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Real Bout 2 Video Thread

Started by steamwolf, March 12, 2011, 11:49:02 PM

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compared to the level of the guys in pablos link (from the older jpn tourneys), these are of way lower level. still nice to see the vids though, just wish it was some of that op level material like the others.

edit: i just saw the last vid btw, maybe theres better players in the other vids?
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


 supongo que el nivel japones debe ser mejor que el "nivel online" ellos hacen torneos en locales arcade, yo nunca vi una maquina arcade de RB2 xD, he visto varios videos con excelente nivel de jugadores japoneses  de nicovideo pero no se quien seria el Spelunker+  o el genio Wata in RB2 ( comparando con GAROU)

Hablando del online, el jugador con mas nivel que he enfrentado es Kroyal de Mexico y el chino Bhujm...

xD sorry

I guess the level Japanese must be better than the "standard online" they do tournaments in local arcade, I never saw a machine arcade RB2 xD I've seen several videos with excellent Japanese players of nicovideo but do not know who would be the Spelunker + or genius Wata in RB2 (compared with GAROU)

Speaking of online, the player with the most level that I faced is Kroyal of Mexico and Chinese Bhujm ...


Quote from: TX-Pablox on May 09, 2011, 08:24:43 AM
supongo que el nivel japones debe ser mejor que el "nivel online" ellos hacen torneos en locales arcade, yo nunca vi una maquina arcade de RB2 xD, he visto varios videos con excelente nivel de jugadores japoneses  de nicovideo pero no se quien seria el Spelunker+  o el genio Wata in RB2 ( comparando con GAROU)

Hablando del online, el jugador con mas nivel que he enfrentado es Kroyal de Mexico y el chino Bhujm...

xD sorry

I guess the level Japanese must be better than the "standard online" they do tournaments in local arcade, I never saw a machine arcade RB2 xD I've seen several videos with excellent Japanese players of nicovideo but do not know who would be the Spelunker + or genius Wata in RB2 (compared with GAROU)

Speaking of online, the player with the most level that I faced is Kroyal of Mexico and Chinese Bhujm ...

You should try facing Ghostpilot, God 2.0, or Yor sometime. If you have Arclive, TomCaddie is very good too.


Its like Who Is The Best Player Of RB2 on this Earth!!?? Oh God,Oh Man!!

South America:This Is Us!!

North America:No ,U Know This Is Us!!!


Well i does not wanted to show my "Powerfull Roxor Skills"or such things by showin some of my matchs there,maybe i too much argumented,and what ever i'm happy with how i play,just wanted to share some Joe stuff with my RB2 americans ancient and new friends,and discuss about it...

So which country is the best at Rb2,u should forget...

Its probably cause of the flags in Supercade,otherwise he gets offenced,i dont know...

as i say in French: je t'emmanche a sec le mexicain!!!


this is from 4 years ago im way better now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KkBcnhY8uA



i had so many ops to breakshot i know better now
friends dont let friends use bosses


yes., i remember our matches on rb2 you are very diferent now but the footage is very good, was like a pre-evo event???

this matchs are "offline" in a friend´s house (8 playing ssf4 + 2 playing rb2, karnov, ffs, etc)





Yes, DR-Neo ur rick or even ur tung are better than before!but i find tung more hard to beat,its probably cause that he get no good damage dealing so u camp and zoning,with rick u wanna rush the opponent lol!

---> HAHA (seems i won!) c'est pas grave si tu m'aime pas, t'sait moi non plus ! <---


They are uploading the TRF touraments here as well now:

http://youtube.com/profile?user=JaimeDL = Garou MOTW Videos

http://www.twitch.tv/jaimedl = Garou MOTW streaming from time to time.


wow too many tournaments vids from linnesaka

"NakanoTRF tournaments are begginer/middle level and unclassified category 2on2"

¿¿¿ they have a high level tournament too???


here is a matches from supercade


this japanese is very good krauser and geese player


Me and a friend playing online.
I never played this until that day and I thought I would dislike it but it's kinda fun. I only use Krauser =p


Yeah this game is a lot of fun, and there's a lot more to it than some people think. With XIII's release, I haven't focused too heavily into this but I will put more into it a little while after XIII drops.

Quote from: AcidGlow on November 12, 2011, 02:52:00 PM
Me and a friend playing online.
I never played this until that day and I thought I would dislike it but it's kinda fun. I only use Krauser =p


Krauser is a bit on the easy side but he gets rushed down hardcore by the top and mid-to-high tiers.

Good matches Acidglow.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Running Wild

I wanna play more RB2. :(

Looking back at those vids of KRoyal's Mai, I can't help but wonder how I'd stack up against him if I could play him again, especially since I began picking up Mai myself. He beat me quite a handful of times when I played him back when Supercade was 2DF.

Anyways, some random match vids of mine against DeadlyRaveNeo and JLW -

Supercade Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 Session 1

Supercade Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 Session 2

Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 Supercade Session 3

Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 Supercade Session 4

We need to get Ghostpilot back into the game with his Beast Mary.


Waifu Material


friends dont let friends use bosses