whiff if first hits
   Homura-gasane (qcb+P x2) bigger hitbox on first hit, less recovery on first hit
   Weak and MAX Tsumugari (qcf,qcf+A/AC) faster startup

   Geese (all)
   close C has a bigger hitbox at the bottom; hits Chin, Choi while they are in a crouched state
   f+B has been made +2 on guard
   Weak Hisho Nichirinzan's falling attack will hit crouching opponents, landing frames have decreased - same with Hard version

   Gesse (alt)
   Raging Storm LP, HP and MAX versions have their inner hitbox widened

   Close C has been made 2F slower
   Far C has damage reduced
   Far D has damage reduced
   Ground CD has damage reduced, forward reach decreased
   Kaiser Duel Sobat has damage decreased, no invin on Strong version, +5F recovery
   Leg Tomahawk has damage reduced
   Blitzball has damage reduced, faster startup for Hard versions, Strong versions more recovery
   Kaiser Wave has damage reduced
   Unlimited Desire has had recovery frames increased, changed so even if you press buttons at the same time, it will have no effect

   c.A can be cancelled out of by command attacks
   c.B easier to chain cancel into c.A
   c.C cancellable into command attacks
   f+A cancel version can be cancelled out of
   Crazy Drum no hitback, reduced recovery, damage on 1st hit reduced
   Spinning Lancer can now reflect ground projectiles

   j.D hitbox at the back made wider, can be used for crossups
   f+B can combo from Strong attacks
   Aragami has a bigger hitbox at the bottom; hits Chin, Choi while they are in a crouched state
   Dokugami faster startup by 1F
   Gecchuu elbow drop damage 8->12
   Oniyaki on critical hit is followup-able, knocks away

   Weak Kageutsushi (teleport) has had recovery decreased
   MAX Zantetsu-ha has been made 2 frames slower, no invincibility after flash

   Air Kasane-Ate reaches the ground 5F quicker
   Raihoukou has no hitback, damage reduced from 14->5
   Sasshou Inshuu (D counter) damage 20->26

   far B startup 1F earlier
   c.D startup 3F earlier, recovery reduced by 5F "
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


I'm so looking forward to this dropping in November!!!
I'm on FightCade!!!

Mr Bakaboy

I'm probably going to buy it 1st day, but since I have heard nothing of Playmore testing netcode I am pessimestic on how good the netcode will be. Betting on shitty netcode and everybody quits playing within 2-3 months. I'll still try it though.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"