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SoCal KoF

Started by davidkong07, July 31, 2010, 02:52:31 AM

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How many points total should each team consist?

6 (27.3%)
11 (50%)
2 (9.1%)
2 (9.1%)
other (please write below)
1 (4.5%)

Total Members Voted: 22

ESB Cancel

Hello, my name is Sam. I frequent Alex's arcade since I live just up the street from it (I'm the guy with the glasses who is starting to learn KOF). And I was just wondering:

Does anyone know the scheduling of when people show up and play KOFXIII? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I am assuming that weekends are empty?

I usually show up on weekdays (mainly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but other days depending) from 3:30 till probably closing. Thanks for any incoming replies I appreciate it.


Quote from: Mr.KOF on May 29, 2011, 11:28:43 PM
raymond is almost there(the ash stun combo) he just needs to practice a little more on his nerves.so im guessing that your retirement is right around the corner.jajajaja

That's nice that Japan Arcade changed out their sticks. I'm guessing the buttons are still the same? either way i''ll come down this Tuesday. My retirement coming soon ??? LOL See you guys later.
yeah man he is really getting very good with that ash combo.bottons are sanwa aswell,but i honestly doubt that anyone will want to play you on those sticks.i wouldnt come over if i were you cause we all play like kids on those joysticks.jajaja


Hey John don't you think you are letting this get to your head my friend? Making this challenges to Kane317, Ash, Reynald My self and the rest of the Cali-Mexicans when you know really well that none of us will have the time practice at the moment. I know you mean no disrespect but sometimes you just need to be a little humble specially in a forum since people are reading and they might get a different idea. I want to think that this is your way to encourage us to get better but believe us man we are trying =) I'm pretty sure that you are starving for a strong opponent to test your full potential and unfortunately we are unable to deliver at the moment but once console comes out I'm sure we'll all get better, specially the Cali-Mexicans and actually I have a feeling that they will be your true opponents. I personally like that you are active in the forum just take it easy my friend ;).

Also, it sucks how this sticks situations at Japan arcade turned out. Specially how they are going to charge .50 cents now, personally I would be upset. Yoshi if you guys really want, I can get you a KOF XIII system for $2000 and I'll show you how to hook it up at home.

P.S. Welcome to the forum Sam, make sure you introduce yourself to the rest of the website on the meet and greet section.


Quote from: THE ANSWER on May 30, 2011, 10:42:07 AM
Hey John don't you think you are letting this get to your head my friend? Making this challenges to Kane317, Ash, Reynald My self and the rest of the Cali-Mexicans when you know really well that none of us will have the time practice at the moment. I know you mean no disrespect but sometimes you just need to be a little humble specially in a forum since people are reading and they might get a different idea. I want to think that this is your way to encourage us to get better but believe us man we are trying =) I'm pretty sure that you are starving for a strong opponent to test your full potential and unfortunately we are unable to deliver at the moment but once console comes out I'm sure we'll all get better, specially the Cali-Mexicans and actually I have a feeling that they will be your true opponents. I personally like that you are active in the forum just take it easy my friend ;).

Also, it sucks how this sticks situations at Japan arcade turned out. Specially how they are going to charge .50 cents now, personally I would be upset. Yoshi if you guys really want, I can get you a KOF XIII system for $2000 and I'll show you how to hook it up at home.

P.S. Welcome to the forum Sam, make sure you introduce yourself to the rest of the website on the meet and greet section.

Like i said before when i meant the situation of getting it down in a match isn't saying you guys don't know combos. I know Team Infinity can perform combos well. I was merely saying getting that Ash combo down is hard to get due to the fact it's dropped often because there is never a time you guys just let me do it. At the same time Ash only has corner combos, so it's harder for a person to create that opening due to the fact that the opponent is knowing' to put up a bigger barrier on defense when they're in the Danger Zone *middle* screen. Any by challenges* it's not the I challenge you to a match thing. It's more of me saying i want you wear my shoes and trying to see it in my view. It had nothing of questioning of anyones ability to do combos. Oscar i will admit i can't do the Elizabeth combo double super like you  :) I will admit Kane317 chin in general will be better than anyone because he understands him inside and out. CMD duc knows more about Iori than anyone else. And cali -mexicans are very fun to play with along with everyone else at AA. I NEVER said you guys weren't  good competition.  We're more than just fellow KOF friends. I'd like for all of us to become really close outside of KOF.  Hell i want to get beers with you guys instead of playing KOF! I'd like to say something too about being humble. I am not as dedicated as The Answer who helps/tries to promote KOF and Kane317 who also put effort in taking time to make Videos as well for the community.And to Dark Geese who puts in effort in posting KOF videos. All i've done is played the game until you guys talked about me without me knowing anything about Forums and such. I would never mean to harm any of you on here. So, For the record I believe we're all in it as a WHOLE! Forgive me if anyone has any misunderstandings. To all my friends..you guys are "Mi Carnal"!!!



