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The King of Fighters XIII General Discussion Thread

Started by krazykone123, July 28, 2010, 06:19:54 AM

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Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on September 07, 2010, 06:18:18 PM
yes, I know they are top tier. And I could expect that some beginner use them. But what I expect from a "pro" player, is see how he masters some not God tier character and he wins. Mr. KOF Andy, for example, or Kane his Chin. This is what I really would like to see in vids... But in general we only see K', Kyos, Liz, Raidens, Kulas and Ioris playing in the same way again and again (smoai vids, singapoure tournament vids, tougeki vids, etc)

I share your same sentiment too.  Most of the regulars know how I feel about them using "them", it's not so much the characters that I despise, or so much the losing; it's just that I *know* the players are good enough to use other characters and still kick my ass--it's really a compliment to them.  4leaf and I are on the same page really, he started off with Liz the first week and I believe the words he used was "once I figured out she was easy mode, I stopped using her" which was in a couple of days.  He picks her once in a blue moon (and wins against the regulars) just to prove a point (IMO).

As for Chin, I've spent so much money keeping Chin on my team if you know what I mean.  On the rare occasion I'll get straighted using my Chin, Leona, Shen team and I swear to myself I'll never use them again, grit my teeth, put a coin up (and wait in line) and pick them again lol.


Time to put Chin on the roster full time. I'll take my losses as experience. Besides, I think Chin can be the next "Whip" tier, ain't that right Kane? haha


My current main team is K', Iori, Ash. I planned on playing these characters before the game came out and there were tier lists. So it's not so much I played them because they were top tier.

As for losing to the character, rather than the player, I seem to be having the most trouble playing against Robert and Kula than anyone else. Perhaps I should try to play to characters more to learn their weaknesses?

I also notice that since I started playing more and more people use K', but not quite so much Iori , Kyo or Mature at AI. Also notice that on that list of characters used in the tournament there's only 2-3 who use Iori and Mature even though they are 'supposedly' S tier.


i dunno, learning a whole chara is alot of work. generally, it's more about knowing what not to do against them. a few years back, we didn't have digital recorders,  so learning from scratch was the way to go. but now you can just review great bob players without having to become one. takes less time imo.

i think Kyo and Iori have become harder to play, that's the impression i get anyway.

(btw, you play ash and iori. ever thought of recording stuff?)f
KoF XIII... Needs more Angel, Vanessa and Blue Mary! ^^


Quote from: Ash on September 08, 2010, 01:39:23 AM
My current main team is K', Iori, Ash. I planned on playing these characters before the game came out and there were tier lists. So it's not so much I played them because they were top tier.

Similar thing here, i planned to use for my main team K', Kula with the 3rd spot for Shen or Maxima long before the game came out, i don't mind them being top or bottom tier.

Sadly some people make a buzz about tier lists or overused characters.


Quote from: 4leaf on September 08, 2010, 12:33:30 AM
Time to put Chin on the roster full time. I'll take my losses as experience. Besides, I think Chin can be the next "Whip" tier, ain't that right Kane? haha

Oh boy.  Good luck with him =)  My Chin is more and more ineffective as the regulars catch on to his antics. =(

Quote from: Ash on September 08, 2010, 01:39:23 AM
My current main team is K', Iori, Ash. I planned on playing these characters before the game came out and there were tier lists. So it's not so much I played them because they were top tier.

As for losing to the character, rather than the player, I seem to be having the most trouble playing against Robert and Kula than anyone else. Perhaps I should try to play to characters more to learn their weaknesses?

I also notice that since I started playing more and more people use K', but not quite so much Iori , Kyo or Mature at AI. Also notice that on that list of characters used in the tournament there's only 2-3 who use Iori and Mature even though they are 'supposedly' S tier.

Rant on:
It's not even the tier list really, it's really the internal BS radar that goes off in me.  Some characters just have too many options that serve them well.  Liz, could lose her counter or her command throw (as they both lead into damaging combos) and I think she's ok after that, to have both is just nasty.  Goro has both a counter and command throws but he needs a NM for his counter, and he doesn't have Liz's mobility/ damage options.  Chin has a damn good Ex counter (like Liz), but he's more vulnerable if it whiffs, smaller hitbox,  and he doesn't have the command throw mixup game.  Maxima on the other hand, is high up in the so called tier list, but I can't imagine him shutting down a good Kula, K' or Kyo with ease.  Maybe it's just matchups.

For some reason Iori still doesn't feel as high as they say he is, I find he's kinda like Takuma where he's massively strong in some departments yet his shortcomings make him balance still.  Maybe I'm missing something completely, or maybe our Iories haven't been fully explored--it just seems like it takes slightly more work to win with Iori compared to K'/Kula/Kyo (and even Kyo's not that bad imo).  This of course is my opinion, who knows.

