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Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 General Discussion

Started by Running Wild, July 31, 2010, 08:30:20 AM

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Quote from: Zabel on January 09, 2011, 06:23:08 AM
All you need to do is rename the a savestate of RB2 to one supported already.

Oh you can really do that? I'll have to try some time. I'm loving Arclive so far and Supercade works fine for me too, so its not necessarily a need for me right now but if anyone really wants to play and can't access anything but GGPO, I'll see what I can do.

Also: Heads up on what I have been writing. With Christmas just getting out of the way and a few other responsibilities like work, my progress has slowed down but I've gotten most of everything covered as far as game mechanics go. I'm about ready to post up what I have and begin working on character write-ups. Anyone willing to aid in this is more than welcome. Also, I'm going to start training in some Capcom games for some upcoming tournaments. Specifically, Final Round XIV and CEO 2011 respectively. These are tournaments in the Southeast, and are primarily non-SNK (Which is really aggravating! Everything but SNK ><), so my focus has to be given to some Street Fighter for awhile. I will not stop working on all of this or playing RB2 and other SNK titles, but I just wanted to let everyone know if it seems like I'm doing nothing, I gotta apologize in advance but its not abandonment or anything. I just gotta focus on my own personal interests as well, which includes becoming a better player in general in the tournament scene. The chance to get seeded into EVO is a pretty nice deal all things considered. But on a positive note, CEO 2011 WILL have Capcom vs SNK 2! So thats something I'll begin heavily focusing on after March. But again, my previous posts concerning dedication to this community and specifically, providing more knowledge and input will not be tossed aside just for all of this.


<Post moved to its own thread>


Is really andy mid tier and krauser high?

Waifu Material


im not trolling but, are you saying that ff3 and rb2 have the same engine
friends dont let friends use bosses


Quote from: DeadlyRave-Neo on January 09, 2011, 07:03:46 PM
im not trolling but, are you saying that ff3 and rb2 have the same engine

Essentially, unless I'm mistaken? It seems pretty close to the same thing just RB2 is more advanced. When I say game engine, I'm not talking about they play exactly the same, more referring to the game's engine itself used in development. Like example: The Unreal Engine but that doesn't mean every game using the Unreal Engine will play like Unreal Tournament.


I seriously doubt that RB2 and FF3 used the same engine

Waifu Material


If a Real Bout used the FF3 engine or modified version of that engine it would of been the first Real Bout. Using the engine directly, No. Plus, there is only so few old games that you can tell if a company used the same engine.


I don't know, I always noted a big difference between FF3 Sprites and RB1 sprites

At RBSpecial all of them looked simliarly

Waifu Material


its been a REALLY long time since ive played this game, but ive played it for years. now iirc rolling to the upper plane after a knock down didnt cost any super bar at all, somebody check please (cant be bothered to plug in neo or ps2).

also ff3 has the same sprites as rb2, even the updated ones with new stances are basically the same sprites as those of ff3 (think hon fu or the chin brothers). the few characters from ff3 that did get a real overhaul and real new sprites (not just stance) are: terry, andy, joe, mary, mai, bash (he really changed like 96 ralph into 13 ralph, but even more) & yamazaki. not hard to remember since ff3 only has 10 characters and 3 bosses. 7 of the 13 got renewed, and the rest was only added in rb1/s.

also game system is HUGELY different from ff3, nothing like it at all actually, nothing. in fact, rb2 is hugely different from even rb1 or rbs. only thing that they did retain was the bars and power moves (S/P) and the fact that there are chain combos in the game. the planes all work differently in all the ff games. also rb2 is the first game to actually have use for feint cancels (i mean real use, not like in older ff games).

also the tier list isnt right. rick & kim are the only top tier characters in the game (alfred is god tier, and not choosable ofcourse). chon su is mid high to high at best. and with some characters the number of plains actually matters. for instance, yamazaki is high, but in 1 plane games hes actually top imo. besides that i agree with ghosts list, not that it matters much. the balance is soo good that even tung or cheng can beat rick, easily depending on the character. some characters can really struggle against hon and his dp imo. and yamazaki drop from high tier as soon as he faces shorter characters (chon su/rei, mary, mai, cheng, tung, andy). thank goodnes hes still strong enough to face them but has to work way harder (against mary you have to deal with her shitty hitboxes, using joe you have to deal with his  ;dn ;df ;fd ;c chain after the  ;b,  ;d, chain not hitting properly as theres something wrong with the moves hitbox).

imo rb2 is even better than motw despite its flaws (too slow, hops & jumps not fast enough, no ticksthrowing). i f they added this, and made the  ;a ;b attack like in motw ( ;dn ;a ;b = evasive attack,  ;a ;b = overhead) it would have been the best ff and probably one of if not the best fighter imo. it certainly would have been one of the most fun fighters to play with.

for the pros if you really wanna master yamazaki (shit, even i didnt use this method during the times i played rb2 the most, i just used normal feint combos. this way youll even have more time to do even more hits, serious business as seen in the vid, it rapes)

In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Quote from: MUSOLINI on January 13, 2011, 05:55:24 AM
its been a REALLY long time since ive played this game, but ive played it for years. now iirc rolling to the upper plane after a knock down didnt cost any super bar at all, somebody check please (cant be bothered to plug in neo or ps2).

also ff3 has the same sprites as rb2, even the updated ones with new stances are basically the same sprites as those of ff3 (think hon fu or the chin brothers). the few characters from ff3 that did get a real overhaul and real new sprites (not just stance) are: terry, andy, joe, mary, mai, bash (he really changed like 96 ralph into 13 ralph, but even more) & yamazaki. not hard to remember since ff3 only has 10 characters and 3 bosses. 7 of the 13 got renewed, and the rest was only added in rb1/s.

