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The I love or hate XII

Started by KBlackNoah, June 12, 2011, 05:12:22 AM

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I hope you are at least 1-2 states away and not locally which it might work - still i want to see it.I tried to play with people from france, england, portugal, spain, poland i am located in romania.I can play with those states fine ssf4 and mvc3 sometimes even with 1 bar if the other player had bad internet

Running Wild

@Shiranui_ninja - BlazBlue sprites are made at 720p resolution. That's HD. KOF12/13's are 480.

BTW - Fun fact. KOF12's characters use about +500 sprites per character. About the same amount old school KOF uses.

BlazBlue uses about +1,000 per character.

Street Fighter 3 uses over +1,200 per character.

Also, how can you say Litchi looks like a fanmade sprite? That's a really good sprite, I think Litchi has some of the best animations in BB. Mai in KOF13 on the other hand, IMO, one of the worst new sprites in the game. Her posture is horrible, her face looks bad. The only thing eye catching about her sprites is her bounce, which is clearly what SNK spent all of their time on.



Seriously, all these flames for a game?. Oh well don't mind me, i was just passing by.

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: Running Wild on June 13, 2011, 05:22:49 AM
@Shiranui_ninja - BlazBlue sprites are made at 720p resolution. That's HD. KOF12/13's are 480.

BTW - Fun fact. KOF12's characters use about +500 sprites per character. About the same amount old school KOF uses.

BlazBlue uses about +1,000 per character.

Street Fighter 3 uses over +1,200 per character.

Also, how can you say Litchi looks like a fanmade sprite? That's a really good sprite, I think Litchi has some of the best animations in BB. Mai in KOF13 on the other hand, IMO, one of the worst new sprites in the game. Her posture is horrible, her face looks bad. The only thing eye catching about her sprites is her bounce, which is clearly what SNK spent all of their time on.

That's easy enough to answer.  That's because Litchi is one of the most generic designs in a video game ever.  The only people MORE generic than Litchi is Ragna and Jin.  Tager is pretty good though.  Same with Taokaka.

Running Wild

There's nothing generic about Litchi. Litchi is classy. One of the best china girl designs I've seen in a fighting game.

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: Running Wild on June 13, 2011, 06:06:34 AM
There's nothing generic about Litchi. Litchi is classy. One of the best china girl designs I've seen in a fighting game.

Saying that with such a straight face.  You earn one of these.


Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 13, 2011, 05:17:15 AM
I hope you are at least 1-2 states away and not locally which it might work - still i want to see it.I tried to play with people from france, england, portugal, spain, poland i am located in romania.I can play with those states fine ssf4 and mvc3 sometimes even with 1 bar if the other player had bad internet

Desmond is roughly 800 miles away from me. For the record, I've played people in Florida (1100 miles away) with minimal lag.

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: nilcam on June 13, 2011, 06:12:22 AM
Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 13, 2011, 05:17:15 AM
I hope you are at least 1-2 states away and not locally which it might work - still i want to see it.I tried to play with people from france, england, portugal, spain, poland i am located in romania.I can play with those states fine ssf4 and mvc3 sometimes even with 1 bar if the other player had bad internet

Desmond is roughly 800 miles away from me. For the record, I've played people in Florida (1100 miles away) with minimal lag.

Hell I'm bored.  You wanna play Nilcam?  I'm at least 800 miles away from you too.  My connection isn't quite the same but it's close enough.  Got everything properly configured too.  I wanna be a part of this.  I've played a lot with HDcloudstrife and he's at least 1000 miles from me and it's nearly lagless.


Quote from: nilcam on June 13, 2011, 05:10:14 AM
Both Desmond and I have similar connections(16 down/4 up).
lol I can understand why you don't have lag... My connection speed is about 5-6 down... Yes, I know. Awful... Can't wait to change it.

Quote from: Running Wild on June 13, 2011, 05:22:49 AM
@Shiranui_ninja - BlazBlue sprites are made at 720p resolution. That's HD. KOF12/13's are 480.
I'm pixel character artist who works in a videogame company. This stupid thing you write here it only means what I say before and what anyone can see watching the sprites. The BB ones are bigger than XII/XIII ones.

Quote from: Running Wild on June 13, 2011, 05:22:49 AMBTW - Fun fact. KOF12's characters use about +500 sprites per character. About the same amount old school KOF uses.

BlazBlue uses about +1,000 per character.

Street Fighter 3 uses over +1,200 per character.
One character is a sprite. One sprite has frames in its animations. If BlazBlue really uses about 1000 frames per character, then those are the most useless frames in this world. Characters move horribly . Probably such a number of frames per char in BB is because its chars have more moves... That was a very tricky way to prove that XIII is poorly animated, what is not true, my friend.

Quote from: nilcam on June 13, 2011, 05:10:14 AMAlso, how can you say Litchi looks like a fanmade sprite? That's a really good sprite, I think Litchi has some of the best animations in BB. Mai in KOF13 on the other hand, IMO, one of the worst new sprites in the game. Her posture is horrible, her face looks bad. The only thing eye catching about her sprites is her bounce, which is clearly what SNK spent all of their time on.
LOL I have seen better fan mades than that Litchi sprite... Mai one of the worsts sprites of the game?? LOL!!
Ok, Running Wild. I'm done with you. It's obvious that our thoughts are totally opposites about these two games. For me BB is vulgar, generic, gaudy and awful in terms of graphics. And I don't like its gameplay at all (nerver liked GG) So, this discussion doesn't go anywhere. Enjoy BlazBlue and I will enjoy KOF XIII. But I don't see what's the point enter here just to say that you think KOF XIII is shit and BB is better. I've never entered in a forum related to BB to say that I don't like it. And I never will, because is ridiculous do such thing.
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


(My location iasi, romania)Tested with Germany




At night i have slightly better internet, also i think it depends on the servers too i don't think this numbers are very accurate but will do (normally i get 88/ms with spain and uk, maybe it's also because at this hour there is a lot of traffic).

