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The King of Fighters XIII General Discussion Thread

Started by krazykone123, July 28, 2010, 06:19:54 AM

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of ratio is set by usage, then it will drop when less ppl use raiden, it will happen all by itself.
i should add, what i said earlier, it applies to casuals. as for pros, it's war.
KoF XIII... Needs more Angel, Vanessa and Blue Mary! ^^


Still can't get Seasons Beatings 5 out of my head from this past weekend, so many amazing matches. Really hope we can get something going for XIII which will, even if very remotely, resemble the kind of community and competition they have for SF4.


Quote from: Diavle on October 19, 2010, 02:52:26 PM
Still can't get Seasons Beatings 5 out of my head from this past weekend, so many amazing matches. Really hope we can get something going for XIII which will, even if very remotely, resemble the kind of community and competition they have for SF4.

SB5 angered me...

PR Rog beat Daigo? I think Daigo's getting sick of the game, he needs to retire. That tourney was where I decided I'll never take SSFIV seriously. Flash Metriod posted on FB that he needs to step up his counter-pick game. If you need to counter pick to win that's a stupid ass game. American players annoy me too now lol, the only one I like is Arturo Sanchez. It's crazy to see how full of themselves they all are (especially Marn) then you have a player like Gamerbee saying he doesn't even consider himself a top player.


I think the only thing that annoys me about SSF4 is how much pro American some of the players are. I swear, the majority of those guys seem to get ridiculous hard ons whenever Daigo looses and then they just start shouting "USA!" non stop. Then again, I've never played any incarnation of SF4 because the game just doesn't interest me. Maybe it's something I would get if I actually bothered play it.

And speaking of Seasons Beatings, I wasn't even anywhere near a comp this past weekend cause I took a road trip to see friends. Does anyone know if any of te KOF2k2UM footage was uploaded?


Quote from: Judge Fudge on October 19, 2010, 12:16:40 AM
Quote from: 4leaf on October 18, 2010, 09:18:49 PM

This times a million.

Tell that to the athletes "does whatever it takes to win" and gets suspended for drug use...I kid, I kid :)


Quote from: Cibernetico on October 21, 2010, 05:31:47 AM
I think the only thing that annoys me about SSF4 is how much pro American some of the players are. I swear, the majority of those guys seem to get ridiculous hard ons whenever Daigo looses and then they just start shouting "USA!" non stop. Then again, I've never played any incarnation of SF4 because the game just doesn't interest me. Maybe it's something I would get if I actually bothered play it.

And speaking of Seasons Beatings, I wasn't even anywhere near a comp this past weekend cause I took a road trip to see friends. Does anyone know if any of te KOF2k2UM footage was uploaded?

It was all SSFIV and MvC2, I wanted to see the 2k2 really bad and 3rd Strike but there was none. I agree with you though, but I understand why. Daigo is the bane of our best player so when he loses everyone is amazed that we have players on his level. I'll agree with you though, it's gotten annoying. Daigo was actually pretty salty about it, he's getting annoyed that every time he loses everyone flips out cuz they think he's an infallible player when really he's quite modest about his skill. I'll say though the Andre Lambert vs. Daigo match was really exciting and badass. I was happy to see Andre win with Bison because I think he deserves it and he's not a super cocky player like the rest of em. However throughout the weekend Daigo was just losing and losing. Like I said PR Rog beat him and PR Rog is an extremely mediocre Balrog player, Daigo's losing it. On top of that when they did the 5v5 the only person on the team Daigo did better than was Choco, and she went 0-5.

All in all the stream was pretty much a waste of time, I stopped watching because I was sick of watching SSFIV and they only showed MvC2 which is like a 7 character festival so that's even more boring. I do love hearing Skisonic commentate though haha.


Quote from: Chowdizzle on October 20, 2010, 11:56:26 PM
SB5 angered me...

