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The King of Fighters XIII General Discussion Thread

Started by krazykone123, July 28, 2010, 06:19:54 AM

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Quote from: sibarraz on April 17, 2011, 06:49:58 AM
kof xii did flopped, for ignition maybe was a success, for SNKP, the guys who made the game, didn't, the arcade was a total failure and the sales in the japanese stores didn't helped

I don't know about that .. i think playmore made some good money..or at least they made a good profit for that demo.The console versions sold almost 200 000 copies worldwide the first 10 weeks.About the arcade - playmore got what they deserve :)


Plus it flopped more in terms that people were very unsatisfied with it. Netcode was shitty, not enough characters and moves, etc. just a bare bones game. I personally think it's a so-so game and it can actually be quite fun in the right setting, but it just left a lot of fans with a bad taste in their mouths and even more so for new players getting into KOF from SF.

But like I said before, I wanna hear an official statement from from SNKP themselves, but that interview from the french guy brought up some good points.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Quote from: KBlackNoah on April 17, 2011, 06:55:49 AM
Quote from: sibarraz on April 17, 2011, 06:49:58 AM
kof xii did flopped, for ignition maybe was a success, for SNKP, the guys who made the game, didn't, the arcade was a total failure and the sales in the japanese stores didn't helped

I don't know about that .. i think playmore made some good money..or at least they made a good profit for that demo.The console versions sold almost 200 000 copies worldwide the first 10 weeks.About the arcade - playmore got what they deserve :)

wait they got what they deserved... yet they did sell well?

Waifu Material


I think the interview makes SNKP sound smart, personally. They have a small fanbase to serve, and they wanna serve them when that fanbase is ready for a game. SF, BB, AH3... these are all the same customers, often times. Best to release your games BETWEEN releases, instead of at the same time.

Sega, SNKP, Namco Bandai... look at many of their games that "flopped" like Enslaved, Sega Rally Revo, or KoF XII. Many theorize that the poor release windows of such games (over crowded shoping seasons, VS more well know competition, etc) attributed to their lower-than-desired sales.

How many of us have sat here, and typed "SNK, Release during THIS time!" or "Not alongside MvC3!", and the like? That's all I got from that interview; they actually are thinking that far ahead, and they only wanna announce news, when they have something substantial to work with.

I like the "all or nothing" concept, personally. I wish they had more releases in between things, so they didn't look DEAD inbetween one "all" and another, but I like the concept of being floored with content, as opposed to watching a small trickle peter out, and lose hype, after a slow progressing over months of time...

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: SAB-CA on April 17, 2011, 08:01:47 AM
I think the interview makes SNKP sound smart, personally. They have a small fanbase to serve, and they wanna serve them when that fanbase is ready for a game. SF, BB, AH3... these are all the same customers, often times. Best to release your games BETWEEN releases, instead of at the same time.

Sega, SNKP, Namco Bandai... look at many of their games that "flopped" like Enslaved, Sega Rally Revo, or KoF XII. Many theorize that the poor release windows of such games (over crowded shoping seasons, VS more well know competition, etc) attributed to their lower-than-desired sales.

How many of us have sat here, and typed "SNK, Release during THIS time!" or "Not alongside MvC3!", and the like? That's all I got from that interview; they actually are thinking that far ahead, and they only wanna announce news, when they have something substantial to work with.

I like the "all or nothing" concept, personally. I wish they had more releases in between things, so they didn't look DEAD inbetween one "all" and another, but I like the concept of being floored with content, as opposed to watching a small trickle peter out, and lose hype, after a slow progressing over months of time...

I can see this point of view, but in the mean time toss us 98 UM or 2k2 UM or XI on PSN so the wait is a lot less painful.  If XIII was announced right now I'd import it with express shipping to get it here right now.  I'm getting Mortal Kombat 9, and Arcana Heart 3 on Tuesday, but I would blow those off if KOF XIII was coming anytime soon.


they got what they deserved ... as in NO :)
How in the hell can you make profit with that game especially in japanese arcades.I think the game lasted 1 month at best in the arcades, also i don't think there were many made because they knew it will fail.The main reason they did KOF XII was for consoles and as Frionel said - to profit from the sf4 upcoming success which they did.KOF XIII was suppose to be XII but they knew they don't have time to finish it (i think sf 4 announcement caught them by surprise) so they made a new team and kept them overtime to have that pile of shit ready early to cash in - end of story.

le: also i think frionel's friend is looking for a new job right now - toasty


I don't think Frionel was trolling or being stupid. Looks like he was allowed to talk about but not to write about, I think who go too far was Gunsmith translating the interview into Orochinagi. Probably Frionel himself asked Gunsmith to remove it.

About SNKP strategy... Some time ago they said they need to get out KOF XII because of finance KOF, the project was in a point that needed money to be finished, so they needed to release it and try to get some money, the result was KOF XIII. So don't doubt that, being KOF XII a good game or not, it financed KOF XIII. But there were rumors too about Ignition pushed SNKP to release the game, probably for that "commercial issues at stake" Frionel was talking about. SNK has been always the first competence against SF, is not the same for MK or BB, even Tekken, which are games in very different way. Both Capcom and SNK were fighting to re-birth their most famous saga, and both games were being compared by fans and fighting game players. Was it a SNKP error? Could KOF avoid to be compared with SF? I don't think so, even knowing that SNKPlaymore is not a giant like Capcom everybody was comparing both games. SNKP failed horribly, not because the game itself was bad, they failed because they were unable to finish and release it well done (game modes, IA, online, etc). While SF was a total mainstream succes.  Now SNKP decided do not compite against SF, they said "OK, let's respect SF and after its release we will release our game, so nobody will get hurt". I think is a smart and safer strategy (if they really worked hard to have a good product and don't get relax).

The funny part is that they will compite anyway with SF, releasing it now or later, because gamers will compare both games and both console versions they like it or not. Just read what Frionel was saying "KOF XIII online will be better or the same than SFIV"... LOL
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature

Rex Dart

I don't mean to sound like a Skeptical Scottie, but...

Has anyone heard a logical explanation for why a French player would have insider info on SNKP's plans? SNKP doesn't even have a European branch, and I haven't heard of any of their representatives appearing at French tournaments. What's his relationship with SNKP exactly?

The rumor itself isn't hard to believe, but the source doesn't make any sense to me.


i came back from shanghai today, i went there to play kof 13 and yesterday i spent 4 hours in the arcade.
i found out that it was the 1.0, u know how? a fucker just used the mature's infinite so many time that in the middle of that shit i just left the stick and went to play sth else... i went to play kof13 in the cab next to him, and he was looking at me like this:  ?_?
it's because i'm a kind of person or i would have said a big fuck off (in chinese of course) to him

KOF XIII: billy, ralf, clark
KOF XII: ralf,kyo,ryo


The thing is

Why a French Player has connections with the company? if they wanted the help of a top player they had like 100 top players just in japan. Maybe he is translating the game just like that guy from SPEKSNK, but again, just sounding that you had a point, you can make believe anything to everybody in the internet

He can talk but he can't write? He is part of the company or is just the friend of someone?

He didn't say anything that is not bloody obvious ''yeah, extras, good netcode, after SSF IV AE, whatever''

My problem is that this is still like if luther told us than SNKP was done, we will need further proofs before jumping to conclusions

Waifu Material


Quote from: fiol on April 17, 2011, 04:33:44 PM
i came back from shanghai today, i went there to play kof 13 and yesterday i spent 4 hours in the arcade.
i found out that it was the 1.0, u know how? a fucker just used the mature's infinite so many time that in the middle of that shit i just left the stick and went to play sth else... i went to play kof13 in the cab next to him, and he was looking at me like this:  ?_?
it's because i'm a kind of person or i would have said a big fuck off (in chinese of course) to him

you could have "accidentally" elbowed him if its a side by side cab. i think i would automatically and "accidentally" headbut somebody if that happened to me. sorry.  ;)

anybody got the written translation  saved or something? i didnt have the chance to read it.

edit: somebody got a link to the new bugs that are still in version 1.? i still havent sent the mail to snkp andf want to mail them this link as well so theyll at least know about and see the bugs. also in 1.1, did k's ridiculous  ;d get fixed or its still that ridiculous? if these bugs are still present in 13 console snkp will have fucked up BIG TIME imo.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Well rumored or not, the reasoning behind it does make the most sense for the company, staff issues notwithstanding. Wanting to wait until capcom put all their cards on the table. I'm wondering if they've been developing the extra bonuses/characters/extras since arcade release? or will they start doing a quick and dirty port now that Capcom announced SF4AE. I think some proper confirmation (or lack thereof) will take place shortly after Arcade Edition's release.


I for one have renewed hope. NorCal's scene is gonna be twice as large because I have many people who want to play but they're not willing to drop quarters into a machine repeatedly just to learn.


Quote from: Phoenixazure on April 17, 2011, 09:26:18 PM
Well rumored or not, the reasoning behind it does make the most sense for the company, staff issues notwithstanding. Wanting to wait until capcom put all their cards on the table. I'm wondering if they've been developing the extra bonuses/characters/extras since arcade release? or will they start doing a quick and dirty port now that Capcom announced SF4AE. I think some proper confirmation (or lack thereof) will take place shortly after Arcade Edition's release.

SNKp is getting things right this time. I have this strong feeling. Despite their financial position they were able to fix the arcade version really fast. I bet the console version is ready. It's been almost a year since the arcade release and they could have easily done 1 more team and 5-6 extra stages. What is holding back the console port is the right publisher for the western countries and US and the appropriate release date since a lot of fighting games are coming out this year.


Quotebout SNKP strategy... Some time ago they said they need to get out KOF XII because of finance KOF XIII

spoken like a true fanboy =))
really man i bough XII 2 times - 1 st time (full price) for the xbox to play it at my friends because i didn t had money back then for a new console and 2 nd time when i got my ps3(for collection pourposses). both new
And i was hyped to play it .. .did it for 5 minutes and i sold it in the next 30 min.Cut that crap excuse like XII was made to finance XIII because it's really boring to hear that.How would you feel if XIII had some problems in the port and after a  couple of months playmore announce XIV and i came to you and say - hey man they were saving money for XIV support these mother fuckers :))
When you have a project you have a buget... you don't gather money on the way because you have some deadlines.That excuse is made from the same mindless fanboys that say to buy those crappy rereleased titles to support playmore.fuck that...and i tought capcom sf fans were mindless buyers...pfff now i really wish they release some crappy port just to see all your fanboys reactions :-j (and me coming to say - hey man support it buy it 4 times because they gather money to finance XIV - priceless)