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My Little China Girl - The Li Xiangfei Thread

Started by steamwolf, February 07, 2011, 11:36:03 AM

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Gameplay Overview

Gameplay Notes
-Use her speed as she is not that strong of a character

-Don't rely on her specials. Use chains and then cancel into Nanpa for quick hits.

-On wake up, use Ten Poh Zan or  ;c. Those have high priority in this game, as well as cr.  ;a and cr.  ;b

-Abuse her DMs when in red life

-Backdash with Xiangfei works as an emergency escape and provides temporary invincibility. Opponent's attacks will pass right through during your backdash, not regular dash.

-Very fast

-A bit on the weak side



st. ;b - Xiangfei sends out a quick kick. Good range and recovery time.

-Useful as a Poke


cr. ;b -A long-reaching crouching kick. Another good poke.

-Useful for poking and connecting other attacks

-Can connect into Zen Chuoh


j. ;b


Reverse Elbows
;fd/ ;bk+ ;c (Close)

Command Moves

Ri mon Chou Chu
;fd+ ;a
-Xiangfei does a lunging elbow. Not really worth doing because it's slow.

Low Foot
;bk+ ;b
-Must be blocked low. You can feint the Low Foot into a  special/DM by doing the Special/DM just before the Low Foot comes out.

 Hop Cancel
 -Low Foot won't come out, and instead it will cancel into a forward hop/low dodge.

-Xiangfei does a fake  ;bk+ ;b, then she does a quick hop forward. Not very useful.

Drunken Backhand
;a+ ;b
-Xiangfei slightly sways herself toward the opponent while giving him/her a hard strike with her fist.
-Use right before you're about to be hit by a non-projectile, and Xiangfei will dodge and counter attack.
-Good range, fast, and combo-able.

Unknown Name
;c,  ;fd,  ;fd+ ;a
-Xiangfei does her  ;c attack, then slides past the opponent to the other side. Purpose of this move is still unknown. Probably to confuse opponents.

Feint Ten Poh Zan
;bk+ ;a+ ;c
-Can make Xiangfei invincible for a bit against projectiles and standing attacks

Feint Taitetsujin
;dn+ ;b+ ;c

Special Moves

Nanpa (Breakshot)
;dn ;df ;fd+ ;a/ ;c
-Xiangfei does a quick turn with both arm extended, and attacks with chi palms.
-Absorbs projectiles
-This move when done with  ;a is fast but has poor range, which keeps it from being a better move. It leaves you open for other attacks if missed, so be careful when using it.  Make sure it connects or at least hits the opponent.

Zen Chuoh
;dn ;df ;fd+ ;b
-Xiangfei does a quick dash then tumbles on the ground toward the opponent and grabs, then elbows the opponent and sends them flying. This is a pretty good move to use get a surprise hit. You can use this to get under non-groundbased projectiles like Krauser's high Blitz ball.
-The rolling grab needs to connect without being blocked to perform the technique.

  ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;b
 -After Zen Chuou is done, the opponent is sent flying. Then she will jump in after the opponent and give him/her a flying kick, followed by another one that knocks the opponent down.  Do this before Xiangfei gives the opponent the elbow.

  Shin Saiha
  ;dn ;db ;bk+ ;b
 -Do this during the roll or just before she reaches the opponent. If the Zen Chuoh elbow connects, you performed this too late. This changes her grab to one that is unblockable.

Ten Poh Zan (Breakshot)
;fd ;dn ;df+ ;b
-Your average dragon punch.  Xiangfei does a steep diagonal shoulder tackle. Good move.  Works just like a dragon punch.  Good priority.

Esaka (Breakshot)

   (High)  ;a then  ;up just as you are about to be hit.

   (Mid)   ;a then   ;fd just as you are about to be hit.

   (Low)  ;a then  ;dn just as you are about to be hit.

Desperation Moves

Taitetsujin (Breakshot)
;fd, ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;b ;c
-S. Power. Xiangfei extends her arms out and brings them to her side. The ground explodes sending the dust up clouding her, then she dashes out and tackles the opponent. Very fast, though vulnerable to projectiles. Good move, but not very comboable. More useful for catching people off guard or in the middle of something else.

Chou Pairon Starter
-Must touch the opponent for followups to come out.

 Follow Up
  ;fd,  ;db,  ;fd+ ;a ;b
 -If Chou Pairon Starter is blocked, this Follow Up is possible but you cannot perform the Finish.

  ;fd,  ;db,  ;fd+ ;a ;b
-Xiangfei does her strong attack, then follows up by rushing in with a double palm strike, and finishes with a shoulder ram, sending the opponent into the wall. This move is more recommended for comboing and is overall her better DM.

Super Desperation Move

360+ ;c
-Xiangfei puts her hands on the opponent's chest, forcing her chi into the opponent and sends them flying. Does 100 Rush Hits. If missed, she'll still her her arm out, palm open, and will let out a chi blast that does half the damage.
-Connects close. Unblockable.