Sangre por Sangre carnal!!!

Dark Geese

I am like 200 miles probably outside of you guys right now in Lovelock, Nevada lol.

But I will certainly see you guys next Thursday/Friday!


Quote from: Dark Geese on May 30, 2011, 10:47:05 PM
I am like 200 miles probably outside of you guys right now in Lovelock, Nevada lol.

But I will certainly see you guys next Thursday/Friday!

Drive safe DG and we'll see you soon! =)


I think what Oscar is saying is Daigo and Tokido are hugely respected not coz they're one of the best in SFIVAE (I don't follow the scene but I hear there are a few better than them over in Japan that don't come to EVO etc...) but coz they're also very humble. I hear nobody really likes Kula in Mexico unless they're united to play for the country etc...(we don't doubt his talent either).

Of course you're not as bad as them, I'm just making a point.


PSN- MrGreen-AI

ESB Cancel

Quote from: THE ANSWER on May 30, 2011, 10:42:07 AM
P.S. Welcome to the forum Sam, make sure you introduce yourself to the rest of the website on the meet and greet section.

Oops, seems like I overlooked it. My bad. Thanks Oscar, I'll definitely make sure to do that.  ;)


Quote from: Kane317 on May 30, 2011, 02:22:37 AM
Quote from: 4leaf on May 30, 2011, 12:18:11 AM
Trying to do something that's considered difficult in a real match is very risky and usually not worth the attempt. We don't need to see them fail a combo multiple times to make a point on how difficult it is to do. I'd actually be questioning their gameplay if that was the case.

I'm just saying it's hard to validate how hard a combo is just coz you don't see it; there's tons of combos that aren't displayed but it doesn't mean it's hard or easy either.  You just can't draw conclusions from that alone.  Once again, I'm not saying the Ash stun combo is simple.

Because I do know the combo and when he trying to go for it, I can see how many times its dropped, which is a lot more than you think. Even though we're the only two who play Ash, I believe I can make a more educated guess than you.


Quote from: ESB Cancel on May 31, 2011, 12:24:33 AM
Quote from: THE ANSWER on May 30, 2011, 10:42:07 AM
P.S. Welcome to the forum Sam, make sure you introduce yourself to the rest of the website on the meet and greet section.

Oops, seems like I overlooked it. My bad. Thanks Oscar, I'll definitely make sure to do that.  ;)

Welcome to Dreamcancel Sam and glad you got a chance to register since we see you at AA from time to time.  As for what days we go it really varies.  For the most part you can see Ash (CMD.Duc)M-Th from 5pm ish-8pm, Mr Kof/John goes there almost daily, and the rest is really random.  I personally try to make it once or twice week but I usually only stay 1h-2hrs.  The name's Yuhang and I'm the Chin user btw.


Quote from: Ash on May 31, 2011, 04:05:09 AM
Quote from: Kane317 on May 30, 2011, 02:22:37 AM
Quote from: 4leaf on May 30, 2011, 12:18:11 AM
Trying to do something that's considered difficult in a real match is very risky and usually not worth the attempt. We don't need to see them fail a combo multiple times to make a point on how difficult it is to do. I'd actually be questioning their gameplay if that was the case.

I'm just saying it's hard to validate how hard a combo is just coz you don't see it; there's tons of combos that aren't displayed but it doesn't mean it's hard or easy either.  You just can't draw conclusions from that alone.  Once again, I'm not saying the Ash stun combo is simple.

Because I do know the combo and when he trying to go for it, I can see how many times its dropped, which is a lot more than you think. Even though we're the only two who play Ash, I believe I can make a more educated guess than you.

I was referring more to the point of not-in-videos=therefore-it's-probably-a-hard-combo point.

As for John dropping the Ash combo--I don't know the meat and potatoes but I know how it starts, and more importantly I know how it ends (stuns); that's not hard to see, and he's always going for it recently.  You do, however, know the combo better than us no doubt.

I reiterate, I'm not saying the combo is easy, I'm merely stating that whether it's in a video doesn't really mean anything.


Well, guys... it looks like due to personal stuff I have going on, I won't be able to make it out to AA before I move back up to NorCal this Thursday. I just wanted to say that you guys are all part of an amazing group of players, who are not only good at the game, but overall just a bunch of fun guys to hang out with. Though I didn't get to play or train as much as I would have liked to, I enjoyed each and every game.

Kane: The man who started it off. I remember meeting you at AI the first day I tried the game. You told me about DC and we played a few games. From there you introduced me to the rest of the guys and kept me informed about tournaments and just what was going on in general, so I really appreciate it. Taught me a lot about some of the little things about the game and we would often about things during downtime between matches. Tons of respect to you for being an honest and down to earth guy, Yuhang.

