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Garou: Mark of the Wolves Thread - Everything you need to know

Started by Nocturnal, July 28, 2010, 06:45:35 AM

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Mr Bakaboy

I could be totally off base here, but I always thought Kevin was limited to a certain extent. Whenever I had people pulling Kevin shenanigans, it was always the same ones with mostly the same setups. Compared to the Kim Bros, Gato, and Jenet, where you see a million different ways to approach using them and comboing like crazy, I always thought people would rather play high level players that were more fun. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Just a couple of JP vids I still have favorited that show some strong Kevin play; both clips are of JR (green Kevin):

Matches at approx. 9:20, 20:00, and 26:00 (2 games in a row)



Sorry I've been out of the loop for sometime. Been busy with life and what not. I'll answer as best off the top of my head as I can.

Quote from: LouisCipher on October 29, 2012, 05:54:43 PM

Gato has many ways to AA his opponents of they jump in too much and are careless jumpers. Some examples: close stand ;d,  ;fd + ;b,  ;dn ;df ;fd x 2 + ;b/ ;d, his counter move (charge ;dn, ;up + ;c), ;dn;db ;bk +  ;b/ ;d,  ;b. The main thing to remember with Gato is to keep the opponent space in the range of all those normals/specials. Depending the situation is when you should use them. Yes JD does neglect a lot of these options but sooner or later they will get hit with something. Just mess around with them in a match. Also forgot to mention ;dn + ;b actually beats out a lot of early jump in normals. Easy to link into his punch super afterwards.

As for Rock yes he is low tier. He has a lot of hard matches and his vitality doesn't help him much. He's like glass. Any character in TOP mode doing a combo on Rock is painful. Yes he does have some nice tick throw setups and a few nifty corner mixups with his teleport. Besides that you have to rely on using his kick super shine knuckle to punish openings when you get one. Also you don't have to chain from ;dn + ;b his kick super. You can link it instead which is easier. You an also link from stand ;a. Almost forgot the mention. You don't have to do a full 360 input for 360 command grabs in MOTW. You only need to input: ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd,  ;uf/ ;up + ;c.

Here are some common tick throw options players use with Rock:

- ;a + ;b kara 360 + ;c = This one is great cause it creates better range for the grab after a tick with a normal. You cancel the ;a + ;b somewhat late to create lower body invincibility in case they decide to go low on wake up.

- ;dn+ ;a + ;b kara 360 + ;c = This one is probably better because you are cancelling from a command normal with upper/mid invincibility. Again you can cancel it pretty late so you still get the invincibility frames, while creating some range.

Best examples of a good Rock player would be Wata. Here are a few of his many matches he has:


Quote from: Mazinkaiser on November 07, 2012, 10:22:49 AM
Still loves for Garou... Nocturnal what do you think abount dong? is him worth or i have to switch to someone else.

Dong is very good. He has a few match up issues but overall he's better than Jae options wise.

Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on December 29, 2012, 09:00:34 PM
I could be totally off base here, but I always thought Kevin was limited to a certain extent. Whenever I had people pulling Kevin shenanigans, it was always the same ones with mostly the same setups. Compared to the Kim Bros, Gato, and Jenet, where you see a million different ways to approach using them and comboing like crazy, I always thought people would rather play high level players that were more fun. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Kevin can be nasty in the right hands. He Has multiple crossup options and along with a command grab it turns into a guessing game. Being able to combo into his super from any of his jumps in or dash ins makes him scary. Not to mention his meter building. Being able to guard crush you in the corner. Yes certain people do play him cookie cutter style but that wont get them far playing a good player. Like JT just posted JR is a great example of a smart Kevin player. In higher level play you have to be able to use all of Kevin's options to the fullest or you will get picked apart easy.

As for Tizoc. Yea he has the throw bug to worry about but I think he can be very strong with a good defensive style player. You have to remember the throw escape only works when they have meter or are in TOP mode. His main problem though is not having anything scary to punish openings with besides his command grabs. If you think about it all you have to really worry about are his normals and maybe his ;bk ;dn ;db + ;a/;c shenanigans. Every other special he has is slow on start up. I've won matches with Tizoc just using pokes so it's possible to win matches just very hard. I'm by no means a good Tizoc player but I know enough to use him effectively versus most of the cast. Best Tizoc players to watch are Yuji and Colossus.

http://youtube.com/profile?user=JaimeDL = Garou MOTW Videos

http://www.twitch.tv/jaimedl = Garou MOTW streaming from time to time.

