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Evolution 2011 Las Vegas, NV July 29-31

Started by Giby, March 25, 2011, 09:02:57 PM

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Any more news on the EVO side tourney??

Dark Geese

Quote from: elrosa on July 11, 2011, 12:24:41 AM
Any more news on the EVO side tourney??

Yo man you should play vs. DUNE in 98UM, KOFXI, 2002 UM have someone record it! You too Armando play vs. Dune in KOFXI, 2002 UM FT10 record it..

I won't be at EVO probably but you guys can do that FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!

Yours truly,

Dark Geese


In 2002Um I'll probably get raped
In 98UM I'll probably lose

But hell yeah, lets have some matches!!!!!


yeah any more details regarding the kof13 tourney? like, how to pre-register?
In it to win it!


Quote from: Mike on July 06, 2011, 07:40:16 PM
so is the KOF XIII tournament going to be streamed?

It will be streamed if we have enough participants, and hype.

THEAnswer and I will post some updates soon, as for pre-reg, we haven't set up anything for that. When you come to the show, just give the hairy guy your money :D All of us will be at the SNK area, so you'll always be able to find at least one of us. You can pay on Friday or Saturday, before we start the tournament.


So the tournament will be saturday? and friday will there be other things?

Please let us know!


i guess ill try to join if school isnt in the way


Tournament will be Saturday, we will post a schedule soon. As of right now, Friday will be casuals.


Quote from: Nocturnal on June 29, 2011, 09:41:11 PM
The more equipment the better I say. Also Giby is trying to raise funds for the KOFXIII pot. Check for more details here:


Help support to make this event even better.

already put in money to support you guys. $50, hope its enough for you


I was wondering who that was. Thanks for the donation, we love you :D


Now that particular JP players have been announced for EVO (http://shoryuken.com/2011/07/15/japan-invades-evo/), what do you think are the odds of them participating or giving the game a shot? Would it be possible for Dune to talk with them at least about the game? Even if they might not play it, a lot of US players idolize them and would give the game a second look if top JP SF players genuinely look interested in the game. I guess I like to think of it similarly to how VS had a mini-revival thanks to EVO and SCR. Just an idea. Thought I'd toss it in here since it's EVO related.


Tokido might do casuals or maybe even a chance of entering. He did enter 98 um back at '08. I think Mago only plays XI from what I've heard.

Dark Geese

Dune isn't going from what I have heard.

I spoke with Mago at ReveLAtions- He told me he would play KOFXI that's it. Mago seemed more 'shocked' by me like when I told him I'm Dark Geese at ReveLAtions when I was going to him (I said "Hey man I'm Dark Geese he was like "WHOOOAAAAAA".). It seems I may have my own Idol like status growing around the world it seems lol (Kula told me yesterday I'm very very famous in South Mexico which came as a shocker to me too lol, At Battle 4 Mexico 2010 I was shocked I was getting interviewed with Kula by people, people were taking pictures OF ME IN MEXICO WOW, and now a woman contacted me from South Mexico wanting to hook up because she knows me from the gamer guys in Mexico whoaaaaaaaaaaaa dude!!!!! LMAO).

Me RJ, Oscar, Mr. KOF and Reynald were laughing in the car going to get Japanese food because of all the comments I got from people coming up to say "It's an honor to meet you Dark Geese!" at ReveLAtions LOL REMEMBER THAT GUYS CLASSIC! LOL.

It's flattering it really is, I'm just doing what I want to do that's all guys! (I was even deferring to Mr. KOF like "That guys the real guy, he's stronger than me!")


CLASSIC!!! you Mr. Geese are the MAN!!!
" you fight well in the old style"


lololol dark geese, sir, this woman who contacted you, did she include pictures? lolol if they exist, they MUST be shared!!

yo the fact that atlus is coming to EVO is sooo sick, and they're gonna bring a console version of the game from the sound of it!

In it to win it!