Mr. KOF: We actually played a few times at AI before anybody explained to me who you were. I remember just thinking, "Who is this guy beasting on everyone? And why does he play SSF4?!" I was under the impression that SF was your main series, because the nights I went initially, I would always see you owning it up with Juri and only occasionally toss up a token for XIII. I really admire that regardless of what people say or think of you, you play how you want to: WITH STYLE. If you end up retiring from KOF in the near future, I'm glad to have experienced some of your epic beatdowns.

Ash: I remember the first time we played at AI you came in at like 10pm or so, and I had been there since opening but no one had showed up all day. I was actually planning to leave, but since someone (you) finally showed up, I figured I might as well stay and make the most of it. I remember the matches being the most memorable we had even though it was pretty early on in my experience with XIII. I remember going on the boards the next day and saying I played some Asian dude who plays Iori, with Yuhang replying "it's probably Duc" or something like that lol. Thanks again for providing all the technical support lately. I know it goes on behind the scenes and a lot of people don't recognize it, but it really is appreciated. Lastly, I AM NOT BAD LUCK! LOL

Metaphysics: Good ol' honest Abe. Mexican/scientist with a French last name. Crazy. We had some good matches and good talks. Still surprised how well you adapted and performed during tourneys coming out of the SF scene and not having any experience with SNK games. I hope you stick with it, Big ups to the drive too. Your drives were a bit farther than any of the regulars, including mine, so respect to that and R.I.P. gas money lol.

Answer: I actually thought you always used to hella mug me when I would come to AI, but you turned out to be a pretty friendly guy lol. Thanks for working with Giby during events to get things done and pushing for the board after AI closed down. Otherwise we'd have to go to Vid94 (and you thought AA was ghetto lol). Also, gratitude and respect for hosting at your home. I know a lot of people don't feel comfortable about that so to know that you were willing to do that for all of us at a moments notice was pretty cool. Best of luck with your job and everything. You know how hard times can be.

Reynald: You're a pretty quiet dude, so we hardly ever talked, but you were always fun to play against. Don't break that Duo mechanic you and John got goin' on. Mad respect for protecting your girlfriend from Japan LOL

4leaf: Dude, I swear you were never around or you always had to go somewhere lol Was good getting some games in and i liked to watch when you played Leona since Yuhang stopped using her *cough*. Funny that the thing I remember from you the most was the conversation about Shen's far C to Kunio over dinner hahahaha

CaliMexicans: I will write about them as a whole since I didn't get to talk to them much, personally. The fact that they would show up, be as good as they were and as friendly as they were garners them respect from me. Whether it was showing up or leaving, they would always give a handshake or a nod even if they didn't feel comfortable speaking to me. Always fun to watch and play against. Special mention to Romance for playing those MvC3 matches at AI before they closed and shaking my hand lol GGs and for sticking with King even though no one else really bothered with her.

Random others: Thanks for the GGs. The SNK community is full of characters.

Just my way of saying thanks and acknowledging those of you who welcomed me into the SoCal scene, whether it was by words or matches or just being able to watch you play. You guys are all stand-up dudes and I hope to throw down again when I come to SoCal for visits. I'll still be on the boards, posting about things I obviously don't know anything about lol, so i won't be disappearing anytime soon. Until then, let me know if any of you are ever in NorCal and we'll hit up some good food joints!

P.S. If I'm forgetting anybody, my bad, just remind me lol


Quote from: FataCon on May 31, 2011, 05:39:53 AM
I move back up to NorCal this Thursday. I just wanted to say that you guys are all part of an amazing group of players, who are not only good at the game, but overall just a bunch of fun guys to hang out with. Though I didn't get to play or train as much as I would have liked to, I enjoyed each and every game.

Damn time flies, you're already moving back up?  What about ReveLAtions and EVO (at least EVO right)?!?

It's great to get a chance to play all these months Ivan and I know you'll help build that scene well in NorCal.  I'm just glad you actually stuck with it when I introduced you to DC and actually kept on playing and kept on posting.  You're a funny guy to kick it with and your stories are hilarious as hell and I'm sure we'll be playing each a lot in the future whether we drive up or you drive down.


Hey Ivan thanks for all your support to the community, it was fun playing with you and hanging out. You have some of the funniest stories I've ever heard, I hope we meet again soon.


It sucks that Ivan will be leaving us momentarily. But i look forward to the day on your visits back so we can all gets some games in or vist a bar. Either way we should all hang out when you do decide to come down again. I know we didn't get to talk to much or didn't get enough games in together. But i know you'll bring the love with you to North Cal. You've got plenty of war stories to tell in North Cal. Hold it down for us and wishing you ever lasting luck friend.