Kula is still giving me a hard time as well (poor Chin, can't get in at all), I'm trying to figure out when to GCAB roll between her attack strings but I fail miserably and eat a combo (or a throw).  I think the level of skill is slowly rising especially if you compare us to the tourney, that's probably another factor why I'm/we're struggling.

/rant off

Judge Fudge

Haven't played the game yet, but I really want to run my 98 team of Leona, Mai, and Ryo.  Based on what you've said, it sounds like it will be tough, but I'm up for the challenge haha.


Quote from: Judge Fudge on September 08, 2010, 04:20:29 AM
Haven't played the game yet, but I really want to run my 98 team of Leona, Mai, and Ryo.  Based on what you've said, it sounds like it will be tough, but I'm up for the challenge haha.

It is a challenge, probably why I keep choosing them still.  I'll add one last but pertinent thing:  If we're really trying to expand the community, the K's Kulas and Lizes are only going to discourage new people from trying out the game.


I don't got nothing against bullshit character but I really do think it limits our abilities when the only people picking and trying out the lower tier character are only the randoms and new people, we need to do a conscience effort for ourselves and each other to acquire more knowledge of the game by exploring those characters.
" you fight well in the old style"


After playing the game, I find it odd to see so much of the same characters being used. I haven't seen much in the way of King, Kim and Kensou and I found those characters to be quite fun to play and they seem to have the options to hang with the rest of the cast. I bet we'll see a large variety once the home version is out.


I think we should stop approaching the game in the standard tier list style and approach it as far as individual matchups. Its def inspired by US SSFIV rankings and whatnot, but it can also serve as a useful perspective that players can approach characters , which in turn make them more attractive to play in some regards (depending on how they're balanced) It may not be as clear cut as in other games with smaller rosters, but its worth a look.


My main character is Mai, so I'm going to master her and I will choose her as third member to use all her potential. And i don't care if she is low tier or not. As teammates I will use Mature and King (and Mary if she appears as extra console char).

I'm not sure if my team will be well balanced or not, but it's my classic team since 96 and what I'm going to do is try to do my best with it. I will learn their weakness, their strengthness, all their combos, and focus on how to defeat K, Kulas, Lizs, Iories and Kyos.
So, after that, if I lose I will complain about the unbalance of the game, but I'm not going to change my team :D


I need to play this game. I had already decided long before that my team will be Ash, Kensou, Vice. At least till I try out more characters and get a better feel of the game.

Then I could go to a keep away troll team consisting of Athena, Mai, Ash. lol Y'know when I'm just messing around.


i want to play this game and rape all them lizzy's soo fucking bad.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!

Rex Dart

Quote from: Kane317 on September 08, 2010, 02:30:40 AM

Rant on:
It's not even the tier list really, it's really the internal BS radar that goes off in me.  Some characters just have too many options that serve them well.  Liz, could lose her counter or her command throw (as they both lead into damaging combos) and I think she's ok after that, to have both is just nasty.  Goro has both a counter and command throws but he needs a NM for his counter, and he doesn't have Liz's mobility/ damage options.  Chin has a damn good Ex counter (like Liz), but he's more vulnerable if it whiffs, smaller hitbox,  and he doesn't have the command throw mixup game.  Maxima on the other hand, is high up in the so called tier list, but I can't imagine him shutting down a good Kula, K' or Kyo with ease.  Maybe it's just matchups.

For some reason Iori still doesn't feel as high as they say he is, I find he's kinda like Takuma where he's massively strong in some departments yet his shortcomings make him balance still.  Maybe I'm missing something completely, or maybe our Iories haven't been fully explored--it just seems like it takes slightly more work to win with Iori compared to K'/Kula/Kyo (and even Kyo's not that bad imo).  This of course is my opinion, who knows.

Kula is still giving me a hard time as well (poor Chin, can't get in at all), I'm trying to figure out when to GCAB roll between her attack strings but I fail miserably and eat a combo (or a throw).  I think the level of skill is slowly rising especially if you compare us to the tourney, that's probably another factor why I'm/we're struggling.

/rant off

Good read. Thanks for the rant.

SNK has said that they were going to take their time with the console port, which I think was a great decision. I do wonder how much they're going to change for the console port.

- The glitches listed in the SBO rules are almost certain to be removed.
- Mature's infinite will definitely be fixed, not sure about Joe's, as it doesn't seem too easy to land/execute. I'd guess it will be, though.
- The free EX moves for Takuma/Goro will probably get removed.

Beyond that, however, I wonder if they're considering doing more substantial re-balancing. On the against side, it might end up like the Arrange mode of KOF XI, with no one using it since tournaments were run on the arcade system. Still, SNK has a chance to turn a really fun, not-too-broken game into a really fun, mostly-balanced game. I'd be interested to know what other fans thought about this possibility. (I'm not sure if this question warrants its own topic, though.)