Chain Attacks

Punch Starters

;a (*)  -------->  ;a (*)      ----->  ;a (*)     ----->  ;a       ----->  ;fd+ ;a (E)
;dn+ ;a (*) |       ;dn+ ;a (*)          ;dn+ ;a (*)         ;dn+ ;a
;fd+ ;a (*) |                                  ;c (*, E)           ;b (*, E)
                 |                                                          ;c (E)
                 ----->  ;b (*)      ----->  ;c (O, E)  
                 |       ;dn+ ;b (*, _)       ;dn+ ;c (_, E)
                 |                                   ;df+ ;c (*, A, E)
                 |                                   ;d (<, E)
                 ----->  ;c (*)      ----->  ;a (*)     ----->  ;c (E)
                                                      ;b (*, E)          ;a+ ;b (T, E)
                                                                             ;d (T, E)

;a in air (O)--->  ;b (1, H, O, E)
                         ;c (1, H, O, E)

Kick Starters

;b (*)  -------->  ;b(*)    ----->  ;c (0, E)
;dn+ ;b (*, _)     ;dn+ ;b (*, _)  ;dn+ ;c (_, E)
                                              ;df+ ;c (*, A, E)
                                                  ;d (<, E)

;bk+ ;b (*, _)--->  ;d (E)

;b in air (O)--->  ;c (F, H, 0, E)

Strong Starters

;c (*)    -------->  ;fd,  ;fd +  ;a (1, >, E)

;a--- ;a--- ;a--- ;a--- ;fd+ ;a:
-4 hit punch end with Drunken Backhand.  Total of 5 hits.

cr. ;a---cr. ;a---cr. ;a---cr. ;a--- ;fd+ ;a:
-4 hit crouching punch end with Drunken Backhand. Total of 5 hits.

;a--- ;a--- ;a--- ;b:
-Three hit punches end with a roundhouse kick that bounce the opponent one space away.

;a--- ;a--- ;a--- ;c:
-Three hit punches, Two way Palm Strike.

;fd+ ;a--- ;c--- ;b:
-Lunging elbow, palm stike, roundhouse kick.

;a--- ;c---Zen Chuou---Kankuu:
-Jab punch, Elbow, Zen Chuou, Kankuu.

;a--- ;c--- ;a---Zen Chuou---Kankuu:
-Jab punch, Elbow, Double Palm Strike, Zen Chuou, Kankuu.

;a--- ;c--- ;a--- ;c:
-Jab punch, Elbow, Double Palm Strike, Two way palm strike.

;a--- ;c--- ;a--- ;d:
-Jab punch, Elbow, Double Palm Strike, Taunt 1.

;a--- ;c--- ;a--- ;a+ ;b:
-Jab punch, Elbow, Double Palm Strike, Taunt 2.

;a+ ;b---Zen Chuou---Kankuu:
-Reach out Fist, Zen Chuou, Kankuu.

;a--- ;b--- ;c:
-Jab Punch, Punch, Double fists strike.

;a--- ;b--- ;df+ ;c:
-Jab Punch, Punch, Double Jump kick.

;b--- ;b--- ;c:
-Knee, Roundhouse, Two way Palm Strike.

;b--- ;b---cr. ;c:
-Knee, Rondhouse, Sweep (doesn't knockdown)

;b--- ;b--- ;d:
-Roundhouse kick, punch, back flip (her b, b).

cr. ;b---cr. ;b---Zen Chuou---Kankuu:
-Low kick, Weak Sweep, ZenChuou, Kankuu (yes it's a combo)

Frame Data

Standing  ;a: 7f, +0 on block, +4 on hit
->  ;a: -9 on block, -5 on hit
->  ;a->  ;c: -7 on block, -1 on hit
->  ;a->  ;a: -9 on block, -5 on hit
->  ;a->  ;a->  ;b: -13 on block, -6 on hit
->  ;a->  ;a->  ;c: -7 on block, -1 on hit
->  ;a->  ;a->  ;a: -9 on block, -5 on hit
->  ;a->  ;a->  ;a->  ;fd+ ;a: -12 on block, -6 on hit
->  ;dn+ ;a: -7 on block, -3 on hit
->  ;dn+ ;a ->  ;dn+ ;a: -7 on block, -3 on hit
->  ;dn+ ;a ->  ;dn+ ;a ->  ;dn+ ;a: -7 on block, -3 on hit
NOTE:  ;a and  ;dn+ ;a are completely interchangeable in the above group of strings, so you can use things like  ;a- ;dn+ ;a- ;c xx special.
->  ;b: -10 on block, -6 on hit
->  ;b->  ;c: -12 on block, -6 on hit
->  ;b->  ;dn+ ;c: -14 on block, -8 on hit
->  ;b->  ;df+ ;c: -7 on block
->  ;b->  ;d: 29f
NOTE:  ;a->  ;dn+ ;b also leads into the above group of strings.
->  ;c: -7 on block, -1 on hit
->  ;c->  ;a: -4 on block, +2 on hit
->  ;c->  ;a->  ;c: Same as  ;a- ;a- ;a- ;c
->  ;c->  ;a->  ;a+ ;b: 43f
->  ;c->  ;a->  ;d: 83f
->  ;c->  ;b: Same as  ;a- ;a- ;a- ;b
Standing  ;b: 7f, -9 on block, -5 on hit
-> Same strings as the Standing  ;a->  ;b group ( ;b- ;b- ;df+ ;c, etc.)
Standing  ;c: 10f, -5 on block, +1 on hit
->  ;fd, ;fd+ ;a: -12 on block, -7 on hit
Crouching  ;a: 7f, +0 on block, +4 on hit
-> Same strings as Standing  ;a
Crouching  ;b: 6f, -5 on block, -1 on hit
-> Same strings as Standing  ;b
Crouching  ;c: 10f, -14 on block
Jumping  ;a: 6f
Jumping  ;b: 6f
Jumping  ;c: 14f
Neutral Jumping  ;b: 6f
Neutral Jumping  ;c: 9f
;a+ ;b: 8f, -12 on block, -6 on hit
Standing  ;d: 8f, -3 on block, +0 on hit
Crouching  ;d: 11f, -6 on block
Backplane  ;a: 22f, +0 on block, +2 on hit
Backplane  ;b: 22f, -1 on block, +1 on hit
Backplane  ;c: 25f, +7 on block, +13 on hit
;fd+ ;a: 13f, -4 on block, +0 on hit
-> Same strings as Standing  ;a
;bk+ ;b: 21f, -5 on block, +1 on hit
->  ;c: 33f

;dn ;df ;fd+ ;a: 15f, -6 on block, -4 on hit
;dn ;df ;fd+ ;c: 26f, +2 on block
;dn ;df ;fd+ ;b: 22f, -5 on block
->  ;dn ;db ;bk+ ;b: 28f total
->  ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;b: No frames, but this must be input early in her "elbow" animation.
;fd ;dn ;df+ ;b: 5f, -41 on block
;a, ;up: 1f
;a, ;fd: 1f
;a, ;dn: 1f

;fd, ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;b+ ;c: 23-40f depending on distance, -4 on block
Standing  ;c: Data already listed above
->  ;fd, ;db, ;fd+ ;a+ ;b: -7 on block
->  ;fd, ;db, ;fd+ ;a+ ;b: Frames don't matter since this only works on hit.

360+ ;c(grab): 1f
360+ ;c(projectile): 24f, -38 on block

;bk+ ;a+ ;c: 22f
;dn+ ;b+ ;c: 24f


Links and References


Finally finished here! Credits go to Goh_Billy and SiberianWolf on gamefaqs for listing all her moves, chain attacks, and combos. Couldn't find a sprite to post up of her, but I'll work on that. The chain attack layout is based on Goh_Billy's, and I'll post up a legend as a seperate thread explaining it all.

Update: Added some more pictures and info on a few of her normals. Also added Frame Data. Credit for the Frame Data goes out to Josh-TheFunkDOC of SRK, as well as Ghost Pilot for posting up where to find some of these pics I found and the bit of damage data I could read in google translate.


I just started to really learn Xiang Fei, she's quite good.

My favorite combo for her is ;a, ;a, ;c, ;dn ;df ;fd ;b, ;dn ;df ;fd ;b. This is fast, and does an good amount of damage.

;dn ;b, ;dn ;b, ;dn ;df ;fd ;b, ;dn ;df ;fd ;b is good too because it hits low, but it's not as strong.

She has a flashy combo that involves two specials. ;dn ;b, ;dn ;b, ;df ;c,  ;dn ;df ;fd ;a,  ;fd ;dn ;df ;b. The thing with this combo is it's very hard to pull this move off. It's very position specific...you have to be close to the corner, but not in the corner. Still, it hits low and does some damage.

For S Power, I prefer to use the Chou Pairon(the one you have to combo into). Her Taitetsujin S Power is strong, but if blocked is punishable. Good players know to look for it. Chou Pairon isn't punishable since you HAVE to combo into it, so it either hits or if they block the set up and the move, you push them back so they can't punish you. Combine that with it being really strong and it's very useful.

God 2.0

I too recently decided to start working on Xiangfei.

I don't have any of those fancy GIFs lying around, but here's some more combo info.

Start your offence with up close  ;dn ;b ;dn ;b. This way you can hit confirm into the fitting finisher based on whether the opponent is blocking or not. If he isn't, go for the launcher into Nanpa (  ;df ;c  ;dn ;df ;fd ;a ) if you are midscreen or launcher into Shin Saiha ( ;df ;c ;fd ;dn ;df ;b ) if he is touching the corner. If your opponent is not at point black range, the launcher followup is likely to miss. In this case, replace it by cancelling into Zen Chuoh -> Kanka. ( ;dn ;df ;fd ;b -> ;dn ;df ;fd ;b )

If the first part if the combo is blocked, go for the low finisher ( ;dn ;c ), or occasionally the overhead finisher if your opponent is conditioned to block your strings. ( ;c )
This overhead is pretty slow and telegraphed though, so you should expect it to stop working fairly quickly.