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Garou: Mark of the Wolves Thread - Everything you need to know

Started by Nocturnal, July 28, 2010, 06:45:35 AM

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jenet got a real infinite, and like noc says the other air one isnt real. in could pull off 3 or 4 at best with her. and those infinites, they really drive me crazy at times (when performing them), either brain freeze or finger freeze after a few reps. respect to those that can actually pull this shit off during a match.

lastly, its been some time. but you can for instance do low jump in attack with rock (which pushes them pretty far like you said), thhen do crouching C or standing A into something? i though only super and maybe specials where possible. again, been too long. will try on emu later.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


In the end it's better to only do a few reps and not worth trying to do a whole full loop. The chances for error get higher each rep. Yea with Rock you can stick out a normal after a small jump. It depends though which normal you use. If you use his small jump C you might get pushed back too far depending how close you do the small jump C. The harder normals do have longer hit stun with more push back but you can also use his weaker normals to combo from as well. It's just that the weaker normals tend to have less hit stun but push back less. So depending on the situation both have their uses. Some good examples would be small jump C/D, land, stand A/down + B, qcfx2 + B/D super or you can do small jump deep A, land,  stand A/down + B, qcfx2 + B/D. Again it just depends how deep or close you hit them with the normal you use to be able to continue a combo/string.  
http://youtube.com/profile?user=JaimeDL = Garou MOTW Videos

http://www.twitch.tv/jaimedl = Garou MOTW streaming from time to time.


Just additional note in the dashing part. Tizoc can't cancel his forward dash to even a jump. Makes a great tool for buffering moves though.


Hay How bad is Freeman's helth. And Can I get you guys GT for some games and is Kim(dong,and jae's dad) dead in mow
KOF Teams


Since the 2k2UM game got patched, what do we have to do to get Garou patched up so that way we can actually get playable netcode for XBL?


I'm on FightCade!!!


any adviec on fight Butt ,Gato, and Grant. I play Freeman,Rock,and Jae
KOF Teams


Don't let Gato build his meter... Most players that turtle you will see doing the stomp~break... Don't let them do it... You've gotta make sure your hits connect with Gato, because one punish combo can take a huge chunk without meter...

As far as Marco Rodriguez goes (I prefer that name), its basically a patience game, since fireballs will be spammed and you can't roll. JD while inching in. I believe Freeman has moves that can stop some of his shenanigans with that counter, especially against strong hits and Marco's charge C, just make sure you break the counter, and combo accordingly. That counter doesn't stop air hits though... Look for moments to punish him as well... Qcf + A/C might go under fireballs, I just haven't had the time to try it out...

I don't know too much about Grant, and the other characters, but I'm willing to learn just to share the knowledge... I'll be training this week...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Ok, with Grant, don't put yourself in the corner... That's where he shines!!!

He can do a simple  ;fd ;dn ;df ;c ~  ;a ;b ,  ;df ;c (3 times),  ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;b and that does over 70% dmg... He has other combos that do ridiculous damage, but the point is, they all start from the corner...

Most he can do at mid screen that I could find, since he can't really cancel (except for with  ;dn ;a ;b ), are these:

;fd ;dn ;df ;c ~ ;a ;b , dash  ;fd ;dn ;df ;c ~ in the air, ;dn ;d
;fd ;dn ;df ;c ~ ;a ;b , ;dn ;df ;fd ;b
;fd ;dn ;df ;c ~ ;a ;b , dash standing ;c
;fd ;bk ;fd ;c , ;df ;c (opponent flies behind Grant),  ;dn ;df ;fd ;b or  ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;b / ;d
;dn ;a ;b (cancel at first hit),  ;dn ;df ;fd ;b

They all do a pretty good amount of damage, but I like the first one because its kinda flashy...

With meter at max, he can do this:

;fd ;dn ;df ;c ~ ;a ;b ,  ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;c and that's almost ggs right there... Just try these combos out, and watch your mouth drop... There's a combo video on youtube showing the damage he can do, but this really is supposed to be a guide to help fight against him, so let's get back on track... For those that want to learn Grant, learn those combos!!! Ok, back on track...

