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The King of Fighters XIII General Discussion Thread

Started by krazykone123, July 28, 2010, 06:19:54 AM

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These posts are not constructive at all, its time to move on!
There is so much we can do as a community, lets not wait for snkp to do something, if it  means making wikis on othe snk game lets do it or help put more information on them, if it means spamming on blogs and other sites about snk,snkp, their games lets do it, if it means playing their games lets do it, if it mean purchasing them lets do it, holding tournaments on xbla for kof 2002 um, ngbc, samsho sen, ggpo, or better yet trying to contact ign, gamestop or someone when kof xiii release date is announce so they can do a preview and so on................

I know some of the stuff i've listed are already being done, Im going to see if i can get my hands on Kof neowave and make a wiki or better yet samsho sen, the little things we do can contribute to much larger things  
enough with feeling depress and despair what ever happens, happens


Quote from: nilcam on March 05, 2011, 03:41:55 PM
I think we can see a lot of the problems SNKP faces with its fans in this thread. Change things up too much and they will just stick to the older games that they already know. Don't change it up enough and they'll stick with the older games. It's really a catch 22. I've always felt that KOF XII was the SFIV version of KOF. XII was stripped it down to its essentials; they added in a few new ideas and simplified the game for newer players. Since it wasn't a direct descendant of the 98/02 school of thought, this didn't please the fans. That's why XIII is so similar to 2002. I've played XIII for a few hours and prefer the flow of it over 2002/UM.

On a side note: ON is reporting that the home console version of XIII is in the works and that SNKP is taking its time to polish the game properly. Their source is Hokuto Youssef, who has connections to SNKP staff. I'm not posting this on the homepage as it's nothing more than rumor at this point, but this does lend itself to some positive thoughts. Here's the link: http://orochinagi.com/2011/03/kof-xiii-delayed-good

I totally agree with you. Let's hope Hokuto really knows something. If we finally see a console version and it's worthy, it will compensate all this tedious wait.

Quote from: KBlackNoah on March 05, 2011, 04:11:56 PM
You are talking from your personal point of view.Dates and sales say a different thing.Business is about sales. I didn t say 2.5 d is a new thing but it seems it is prefered by the gamers today so it's a standard - especially for the western market (just look at how the new MK is looking).Leave the fanboy-ism asside and look at the game market today.Without sales a gaming company is nothing - no mather what 2d sprite wonders they do.I think playmore should do what makes money for them now like sega did - they dropped the hardware business and for some years they are making very good profits - so playmore should develop pachino machines, mobile games and other stuff that can produce money and they have resources for.As a gaming company they are long time unprofitable.Playmore is not here for your enjoyment it's here to make money.Almost all the old SNK staff either quit to be teachers or now work for capcom or Dimps.SNK is dead and let's just leave it that way - stop this nostalgia nonsense and just play the games and don't ask for more - especially not from playmore at least.

So, KOF XIII is not played because is in 2D. This is why people prefer 2002UM or BBCS...
Sorry, but I can't agree with "all games have to be in 3D if they want sell / All fighting games has to follow SF4 path to succeed, like MK9 did". It's a terrible point of view, and I hope never comes true. And it's not nostalgia, I just think diversity is something good and fighting games doesn't have to look all in the same way.

Quote from: Ashspiralingblood on March 05, 2011, 04:50:03 PM
These posts are not constructive at all, its time to move on!
These posts are not going to bring us console version faster, but I think it's nice and quite interesting KOF players/fans change opinions about KOF XIII, snkp, fighting games  :)
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


QuoteSo, KOF XIII is not played because is in 2D. This is why people prefer 2002UM or BBCS..

KOF XIII is not played because it's not as competitive (and diverse as characters played) as KOF 2002 um and most players are tired of K' and Raiden.BBCS is another story and has nothing to do with KOF but with GG fans.Speaking of diversity once again KOF XIII has a limited of good characters that can be played competitive.In recent news the professor at mmcafee made a tour to finish some kind of arcade map and it seems that and i quote "Taking a rough tally, only about one in five arcades (that have fighting games) in the the main areas of Tokyo remain to have KOFXIII since it's been replaced with the Nesica system for the most part."
Console release would be a miracle right now for sure.

As i said just play the games that suit you and everybody do their things.


Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on March 05, 2011, 03:34:45 PM
Quote from: KBlackNoah on March 05, 2011, 02:54:41 PM
Today XIII is an ok game but nothing special.

Couldn't disagree more in that point. KOF XIII is a fabulouse starter point for next gen KOF.

Have both of you played the game?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


My opinions are based on watching almost a year footage of kof XIII tournaments and by speaking with chinese players.Half of them say it is shit (because they hate 2002 and this game feels a bit like it) the other half sais it's ok but very unbalanced, not too many characters can be played competitive, some juggles are too absurd and complaints against K', Kula and Raiden.I think i can make an idea about a game based on footage and by asking other players that played the game - it's not rocket science and by now i think i know most of the combos for most used characters by heart just by watching.In conclusion from what i heard and seen - KOF XIII it's a mix between 2002 mechanics and XI control feel and i do not think my opinions are far from the truth.Until i play the game i just have this thoughts about the game and i think i can express them with no problems if i wanted to...(those who played the game can correct me with facts and their experience - but not by praseing a game just because they like it - which is also cool)BUT - My comments were 99.9% towards the sales and success wise amongst arcades and fans which are based on facts - which are relevant to a console port.


Quote from: KBlackNoah on March 05, 2011, 06:28:22 PM
My opinions are based on watching almost a year footage of kof XIII tournaments and by speaking with chinese players.

this, if you played fighters like me for over 20 years and you still cant even judge a fighter by vids when its being played by pros, you suck.

most obvious flaws of the game, unbalanced and some characters have overly long juggles compared to others (all of this can be seen in the vids). a character that idd consider normal as a high tier is somebody like iori and kyo. lizzy, kula, k and raiden make no fucking sense (didnt they see this?).

the game lacks characters, a lot of dp fb characters and not enough diversity (didnt even need to watch vids to know this).

this is basically the biggest complaint about the game and a big reason it cant be great but just good. it needs better balance and diversity to be great (think of characters like oswald and yamazaki to diversify shit).

besides i really hate how simple some characters where left compared to the completeness of others (mai for instance).

some rechanging the dc bar wouldnt hurt either. i think having 3 dc bars wouldnt be that bad when you fix certain juggles and such. would also lead to more people using dc bar instead of waiting for those hd combos. hd combos are ass and i never liked that bs ever since kof 02. big reason i dont play 02 but do like 98 the most by far of all kofs.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Quotethis, if you played fighters like me for over 20 years and you still cant even judge a fighter by vids when its being played by pros, you suck.

Speaking like a 10 year old.Keep your tone down and at least pretend to be mature...


Quote from: KBlackNoah on March 05, 2011, 07:23:30 PM
Quotethis, if you played fighters like me for over 20 years and you still cant even judge a fighter by vids when its being played by pros, you suck.

Speaking like a 10 year old.Keep your tone down and at least pretend to be mature...

Lol, I think he was supporting your comment

"some rechanging the dc bar wouldnt hurt either. i think having 3 dc bars wouldnt be that bad when you fix certain juggles and such. would also lead to more people using dc bar instead of waiting for those hd combos. hd combos are ass and i never liked that bs ever since kof 02. big reason i dont play 02 but do like 98 the most by far of all kofs".
I am with you on that Musolini. I completely agree. HD mode could be good if playmore had time to develop it properly on xiii. Making a Cancels bar instead with your first character being able to make 3 cancels your second having 4 and your third 5 would be much better. Neomax could still cost 3 power stocks and absorbing your cancels bar and according to the number of cancels absorbed the damage can be different


I think the reason why people prefer 2k2UM and 98UM(FE) over 13 right now is because the rosters are that much better than 13. I've played 13 at CTF and as much as I loved the game, I could easily turn around and go play 2k2UM and have more fun doing it. This is because I just love the roster more in 2k2UM than 13.

This is not to say that 13 is a bad game. Hell when you get the chance to play it, you will see why it really is the best fighting game this generation. I haven't played any version of SF4 but I do love watching it being played so I really can't say how it plays compared to the older SFs. My only gripe with 13 is how long the HD bars takes to deplete when activated. If you guys notice, it's the reason for the long combos and juggles. I understand that the damage scales but really does get old fast.

Right now, I fully get why the community is so damn angry. At least the ones here in the US since I can't really give an opinion on what goes on in other countries with the exception of Mexico since they have really been loving 13 according to DarkGeese and some other players there. Hell, aren't they having some kind of huge 13 tourney right now as we speak?

But I think it just goes back to the majority of us here who are just angry that we haven't had the chance to play the game yet. I got to play it and I'm not the biggest expert on the planet but I can guarantee you guys that when we do hopefully get it, you will be very happy with the game. But this all just depends if SNKP can do something right for once this generation.


QuoteLol, I think he was supporting your comment
i think that too but this kind of resons like "you suck" are childish and imature.Everybody can have a personal opinion as long as it's not forced down your throat and backed with decent arguments.As everybody i hope we get a KOF XIII but i am not gonna fight on internet that kof xiii is the best or a perfect game.I want to play it and that's all .. and i am sure that at casual level it can be loads of fun

SSF4 can be a fun game depending who you play against.I personally play Viper and it's fun or me but i am getting tired of fighting 90% only random campers  especially ryu and ken players!Fuck Ken and random fdfs!



Quote from: Xxenace on March 06, 2011, 03:07:24 AM
guys chill the hell out
thats what I said not the same words, it's time to move on


Agreed.  Take the personal jabs to PM, let's keep this thread/site clean.


Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on March 05, 2011, 06:02:23 PM
Have both of you played the game?

No, I didn't play the game, but I have been many many years without playing KOF because I lost all my interest on it. But my interest has been reborned thanks to KOFXII. At the end, XII was not what I expect it, but XIII is. I have seen tons of vids and I could have an idea about the game. As Mai player I should say that the game sucks because she is very limited in it, but I'm an odd one who prefer take new fresh air than play the same game I played for years 10 years ago. Even if this new fresh ash is not perfect. When KOF'94 appeared, mai was limited and she wasn't top tier, but I played the game as hell. For me KOF XIII is a new start, a new era. And even if I have 2002UM for PS3 with a good online, I would prefer to play XIII if I have it too for PS3 with a good online.

I will play it just because is a new KOF, is different, has been created for next gen and is what I have been waiting for years. Not because is a perfect game. Probably, if KOF could continue, XIV will be a better game, like SSFIV or BBCS are.
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


Not going to say it again, posts removed. Personal attacks will not be tolerated here.