also game system is HUGELY different from ff3, nothing like it at all actually, nothing. in fact, rb2 is hugely different from even rb1 or rbs. only thing that they did retain was the bars and power moves (S/P) and the fact that there are chain combos in the game. the planes all work differently in all the ff games. also rb2 is the first game to actually have use for feint cancels (i mean real use, not like in older ff games).

also the tier list isnt right. rick & kim are the only top tier characters in the game (alfred is god tier, and not choosable ofcourse). chon su is mid high to high at best. and with some characters the number of plains actually matters. for instance, yamazaki is high, but in 1 plane games hes actually top imo. besides that i agree with ghosts list, not that it matters much. the balance is soo good that even tung or cheng can beat rick, easily depending on the character. some characters can really struggle against hon and his dp imo. and yamazaki drop from high tier as soon as he faces shorter characters (chon su/rei, mary, mai, cheng, tung, andy). thank goodnes hes still strong enough to face them but has to work way harder (against mary you have to deal with her shitty hitboxes, using joe you have to deal with his  ;dn ;df ;fd ;c chain after the  ;b,  ;d, chain not hitting properly as theres something wrong with the moves hitbox).

imo rb2 is even better than motw despite its flaws (too slow, hops & jumps not fast enough, no ticksthrowing). i f they added this, and made the  ;a ;b attack like in motw ( ;dn ;a ;b = evasive attack,  ;a ;b = overhead) it would have been the best ff and probably one of if not the best fighter imo. it certainly would have been one of the most fun fighters to play with.

for the pros if you really wanna master yamazaki (shit, even i didnt use this method during the times i played rb2 the most, i just used normal feint combos. this way youll even have more time to do even more hits, serious business as seen in the vid, it rapes)


Game engine doesn't necessarily have any sort of bearing on in-game mechanics I'm afraid. But considering SNK's history, they tend to re-use the same engine for multiple games. As far as look and style/feel of the game, it appeared to me that FF3-RB2 used the same basic game engine and in-game mechanics and sprites were altered here and there. On a programming level, an engine is an engine. Think of it like a car. Two cars can share the same engine, but does that mean they will necessarily have the same outward appearance or be remotely identical? But since its impossible to know what engine was used specifically (and I mostly assumed) I'll remove that part, as its (unnecessarily) debated around here. Look around sometime though, at say, the Unreal Engine and actually SEE how different in-game things will be from one another. Then you'll understand what I mean by "game engine" in fact, I'll provide a link to show you. Granted, this has nothing to do with RB2, but this will further explain what I meant.


Notice how wide a variety of games are used just on ONE engine made for Unreal Tournament? Thats what I meant. Not that they copy/pasted sprites and mechanics. There is waaaay more to a game engine than that. Not every game using the Unreal Engine will remotely look like UT, and even Square-Enix made a few games with this engine and I'm sure everyone knows those games look NOTHING like Unreal Tournament or Bioshock. Most Japanese companies like SNKP build their own custom engine per game, but considering how many games SNK was releasing per year back then? Do you think they made a brand new engine every time they made a game? A private company like them doesn't have the resources, and never did, to do such a thing. But most people don't seem to know what a "game engine" actually is. Either way, I'm deleting that part of my post.

To get back on track though: Tier List. Those two tier lists are the only known lists I have ever come across. One is Akutabi's, and the other is Ghost Pilot AKA Mr. Big. Now I've never heard of Akutabi, but considering who Ghost Pilot is? I'm just gonna stick with this and ask people to discuss the tier list, but bear in mind it is never meant to be taken as 100% fact and should be looked at with a grain of salt.


Anyone know how to fight Duck King? This Brazillian dude just kicked the shit out of me with him. The big thing is that fucking invincible slide he has. It goes through anything, and he can cross you up, and do a crouching combo into whatever, or just grab you. This guy was trolling with that one move. The other thing he would do is linesway and do that Blanka Ball from linesway that has insane priority (you cannot hit him out of Linesway when he does that), AA's, and can be comboed into. I know there's some sort of trick to fighting this character but I can't figure it out.

If you help me out I will give you a dollar.


Louis his ball is very unsafe on block doesn't matter which one ball just block and then punish (or avoid if it is a 2 lane stage). As for the slide it has quite a bit of cool down so if your character has a good up close game you should be able to attack before he can.


all from memory, his slide is unsafe on block if done too close, only his A ball is safe. you can counter all his balls with AB or a high priority aa. you just have to watch out for his high priority far reaching pokes and when his life gets in the red.

who are you using btw?
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!

Running Wild

Quote from: MUSOLINI on February 01, 2011, 12:54:50 PMhis slide is unsafe on block if done too close

He's not talking about Duck's slide kick, but his actual slide he can perform during his dash, it goes right through opponents and allows him to setup a throw or Break Spiral.

Best thing you could do is just jump, Duck King has a very weak anti-air game when has no meter. If Duck is pressuring you with Balls or block strings, Breakshot that shit whenever possible.


Yeah, you can't punish the A Blanka ball, even if you linesway he recovers too quickly from it to punish that. Thing is though; he would expect to me to try to counter it, then do that invincible sweep as I do AB or a Blitzball, then he does whatever. I tried hitting him low when he uses the sweep but grabs beat normals in this game.

I feel no shame in sharing this replay: http://supercade.net/Supercade/Replays.aspx
My username in Supercade is Alex2501 and he's Alemao.Duck-King.

Check it out, and you'll see what I'm talking about. Hopefully replays will work for you.