Look out for his normal attacks, standing ;c , crouching ;d , crouching ;b , and his jabs... If a fireball is used, its his ;a fireball, since ;c comes out slow, but most players shouldn't really use them that much...  ;dn ;df ;fd ;b and the  ;d version are what's gonna be used, especially  ;dn ;df ;fd ;d since it crosses up, so be careful when they start to use that. Counter hit  ;dn ;df ;fd ;b / ;d gives almost anything else for free, which means death in some cases... Two of those moves back to back take half of your life, so watch out for that... Speaking of cross ups, air  ;dn ;b / ;d can be used as a regular attack, or a simple cross up, as well as jumping ;b . I can't think of anything else right now... This is all from 5-10 minutes of just quick practicing, and I did look at one match from Howard Arena...
I'm on FightCade!!!


The corner thing goes for everyone really. Everyone's longer combos are in the corner. Freeman vs Grant is a bad match for Freeman for the most part. Unless you can read the player and JD everything correctly it's going to be a tough match. You also need to be on point with your GCs in order to stop Grant players from rushing you. I'll post some write ups from SRK talking about things to use with Freeman. It's hard breaking down what beats what since everything depends on how the opponents are using Marco, Gato and Grant. Here are some good write ups for certain situations that I think are good reads for Freeman players to learn from:


I also recommend watching good Freeman players in action. Plenty of matches are up on youtube showing how Freeman should be used at higher levels.
http://youtube.com/profile?user=JaimeDL = Garou MOTW Videos

http://www.twitch.tv/jaimedl = Garou MOTW streaming from time to time.


I do see how everyone practically does great in the corners, especially seeing a bunch of "corner" combo videos... For me it seems that's all Grant's got, aside from a few things he can do mid screen, which can do some damage surprisingly... I'm still learning though, as for the longest I've stuck with Gato and Marco...

I do see that while Freeman has moves that look good, they're not as strong as they seem vs many of the characters, and his trade-offs aren't good either... Does he happen to take the most damage out of all the other characters, or does that type of "health" tier listing even exist???

I'm still upset that this game was never considered stronger than 3S... Kain was like the first playable boss that was fun imo...
I'm on FightCade!!!


We should post on facebook to make upgrades of the netcode for garou and 98

Waifu Material


Quote from: jinxhand on December 01, 2010, 09:39:17 PM
I do see that while Freeman has moves that look good, they're not as strong as they seem vs many of the characters, and his trade-offs aren't good either... Does he happen to take the most damage out of all the other characters, or does that type of "health" tier listing even exist???

Well it just depends really on the trade offs. Yea certain characters have way better options off trades but Freeman can still hold down the cast. You just have to play smart and look at how the oppnent is using their character really. There is a list like that but I don't have it off the top of my head atm. I know it goes something like Rock, Hotaru, Jenet, Hoku, Freeman then so on. Tizoc and Grant have the strongest I know that. I'll have to check the mook and see if they have a list on that then add it to the first post.

Quote from: sibarraz on December 02, 2010, 12:33:19 AM
We should post on facebook to make upgrades of the netcode for garou and 98

It would be nice but at this point I don't see it happening even if we bothered SNK about it. I would rather they concentrate on good netcode for kofXIII and so on.
http://youtube.com/profile?user=JaimeDL = Garou MOTW Videos

http://www.twitch.tv/jaimedl = Garou MOTW streaming from time to time.


Hopefully with the success of KOFXIII they can work on maybe a MOTW2, or do what Capcom is doing for 3S and update this MOTW... I'm pretty sure it's patchable... I remember FF for the 360 got patched at least once or twice...
I'm on FightCade!!!


A MOTW UM Would be nice. They can tweak things and what not. Anything is possible I guess but at this point kofXiii should be the priority for them. If that pulls through good then they can start on other projects.
http://youtube.com/profile?user=JaimeDL = Garou MOTW Videos

http://www.twitch.tv/jaimedl = Garou MOTW streaming from time to time.