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The I love or hate XII

Started by KBlackNoah, June 12, 2011, 05:12:22 AM

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I would put this game very close to Shaq-fu.Only reason i still have my copy is for my collection.If it didn't have the kof stamp on it it would have been the 1st game i destroy with pleasure and enjoying every second of it.If you still wanna buy this game do not pay more than 5$ for it - no joke.Be afraid...very afraid

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 11, 2011, 02:04:30 PM

You will throw the game (XII) out the window faster than a speeding bullet.

I love it when trolls talk about how bad XII is.  Incomplete?  You betcha.  Bad game?  HELL NO.


It's not a bad game from a graphic point of view.But mechanics (only a few characters have decent combos and that clash system is just stupid like that sf alpha shit) and characters with like 2 moves and 1 DM is just ridiculous.That is the definition of a bad game.An incomplete game is a bad game - FACT! - i love it when fanboys praise garbage....but hey we all have some garbage to love - but it's still garbage

Running Wild

Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 12, 2011, 06:23:53 AMBad game?  HELL NO.

You mean HELL YES, it is a bad game.

It's missing so many gameplay features from previous KOF's. No guard cancels, no roll cancels, no throw techs, no super cancels, 1 bar of super meter. The game is boring because there is barely anything to do, the game is dumbed down and stripped down. Even KOF94 is more entertaining than this.

Also two button throws in a KOF game... yuck.

12 should of never of been released. SNK should of held off for another year, as we all seen, 13 is what 12 should of been.

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: Running Wild on June 12, 2011, 07:57:17 AM
Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 12, 2011, 06:23:53 AMBad game?  HELL NO.

You mean HELL YES, it is a bad game.

It's missing so many gameplay features from previous KOF's. No guard cancels, no roll cancels, no throw techs, no super cancels, 1 bar of super meter. The game is boring because there is barely anything to do, the game is dumbed down and stripped down. Even KOF94 is more entertaining than this.

Also two button throws in a KOF game... yuck.

12 should of never of been released. SNK should of held off for another year, as we all seen, 13 is what 12 should of been.

To say that 94 was more entertaining is just full of shenanigans.  I DECLARE SHENANIGANS ON YOU!

The thing is the gameplay itself isn't bad.  It's limited compared to other KOF games YES, but it still has a good amount of options.  You can still roll, you can still run, hyper hop, super jump, step back and so on.  The chargeable CD adds some combo capabilities.

And you're talking throw techs in a game where EVERYTHING beats throws.  The throws had to be unescapable otherwise the throws would be even more worthless.

Is it the KOF that most people expect?  No.  But what would happen if it was titled as Fatal Fury and had only the fatal fury characters?  I'd think it would be a lot better received then this was.  The only reason it picks up so much flack is because it's a KOF title.  If it was named something else, it would have had a lot better reception.  And the gameplay itself isn't even bad.  It's just not what KOF players were expecting. 

Running Wild

The chargeable CD was the only decent addition because it gave characters lacking in cancelable command normals something to do, because really, there is not much to do in this game outside of a Critical Counter, and even those are bland and repetitive as hell, and not like you'll be getting those in a real match anyways. Other than that, the game is ass, and played like ass. Most shitty KOF game ever made.

And I doubt if 12 went under a different title, it would of gotten any better reception. It would still be the same piece of shit game. The game would still have zero content, crap netcode, tiny roster with majorly gimped characters.

Just give it up already. People need to quit defending this game. It's over with. The game was a flop no matter how you look at it, SNK fucked up real bad. But it doesn't matter anymore, because 13 is here, and it's coming home real soon.

But if SNK fucks up this port, that's it, I am done with them. This is their last chance to make something good out of a KOF game. If I had my way, I'd say fuck KOF and focus on Garou, that game is way better than any KOF game.


^ On the 12 subject... I do like KOF12, but I would have liked it if it was called something else, like KOF REBORN or something. Giving it a number and making it part of the "canon" really hurt the game. By it's own it's not a bad game, but it's a bad KOF, specially for what we are used to.

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: Running Wild on June 12, 2011, 08:47:54 AM
The chargeable CD was the only decent addition because it gave characters lacking in cancelable command normals sometime to do, because really, there is not much to do in this game outside of a Critical Counter, and even those are bland and repetitive as hell, and not like you'll be getting those in a real match anyways. Other than that, the game is ass, and played like ass. Most shitty KOF game ever made.