I didn't had 1 single match without big imput lag.I can play BBCT, ssf4 and mvc 3 with no problems.Later i will post a vid with shiranui if we can connect at XII (i say if because he has kinda bad internet conexion BUT we were able to play ssf4 with no problems)


here is the vid - at the moment it's being processed by youtube for shit (fucxk..this game is so bad even youtube refuses to process it...uploading again ...pffff)

new link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFj4jzTKbco

(imput lag is variable - sometimes is bigger sometimes not so much but still there)

The servers were empty only me and him "playing".

Coming up next - me and shiranui playing ssf4 with no lag

the conexion ATM looks like this

i made 3 test just to be sure

LE: Quick match with shiranui in ssf4.No imput lag or any lag whatsoever with 1 red bar conexion.


Such high emotions over this game.

I can say for myself I do like XII. It's unfortunate for all the things it missed in terms of being complete (a boss, story, etc). I could probably name more cons than pros to this game (most of today's fighters I can do that with too), but the pros outweigh the cons for me. What it did have made it worth playing in my opinion though, which subjectively includes gameplay, graphics, and overall balance. What still makes it fun to play is really how unlike all the other KOF it is. It was experimental, and we all know the results, as well as measure them differently. Chargable and comboable CD, Clash, zooming, the risk/reward blowback. If XIII had the same systems, or gave the option of them, then maybe I'd never play XII again (something I consistenly question in SF, minus the ability to patch today).

The sprite work and detail of the characters to me are awesome and better than other fighters because not only of how smooth the animation looked, but it seems like there was more personality in everyone in XII. The different stances, taunts (animations often part of their special moves), and even moves reminiscent of older games. As many as older KOFs, no, but still pleasing in the new format. And somebody somewhere once described XII's character sprites as unbelievably balanced in terms of their bigger size, yet how fluid they moved and could combo, which I agree with every time I go back to play it.

In terms of music, I really don't like when the bgm's are stage specific (some of the remixes for the stages were nice), but I do prefer character-specific. However, custom soundtracks are the next best thing, especially when you don't like what's fixed on the disc. And I will miss the VA for XII's Raiden (who also has done Heihachi for most of Tekken).

Online, yes it was bad. Playable at one point for me, maybe before it became input lag, but bad a lot. Oddly enough playing a lot of latin players in lag who were pulling off combos easily made me get better in input lag, even helped me to correct things I'm doing offline (that ever happen to anyone else?). I'd join the rest of the people complaining about how unacceptable it is if every other fighter had good netcode. If only online could be just as good as offline; maybe someday.

And correct me if I'm wrong (seriously, and with evidence), but if not for XII, would we be getting what we know is XIII this October? They needed capital to eventually give us what what XIII is, they gave us a game completely experimental, in sprite-work, graphics, gameplay, and on next-gen systems. We as fans said keep the sprite work and graphics, and nix the rest; in-fact, how about a game based off an old and popular game like 98 or 02? Our feedback gave birth to XIII, and I think it was worth it.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


QuoteThey needed capital to eventually give us what what XIII is
That is a lame excuse everyone was pulling..even with that neo geo station (which actually some chinese corp is doing).Playmore got some money because the game did fairly good compared to it's quality.Look back one page and read the bolded quote from frionel i put in one post.It was released so early because of sf4 and to capitalize on it.I do not question this game's quality as in graphics or music but as a product is mediocre, incomplete and unplayable.I played it a few hours and sold it quick (60 + bucks [because i ordered from amazon.us] are a lot of money for a demo).Later i bought it again dirt cheap just for my collection.

my version of how XII came to be
They were working on the actual XIII and saw that capcom will have a blockbuster and asked ...when is this shit XII gonna be done.They said 2010.Fuck that take some sprites that are almost finished and make a small team to develop a quick game.Even that programmer that twitted about the working conditions when working for XII said that even the console port was made using 5 people.the end


Man, that input lag was horrible. I can honestly say I've never had an experience like that with XII. I've had a few matches that felt like it was running slow.

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 13, 2011, 08:58:37 PM
here is the vid - at the moment it's being processed by youtube for shit (fucxk..this game is so bad even youtube refuses to process it...uploading again ...pffff)

new link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFj4jzTKbco

(imput lag is variable - sometimes is bigger sometimes not so much but still there)

The servers were empty only me and him "playing".

Coming up next - me and shiranui playing ssf4 with no lag

the conexion ATM looks like this

i made 3 test just to be sure

LE: Quick match with shiranui in ssf4.No imput lag or any lag whatsoever with 1 red bar conexion.

Is that MASHING that I hear?  Sounds like you're abusing the hell out of that stick.  Are you using HAPP or are you MASHING LIKE KRAZY?  And it sounds like you're pressing it multiple times to try to counteract the shitty netcode.