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Dreamcancel Vent Server, or just use skype?

Started by steamwolf, February 01, 2011, 10:38:21 AM

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Should I create a vent server for Dreamcancel to have a light-weight program to easily communicate with while gaming? Or should we stick to skype with it being a system hog and causing lag?

9 (90%)
0 (0%)
No to BOTH! I don't wanna talk to ANY of you!
1 (10%)

Total Members Voted: 9


So would you guys like a vent server? jedpossum has mentioned skype is giving his system issues and on my old singlescore system I was having issues with skype lagging me down badly. Ontop of this, Desmond Delaghetto has mentioned arclive is giving him a little input lag. This could be due to skype! Skype wants to be the ONLY thing running unless you've got a very powerful machine (even I get a little laggy if I'm doing too much at once with skype!) Vent is much easier to use and we can get multiple people on it, and even have different sub-channels within the server. So say there's five people playing KoF 02 and five playing RB2. We could easily split them up so they're not all talking on the same channel AND they can come and go to each channel with the click of the mouse very easily. Vent also offers free talking as you please or push to talk by choosing a button to use on your keyboard. This can prevent people from saying things they may not want others to hear on the mic. Again, vent is very light-weight as its designed to be a tool for gamers in MMORPGs in order to make doing raids and such in WoW easier to communicate. Its up to you guys! But this may help very much with our online community. I can easily set up a server for us to use quickly and teach everyone how to get on and use it. Just leave your votes!

I'm gonna leave this poll up for awhile. Since we've got what, 30 people registered in the database? I figure I should give this one some time. But its looking like I'll probably just make the vent server and a thread explaining how to get on it.


Looks like I'll be setting up a vent server for everybody. This will make it much easier to communicate for matches, and is lightweight enough to not cause additional lag to even the lowest-end PCs on the market today. It may take me a little bit to get everything situated, as its secondary right now to my other responsibilities here.


i prefer team speak but hey if i get to chill with you bros im cool