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SoCal KoF

Started by davidkong07, July 31, 2010, 02:52:31 AM

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How many points total should each team consist?

6 (27.3%)
11 (50%)
2 (9.1%)
2 (9.1%)
other (please write below)
1 (4.5%)

Total Members Voted: 22


Quote from: Kane317 on February 11, 2011, 10:11:20 AM
AI's closing date, February 26th, is confirmed from Ken himself. C'est la vie!



All day session!!! Be there when it opnes hopefully
" you fight well in the old style"


I'm sure most of you know, but just want to remind everyone about the tourney on the 26th.  If you haven't made any of the other ones before, please make an effort to come to this very last one to show your support!


Quote from: Kane317 on February 21, 2011, 06:03:27 AM
I'm sure most of you know, but just want to remind everyone about the tourney on the 26th.  If you haven't made any of the other ones before, please make an effort to come to this very last one to show your support!

Ok I'll be there, the latest 2. :D
PSN- MrGreen-AI


" you fight well in the old style"


I'll be at AI tomorrow (fri) night



Good to see all of you guys on Saturday, big props to Reynald for taking the tournament coming back from losers.


       well first I want to say it was awesome to see almost all of the original A.I. KoF XIII players saturday it brought a big smile to my face, congrats to Reynald and John in the championship match and always reminding me that I'm a mere mortal lol.I wish there was a forum or stage For you guys to  display your talents and to show what you guys have been showing us for along time, that you both are truly remarkable players. for all the A.I. family I'm really gonna miss you guys, all of you taught me how to play KoF, even if it was whiffing like five Dp's in my face to gain meter and land fat ass combo's, or if it was just straight up ass whoopins to show me what's up, It all motivated me and challenged me to see if I had what it takes to get better.  I Really felt that Arcade Infinity was the central hub that brought all the players to an equal middle ground from opposite directions in all of So Cal.  I want to say thanks to all the players again

Oscar(THE ANSWER) Thanks for making it easy to be a party of A.I. KoF XIII I wish could've played your super tier team more lol

Yuhang(Kane317) your are a super straight up dude and I appreciated you always willing to help me out, your chin is godlike haha. The # 1 KoF XIII ambassador

Duc(Ash) I know you say you used to be hella good, but I still think you got it, props for not picking K at the tournament. and your small little tidbits of tips have helped out more than you know

John( Mr.KoF) man I have to say playing against you and losing 99.6 percent of the time has probably motivated me the most out of anything, you challenged my intelligence, indurance, and dedication. And to be honest I didn't know you were famous in the beginning but I always knew you were something great.I wish you the best of luck in your future, RESPECT!!

RJ(4leaf) I wish I had got to play you more, I'll never forget your performance at SoCalRegionals that shit was soooo tight

Ivan (Fatacon) man you better show those dudes what's up with AI KoF In Nor Cal man, it was great playing you and always appreciated all of your input as well

Reynald man you one talented dude to almost not play at all for months and then comeback and smash on people damn that was crazy, thanks for the great matches with John soo exciting

and to all the Cali Mexican dudes, you guys are so solid at Kof man I always appreciated how you guys never took it easy on me and I respect that a lot, AI wasn't the same without you guys.

Respect and Love to all I hope to see you guys somewhere in the future.
                                                     R.I.P. ARCADE INFINITY
" you fight well in the old style"


Reading your post Abe makes the reality really sink in that AI is going to be a thing of the past (just like SoCal Golfland where I met the majority of you guys).

There's not much more I can add to that post as I agree with every comment you made, and you Abe, sir, know how much we respect how far you've come in such a short amount of time.  This side of Reynald's freak-of-nature, there aren't many that can learn  kof in a few months and hang with the rest of us oldies--nothing replaces hard work and you're a shinning example of it.

Just wanted to reiterate that I felt that overall, it was the best tournament we had at AI by far, and short of the Raiden shennanigans in the end, it was a super exciting nail-biting tourney to watch.  Seeing all the old faces pop up one last time really did put a grin on my face and it's always humbling to know that the Cali-Mexicans can put you in check whenever they show up.

MVP character (yeah I know that doesn't make sense) is undoubtedly B.a.l.a's Duo Lon showing us what's up and how to really use him; if it's true how little he's played XIII then he really did live up to his reputation.

Also, it's good to finally see Duc (Ash) place in a respectable position in an AI tournament, we have no idea what happened to you the first two tourneys but I'm glad you're back in shape.

P.S. Special shoutout to StolenHope, I appreciate you showing up and it doesn't take a lot of nerves to wanna still participate when you know the odds are stacked up against you, keep playing my friend and get your friend to play too!


No problem Kane317 I had a great time! Learned alot of new tricks watching everyone play, but I still have along way to go. And I will try to have my friend practice a little more but he said he was going to wait for the console version because he is tired of getting his ass handed to him he said lol! But Besides that Good games to Everyone we all fought hard!!

PS if Anyone wanta to Play at FFA or japan arcade Hit me up!!!


Good news! the KOF XIII board is staying in SoCal, as of right now is in my house serving as a door stop (loljk) and I'll probably have it for a few days before it makes it's way to Alex's Arcade (AA) in the heart of Santa Ana, CA.


Quote from: THE ANSWER on March 01, 2011, 05:09:57 PM
Good news! the KOF XIII board is staying in SoCal, as of right now is in my house serving as a door stop (loljk) and I'll probably have it for a few days before it makes it's way to Alex's Arcade (AA) in the heart of Santa Ana, CA.

Oh snaps, Kane told me this yesterday. Great job pulling through on this!


Quote from: THE ANSWER on March 01, 2011, 05:09:57 PM
Good news! the KOF XIII board is staying in SoCal, as of right now is in my house serving as a door stop (loljk) and I'll probably have it for a few days before it makes it's way to Alex's Arcade (AA) in the heart of Santa Ana, CA.

You know, XIII will serve well as a coaster for my coffee =)


Good stuff, Oscar. Hope your knees aren't that bruised up... j/k