PR Rog beat Daigo? I think Daigo's getting sick of the game, he needs to retire. That tourney was where I decided I'll never take SSFIV seriously. Flash Metriod posted on FB that he needs to step up his counter-pick game. If you need to counter pick to win that's a stupid ass game. American players annoy me too now lol, the only one I like is Arturo Sanchez. It's crazy to see how full of themselves they all are (especially Marn) then you have a player like Gamerbee saying he doesn't even consider himself a top player.

Daigo wasn't in the best of shape at this event (he was constantly caught sleeping on the side lol) but the guy has still got it, look at his SB5 match with Arturo (that super finish was clearly the highlight of the tourney). Also look at the money matches that he had with Arturo and Philippino Champ later, really intense stuff.

Same in Japan, check out the recent God's Garden online SSF4 tourneys and you will see that he is still one of the best (if not the best) there as well. So yeah, don't get your Daigo fangirl panties in a knot, he hasn't lost his touch yet. Really looking forward to his participation in the upcoming Norcal Regionals and Canada Cup.

As for the counter pick bit, that seems to be more of a US mentallity than anything else. Watch the matches and you will see that players like Daigo, Gamerbee, Sako, YHC Mochi, Uryo etc. all stick to their guns no matter what but US players often tend to pick an alternate character when they can't break through. Like at SB5 Gamerbee went with Adon no matter what but Justin switched between Rufus, Makoto and Rog.


what i personally couldnt stand was the retarded way most of the people where acting like. really fucking irritating. it was like everybody was trying to scream harder than the next man to be heard above the rest. almost as gay as the usa chants. anybody ever here crowds chant nippon or france or uk uk? shits just sad. its pretty hard to have any repsect for dumb ass motherfuckers like that, not that i had something like that for most of them anyway. bandwagonners & sheep are 2 things i cant fucking stand. people need to get thought some manners from their parents, they lacked the ass beatings to turn them into true men. maybe a reason why a lot them where acting so bitchmade in the first place.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Quote from: MUSOLINI on October 21, 2010, 08:04:42 PM
what i personally couldnt stand was the retarded way most of the people where acting like. really fucking irritating. it was like everybody was trying to scream harder than the next man to be heard above the rest. almost as gay as the usa chants. anybody ever here crowds chant nippon or france or uk uk? shits just sad. its pretty hard to have any repsect for dumb ass motherfuckers like that, not that i had something like that for most of them anyway.

It's called hype, have you ever been to any kind of big live sporting event (football, soccer, basketball) without anyone screaming harder to be heard above the rest?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


word. Even in sports bars and shit during a good game. Its a lot of fun.

Dandy J

Quote from: Cibernetico on October 21, 2010, 05:31:47 AM
And speaking of Seasons Beatings, I wasn't even anywhere near a comp this past weekend cause I took a road trip to see friends. Does anyone know if any of te KOF2k2UM footage was uploaded?
it was all recorded, im uploading it tonight dandydlc channel on utub

Quote from: Chowdizzle on October 21, 2010, 11:21:24 AM
It was all SSFIV and MvC2, I wanted to see the 2k2 really bad and 3rd Strike but there was none.
2k2 was only 8 people, hardly anyone played/cared so it wasnt really worthy of being on the stream


Quote from: Phoenixazure on October 21, 2010, 11:26:52 PM
word. Even in sports bars and shit during a good game. Its a lot of fun.

I'll say it's definitely cultural.  I've never experienced this until I moved to the US.   When it comes to "hype", US perspective is: If you don't join in you're boring, or wth is wrong with you?  Can't get into a game? (same with listening to "Eye of the Tiger" before a big game etc..)  In the Asia, if you do the same thing: WTF is wrong with you, have you no manners?  Get a control of yourself, you're in public, stop spazzing out etc...


I don't mind loud fans. It's the obnoxious ones that kill it for everyone else.


I'm loving that there's been an increase in the variety of characters used at different arcades recently. There was even this guy beasting on people with King/Joe/Chin, it was awesome. Of course, top tiers still dominate but it's nice to see people changing things up. Characters that I still never see used are Maxima, Hwa Jai, Duo Lon and Vice (seen more people using her in training mode though).