Mr Bakaboy

Jinxhand honestly Rock in MOTW is easier to use then NGBC. There isn't as much of delays between moves like Rock has in NGBC for me it's the difference between preforming combos in old school KOF vs XIII. In XIII there's an easier flow to it. Sorry just played NGBC seriously yesterday and finally decided to feel the difference.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on January 06, 2013, 01:24:38 PM
Jinxhand honestly Rock in MOTW is easier to use then NGBC. There isn't as much of delays between moves like Rock has in NGBC for me it's the difference between preforming combos in old school KOF vs XIII. In XIII there's an easier flow to it. Sorry just played NGBC seriously yesterday and finally decided to feel the difference.

Yeah I noticed the delay in NGBC, and when I combo with him in MOW, it's way easier. Plus his 360 seems to be more lenient in terms of input when playing the MOW Rock...

I'm starting to get out of my comfort zone and start learning other characters besides Gato, Grant, and Marco... I will say Freeman is so much fun to play with... I do see some weaknesses, well at least in his movelist, which I feel makes him a high risk/high reward character, because you have to rely on more guessing than other characters like Marco... Freeman has good moves, but most aren't that great from what I'm seeing so far, unless again your yomi is on point, but those are just my thoughts based on who I fight out where I'm at... I love his rekkas though, but then I play rekka characters to begin with lol (Mature, Kensou, Fei Long, Genjuro, technically Gato)...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Hallo, I have a question about Tizoc's move Grif-Fall.

you do it after a   ;fd or  ;bk ;c throw, followed by  ;df ;df ;c

but instead he does just a crouch C hit without hitting the fallen opponent.

Which is the right timing?

Running Wild

You need to do it right as the opponent is slammed into the ground.

For what it's worth though, you get roughly the same amount of damage as his D throw.


Quote from: Running Wild on June 22, 2013, 05:33:43 PM
You need to do it right as the opponent is slammed into the ground.

For what it's worth though, you get roughly the same amount of damage as his D throw.

all right. thanks. I guess the same goes for Kim Jae Hoon's Tenchuu Zan?

I am having more trouble with those moves than the AB cancel ones....

Stone Drum

Hey, just picked up MOTW.  I learned Rock and can do all of his setups and combos fairly easily (he just clicks for me)

But I really want to learn Gato and make him my main.  Only thing is I'm struggling to find out how to make him effective.  He has much less range and is much harder than Rock.  Stomp cancelling is pretty hard- I can only do a stomp cancel correctly about 50% of the time.  I'm also struggling to get damage with him compared to rock.  It's very hard to land a super on an opponent who is jumpy.  I can only seem to land combos after someone seems to whiff a dp or something.  The only damage I seem to be getting is pokes, but I often get outpoked if I play that game because of his short range.  I just can't figure out how to use Gato effectively, despite watching videos of successful players use him with great skill

Potable Potpourri

Is there a definitive list of Rock's mix ups that anyone would be willing to share? I'd like to incorporate his counters more effectively into my play style because as of right now I'm only using them anti-airs. Also, has any progress been made adding Garou into the wiki?

Running Wild

Anybody know how to deal with Kevin? I've been using mostly Jenet, Butt, and Terry.

I feel like I can't do anything in this match-up because his standing A stops all of my pokes clean, then he is able to corner you so easily. I can't get out or deal with his break strings. It's hard to poke and play footsies against this character, and it feels like he's so safe on alot of stuff. Seems like the only way I could win is if I rush him down hard, but if I'm not careful I get blown up for it.

I could really use some insight on this character.


Quote from: Running Wild on April 05, 2014, 04:49:41 AM
Anybody know how to deal with Kevin? I've been using mostly Jenet, Butt, and Terry.

I feel like I can't do anything in this match-up because his standing A stops all of my pokes clean, then he is able to corner you so easily. I can't get out or deal with his break strings. It's hard to poke and play footsies against this character, and it feels like he's so safe on alot of stuff. Seems like the only way I could win is if I rush him down hard, but if I'm not careful I get blown up for it.

I could really use some insight on this character.

You're best chance is Jenet in this matchup. I recommend that you dash backwards and while she is in the air you divine kick so that way you evade Kevin's pokes and then strike. As for his incredibly scary block string in the corner, you can escape it with a well-timed down evasive ( ;dn  ;a ;b) with just about anybody. Also, anybody with a DP can usually escape this block string, which both Butt and Terry have.

Here is some things you should probably know about Kevin though: Most players either dash up to their opponents or leap and attack. If they jump around a lot, you can easily hit them with a down evasive and connect it with a special. If he dashes a lot or spends too much time charging his meter, it would be wise to pick a projectile character or wait until he approaches you to land a grab on him. This usually works :p


Is this game on PS3? Was asking because I can't find it on PSN. :(

I read a wiki and it said it was on PS3 unless it was on some sort of disc.