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The King of Fighters XIII Video Thread

Started by krazykone123, July 26, 2010, 09:33:12 PM

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Sadly I missed the page before - was too caught up with playing the game :)

Had some things to say too (in bold)
Quote from: marchefelix on December 02, 2011, 07:16:41 PM
And to think the combos from those 12 videos from yesterday had me rewinding the videos several times because of how awesome and complex their combos were. But these! Goddamn, I can't help but to be a little skeptical of some of these!

These are the moments that really stuck to my head:

Terry's EX Power Wave: Anyone felt like he was actually going to beat his projectile in a race? =P
Looks like poor Terry is not blessed with a death combo without the opponent helping

Athena's combo: WTF @ continuous butt attack juggling? I can't help but to be a little skeptical of that particular combo.
Just me or does this stink of infinite?

Takuma's EX Haoh Shokouken: Either I never knew he had it or I did know it at one point and forgot about it. Either way, it was mind-blowing to see it.
Yeah that's his EX DM, his ranbu has no EX. I love how they went to lengths to get extra meter (cmd grabs during stun), just to pull off the EX but only the first haoh shokoken hits because the opponent is already dead! lol

Mai's combo: 3 DM's in a row! THREE! That's two EXDMs and one DM! And that equals three! (OK, so what have we learned so far? =P)
The combo performer mentioned spending a lot of time getting the links (height) just right so three DMs can get in there. kickass

Yuri's combo: Continuous use of her butt attack... something I've never seen before.
I will need to study damage on this, bc that would make for some really easy HD action

Kula's combo: Another combo I'm skeptical about. That continuous jabbing? Can it really be done?
Think this is machine assisted?

Maxima's combo: Autoguard like that is just unfair  :( But that's what makes Maxima himself  :)
Love it


lol make your own damn commentary

jk dude I don't mind someone having commenting on what I said, but I'm sure you have thoughts of your own that don't necessarily relate to mine (and I'd like to hear them [but only if they're gonna have humor like mine did... jk once again xD])


Hahah, took advantage of your post bc I'm at work and cannot break out the popcorn atm >_<


kyo, msi, athena and kula ones were insane.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!



indeed insane, but i hope (other than everything have 1 frame precision) them works only on raiden? or maxima and goro at least (the big guy team we know snkp consider them same size).

working for fun on athena one :P


Quote from: BioBooster on December 06, 2011, 02:51:06 AM

Just you. I noticed how they pull it off and it only really works when:
1. The opponent's facing the opposite direction
2. The first hit is a counter hit aerial CD

Her command normal makes her jump backwards, which is why the multiple butt attacks only work when they're right behind her. Fun to see its rare perks though.


In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Dont know if this was posted here but Atlus as made the official reveal of Nests Kyo


This is my first combo video for KoF XIII.  It may seem slow at the start, but I always aim to please later on in each of my combo videos so just stick with it.

The King Of Fighters XIII Combo Video - Check Your Blood


Thanks  AcidGlow, enjoying the commentary. Had also checked out some of your other recordings of online play for other games from time to time :)


Quote from: BolverkGTM on December 07, 2011, 02:43:29 AM
This is my first combo video for KoF XIII.  It may seem slow at the start, but I always aim to please later on in each of my combo videos so just stick with it.

Well done Bolver on the video and espeically the combos. Love the Ash mixups after his Sans Culotte. If you don't mind a bit of critiquing, the pausing points before Kyo and Ash start moving are slightly annoying, everything else is great though. Looking forward to seeing more.

And since this is your first post, welcome to DreamCancel. The Meet & Greet section is avaiable if you feel like a formal introduciton.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995



Quote from: solidshark on December 07, 2011, 09:09:59 AM
If you don't mind a bit of critiquing, the pausing points before Kyo and Ash start moving are slightly annoying, everything else is great though. Looking forward to seeing more.

Yeah sorry, I want to say that's the capture card's fault, but I know it's because I'm using Movie Maker (go go poverty).  I'll make sure the next video is a bit more clean on that part.  I know how to fix it, I just...didn't tinker with it this time.  Perhaps I could get my friend who has Sony Vegas to edit for me next time.

My next video's release will be timed to celebrate the holidays and the release of NESTS Kyo and Flame Iori.  It'll be a combo video around NESTS Kyo, Flame Iori, and Kensou.  Look forward to it!