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SoCal KoF

Started by davidkong07, July 31, 2010, 02:52:31 AM

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How many points total should each team consist?

6 (27.3%)
11 (50%)
2 (9.1%)
2 (9.1%)
other (please write below)
1 (4.5%)

Total Members Voted: 22


How long is Gunny going to be here for? I used to talk to him way back when he was a mod at ng.com


I know a couple of days but I think he's only free Friday the 29th--so keep that day open guys.


Will do, I'll let Noc know as well.


Quote from: Giby on April 03, 2011, 07:04:29 AM
Will do, I'll let Noc know as well.

Cool, but I meant that for all the SoCal guys to show some respect to a fellow veteran kofer from overseas, to at least come by and say hi and exchange some games...show him how we roll!


On a side note, over the weekend I drove up to Monterey Park to meet up with Scott our former AI direct feed guy to grab our footage of our last tourney at AI, which I have in possession now.  Needs loads of editing due to being de-synced and also some cutting of the rounds where characters were incorrectly selected.  Check in around Wednesday, just in time to get jacked up for this coming weekend!


Hey! Just curious, how are you guys in SoCal? Found a new home yet after the unfortunate events that went down at the old one ):?


Quote from: Demoninja on April 04, 2011, 09:16:51 AM
Hey! Just curious, how are you guys in SoCal? Found a new home yet after the unfortunate events that went down at the old one ):?

The kof13 machine was bought by the answer and he's putting it at an arcade in orange county called Alex's Arcade, so it's even closer distance-wise for a lot of us.

On a side note, we have a news update for the live capture feed. Today after hours of trying and a bunch of different cable set ups, we've still stuck at a point where we can only output to the cabinet screen or my computer, not both.

It appears that the monitor for the cabinet only accept analog vga/component, and with that we're unable to capture in 720p. If we connect it straight to my computer only, it can take 720p but the monitor on the cabinet will have no signal. We're still in the process of figuring out what we can do to get you guys HD streams. Our next step is to get a digital -> analog converter (dvi-d to vga) which is fairly costly. The second idea is to bring a seperate tv that will accept digital and connect it there. Problem with that is that the tv would have to be on the side and we would need to get a convert for the joysticks to play on the side of the machine.

We put in a lot of time and effort (don't forget money) to get this working, so let's pray this works!

Here's a sample capture we took today (no sound, too lazy to hookup)



Quote from: Kane317 on April 04, 2011, 07:58:34 AM

On a side note, over the weekend I drove up to Monterey Park to meet up with Scott our former AI direct feed guy to grab our footage of our last tourney at AI, which I have in possession now.  Needs loads of editing due to being de-synced and also some cutting of the rounds where characters were incorrectly selected.  Check in around Wednesday, just in time to get jacked up for this coming weekend!

Is it Wednesday yet?
PSN- MrGreen-AI


Quote from: l2slythe on April 05, 2011, 08:02:29 AM
Quote from: Kane317 on April 04, 2011, 07:58:34 AM

On a side note, over the weekend I drove up to Monterey Park to meet up with Scott our former AI direct feed guy to grab our footage of our last tourney at AI, which I have in possession now.  Needs loads of editing due to being de-synced and also some cutting of the rounds where characters were incorrectly selected.  Check in around Wednesday, just in time to get jacked up for this coming weekend!

Is it Wednesday yet?

The quality of the file is worse than I thought, it desyncs every now and then (file is over 2hrs+ long), too much trouble to try to readjust it, so I think I'm just going to upload it tonight.

EDIT:  Lol, putting up a damn watermark is a lot harder than I thought it would be haha.  I fell asleep on the table trying to research how to do it. 


What prog do you use to edit your video files? Visible or invisible watermark? I'm guessing visible, which isn't too bad depending on what you want to do. I can try editing and fixing desync if you want.

I'll be free finally to go to AA sometime this weekend (most likely Fri or Sat), so let me know which would be a better day to go. Though my time in SoCal is slowly coming to a close, I really wish I had more time to play and practice to prepare for going back and playing the guys up north. Anyway, let me know, it'll be good to have some matches with you guys again. The time is always so long inbetween the sessions I play, I feel like I'm playing it for the first time everytime lol not really a good excuse though since Reynald never plays and he's up there with John at usually every tourney ;)


Quote from: FataCon on April 06, 2011, 01:23:35 AM
What prog do you use to edit your video files? Visible or invisible watermark? I'm guessing visible, which isn't too bad depending on what you want to do. I can try editing and fixing desync if you want.

I'll be free finally to go to AA sometime this weekend (most likely Fri or Sat), so let me know which would be a better day to go. Though my time in SoCal is slowly coming to a close, I really wish I had more time to play and practice to prepare for going back and playing the guys up north. Anyway, let me know, it'll be good to have some matches with you guys again. The time is always so long inbetween the sessions I play, I feel like I'm playing it for the first time everytime lol not really a good excuse though since Reynald never plays and he's up there with John at usually every tourney ;)

Visible watermark (www.dreamcancel.com logo that nilcam sent me), as for the desyncing, it's noticable at times but it fixes readjusts itself again.  The main thing is I want the video up before this weekend as we're already one tourney behind.

This Saturday is the tourney, Oscar will post it up if he hasn't already.


Quote from: Kane317 on April 06, 2011, 01:43:57 AM
This Saturday is the tourney, Oscar will post it up if he hasn't already.

WHAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?!?! Tournament already?! lol Well, as usual, count me in. Look forward to seeing you guys Saturday!


You SoCal guys are too funny. Good games and good times. Also, as per Kunio's request, Ash is now known as "Dirty Duc".


Quote from: FataCon on April 11, 2011, 01:33:42 AM
You SoCal guys are too funny. Good games and good times. Also, as per Kunio's request, Ash is now known as "Dirty Duc".

Huh? Where'd I get that name from? hahah


Quote from: Ash on April 11, 2011, 05:49:29 AM
Quote from: FataCon on April 11, 2011, 01:33:42 AM
You SoCal guys are too funny. Good games and good times. Also, as per Kunio's request, Ash is now known as "Dirty Duc".

Huh? Where'd I get that name from? hahah

WTH, how did you miss that moniker?  Kunio made it clear when we were eating at Langosta's--don't deny it.

Indeed, this weekend was fun as hell and your stories are too funny Ivan haha.  Big thanks to Duc and Oscar for really putting all the effort to make this happen and as acting host for Kunio!


Hey guys, I need a 3rd character as my own. I just wanna hear some suggestions from you folks. I'm thinking Mai or Kyo.

(Getting tired of Shen and Andy... they're not fitting into the style i play anymore.)
PSN- MrGreen-AI