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XBL Session #4 - 2K2UM - 6/12/2011 - 5pm

Started by solidshark, June 06, 2011, 10:04:20 AM

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Been a while since we've had a Live DC session, wanted to start again with 2K2UM this upcoming Sunday at 5pm. Anyone who thinks they'll be able to attend or wants to, sign up here.

Gamertag: solidshark151
Characters: Andy, Kim, Ryo, Terry, Joe, Robert, Kyo, K', Foxy, Jhun, Vanessa, Shingo, etc.
Play preference: either FT10/FT5 or casuals

"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995

Mr Bakaboy

Might show up depending on how tired I am being a work night.

Gamertag: Mr Bakaboy
Characters: umm everyone at one time or another
Play Preference: Casual
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


I'm Down.

Characters: My Sig
KOF Teams


I will play. We might as well keep it loose without any sort of score goal because the games netcode is kinda...bad.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


This Sunday huh?

Very well, I'll be there.

GT: SonicLord
You're too slow!!


Hopefully I'll be on Live around 5. GT: Arvoyea

Mr Bakaboy

What time zone are we working with? GMT kinda scared me. Thinking Eastern but what do I know. BTW online in player match now. Probably going to be playing random mostly right now.

(update) My net connection is crap today. 1 1/2 sec lag no buffering and dropped moves makes for a frustrating night I'm bowing out while I'm behind.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Had some good matches with SonicLord, Desmond, and Jinxhand tonight. Lag hindered a little, but had some decent matches and close moments I wish I could've recorded. Great games guys.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Wish more people came to this. Oh well, ggs to Jinxhand and Solidshark.

Did lots of bouncing around in my matches XD and glad to see how other characters played. Also loved the epic comebacks, I will now dub myself the comeback king :D.
You're too slow!!


Quote from: FreeRunner on June 13, 2011, 05:25:44 AM
Also loved the epic comebacks, I will now dub myself the comeback king :D.

You did have some pretty good ones. I just have to make sure many of those don't happen at my expense next time.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Props to all who showed up, especially Desmond, turning 2k2UM into "Mahvel" with Bao lol... I'm definitely learning those tactics, and coming up with ways to beat 'em... I did learn alot fighting Bao, especially since I decided to learn him, since he's a fun character when you take out the lag tactics (I've fought some online who just abuse the internet)... And "DAT CHRIS..."

Yeah the comeback award does goto FreeRunner (SonicLord)... I specifically remember almost OCVing with Billy Kane, and outta nowhere, I'm the one losing...

That blasted Choi is the worst-- definitely the "anti" character that stops a few rushdown opportunities. That Mai was holding it down, too!!!

The Shark is solid indeed. Joe mirror matches are hell for me, but then again any mirror match is hell for me... Terry had a few things going for him, too... I actually like this Terry, because he reminds me of EX Terry from '98, but with a quicker, but less fancy, launcher. If he had that Garou movelist added, I'd definitely make him a point character, but for now, he might be a 2nd or 3rd.

Props to the netcode for being good enough for some matches, but not good enough to bust out Billy's bnb combos consistently... Anytime you see me randomly doing ;dn ;b , cl. ;b , st. ;b , chances are I was trying to do ;dp ;b instead of st. ;b . I hope I put on a show with Athena, as I think I'm starting to get better with her.

Here's hoping that we can get matches recorded on KOF XIII so cats like me won't have to dig in the banks of my already cluttered memory...

To those who had bad netcode issues, maybe we next time we can setup something that's more region based, to help alleviate the already troublesome netcode.

SNK, if you're reading this, please continue to patch all the fighters you've released on XBLA thus far (MOTW, 98UM, 02UM, FFS, SS2).

Real talk, its gonna suck trying to learn XIII not having the actual characters I use on 02UM, or even 98UM for that matter... I guess there's still a few characters here and there. I guess there's Joe, Ash, and Andy, so there's hope yet...
I'm on FightCade!!!