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any chance GMOW would be on the PSN

Started by bigvador, August 03, 2011, 08:39:53 AM

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the fact that xbox his it and playstation dont really sucks maybe we can sign somthing to get it on there.....


The NeoGeo Station on the PS3 will inevitably get Garou. Its been mentioned several times, that their long-term goal with the NeoGeo Station is to have every single classic Neo Geo game on the station. So while for the time being, XBL has several SNK games...the PS3 will have the entire collection with online play available for all of them. Garou will be added I presume within the next year or so. Don't sweat it, it'll be there! And when it hits, it'll probably draw in some new blood too or have people wanting to play more often. Just give it time, and support Neo Geo Station!


Yeah NeoGeo Station will have Garou MOTW eventually. If it has KOF95 netcode, I will be quite happy about it.


if thats the case then KOF 98 UM and 2002 UM would make it on there right???


Quote from: bigvador on August 29, 2011, 01:24:08 AM
if thats the case then KOF 98 UM and 2002 UM would make it on there right???

Maybe but not as NeoGeoStation games, KOF98UM/2002UM don't run on NeoGeo hardware. NeoGeoStation is basically a NeoGeo hardware emulator and only NeoGeo games will appear on it. GarouMOTW appared in NeoGeo and so did KOF98 and 2002, but the UM versions didn't.

So if SNKP releases KOF98UM and KOF2002UM it should be as independent games and not part of the NeoGeo Station games.


didnt microsoft buy those both UMs so they wont come on ps3


Quote from: bigvador on August 29, 2011, 04:07:48 AM
didnt microsoft buy those both UMs so they wont come on ps3

No one knows if MS did such a thing. But looking it as how MS technically lost Japan already. SNKP might port the games to the PS3.