And I doubt if 12 went under a different title, it would of gotten any better reception. It would still be the same piece of shit game. The game would still have zero content, crap netcode, tiny roster with majorly gimped characters.

Just give it up already. People need to quit defending this game. It's over with. The game was a flop no matter how you look at it, SNK fucked up real bad. But it doesn't matter anymore, because 13 is here, and it's coming home real soon.

But if SNK fucks up this port, that's it, I am done with them. This is their last chance to make something good out of a KOF game. If I had my way, I'd say fuck KOF and focus on Garou, that game is way better than any KOF game.

I love blatant stupidity because it makes it so much easier to ignore someones opinions.  You basically state hate that everyone else does which basically means that you are going with what everyone chants.

Remember NO MAI NO BAI?  Now that Mai is in they still aren't purchasing.  How about No K' NO PAY KASH?  Most KOF games from the old days that these so called "fans" talk about are only played very casually.  They love the characters, but any actual gameplay they do is quite debatable. 

You know what I love?  When you said "The game would still have zero content, crap netcode, tiny roster with majorly gimped characters." you know what they also call that?  Marvel VS Capcom 3.  That game has zero content, horrible netcode, and several gimped characters, yet that still goes on.

How long did you play KOF XII?  Just curious.  And Garou?  That series is dead.  It was never a big seller and Mark of the Wolves bombed.  And the only reason most people like that game is because it's the most capcom style newer game that SNK made.

BTW Wasn't KOF XII originally going to be an engine for an Art of Fighting game?

Rex Dart

Guys, there is a whole other subforum for discussing previous KOFs.

(But I'm also a hypocrite. Fuck the haters, I love XII.)


Quote from: DarKaoZ on June 12, 2011, 08:50:43 AM
^ On the 12 subject... I do like KOF12, but I would have liked it if it was called something else, like KOF REBORN or something. Giving it a number and making it part of the "canon" really hurt the game. By it's own it's not a bad game, but it's a bad KOF, specially for what we are used to.
12 isn't cannon bro and honestly i dont think it not being numbered would have saved it from all the flak it got

also fuck the haters i like  KoF XII sure i  full well know the game has its problems but ill be damned if i dont still have fun with it


Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 12, 2011, 06:35:31 AM
It's not a bad game from a graphic point of view.But mechanics (only a few characters have decent combos and that clash system is just stupid like that sf alpha shit) and characters with like 2 moves and 1 DM is just ridiculous.That is the definition of a bad game.An incomplete game is a bad game - THIS IS MY OPINION! - i love it when fanboys praise garbage....but hey we all have some garbage to love - but it's still garbage
lemme fix that for ya


LOL now that 13 is officially announced suddenly half of the forum loves XII. Come on guys XII is horrible from every point of view. Only thing that I loved is the zooning.

Btw guys remember an english magazine talking about a big fighter's franchise returning on E3? Were they talking about XIII?


Actually I never griped about XII's actual gameplay, I thought it was pretty good. As a console port, it was terrible, bad netplay, not real options for modes and well..it just felt incomplete, but the actual gameplay was not bad at all, really. I'd say XII suffered from lack of attention from devs, they had built a good product but couldn't package it right and then on top of that they didn't make it very attractive to people who weren't into KOF already. Anyway, KOFXII as an arcade game is pretty good, but  other than that it just never had legs.


Quotei am a fanboy and i praise all is KOF and  i like  KoF XII sure i  full well know the game has its problems but ill be damned if i dont still have fun with it


PS:You can have more fun with 2 rocks - FACT!


KOF XII had great things talking in gameplay terms. I liked zoom inclusion and its speed, too. Some kofers said it was slow, well I could agree, but I liked.
But there were too many incomplete things to say is a "good game". As fighting game, gamplay can be funny and interesting. But as game in general, KOF XII can't be considered a good game at all. It lacks of everything. Personally, having Mature just 2 moves, the lack of Mai, having unplayable online and a boring as HELL one unique offline mode... Well, I just abandon that game 2 weeks after I bought it.
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature