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A few videos of me playing need feed back

Started by bigvador, June 13, 2011, 09:14:01 PM

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Im on the left using hwa ralf and shen. i didnt realize the change from XII to XIII would be so big i pretty much didnt know what i was doing. please give me some feed back!!

Rex Dart

I think this sort of topic is better-suited to the Training Room. But until it can be moved, I'll try to give you some general advice. Sorry if some of this is stuff you already know. And on the flip side, if you have any questions, please ask.

VS. Kula:
- Don't let her put you in the corner. If you have the meter, you might want to use a guard-cancel roll or CD to help you get out. If you you manage to knock her down (with a crouching D, for example), use that down time to get out of there and try turning the tables.
- If you block her ice slide (df+B), you CAN punish her. Try an EX move, or Shen's command grab (hcb,f+P).

VS. Athena:
- Don't let her put distance between you and her. Stay close to her and keep the pressure on.

VS. Shen:
- Don't forget that his hammer move is an overhead and needs to be blocked high. It's very punishable on block, so be sure to take advantage of that if the opportunity arises.

Hwa tips:
- Unlike Joe, Hwa's df+B slide is cancelable. And unlike other command moves, it's ALWAYS cancelable. I'd advise abusing the hell out of this move. You can cancel into it from st.B/C/D. Your opponent should be worried about this move whenever you're close.
- I see you using his air qcb+K move a lot. Remember he can also do his dp+K moves in the air as well. (B goes downward, D goes straight forward, EX version goes straight and hits twice.) These moves give Hwa an amazing air game, second only to Leona I'd say.
- Good, basic combo for Hwa is st.B/C/D, df+B, dp+D (two hits) (DC) qcb+B, qcf x 2 + K (or BD for the EX version).

Ralf tips:
- Ralf has great, great normals. cr. C, and far C both have great range. cr.D and far D have even better range, but they're a bit slower. Use them a bit more sparingly. Lastly, his jump CD is also great. Used together, these should make it very difficult for your opponent to get close to you, which really limits their options.
- Ralf's air qcf+P move is an overhead and REALLY difficult to punish. If your opponent is being defensive, try  using this to keep them on their toes.
- Most of Ralf's combos revolve around his qcf+C. This stuns the opponent long enough for Ralf to follow it up with something (like cr.C, weak Gatling Attack (b,f+A) or his Bareback Vulcan DM (qcb,hcf+K). It can be tricky to get this timing down, but keep working on it. You can combo into qcf+C from d.B, df+A, or cl. C (one hit), df+A.

Shen tips:
- Shen's fully charged qcf+C move has deceptively good range, especially vertically. When your opponent is trying to get closer to you, or you have them against the corner, try charging it. Even if you immediately cancel it with K, it still builds meter. And even a partially charged punch is really good against jump-ins. It'll at least trade with most everything (except DMs). Don't overdo it, though. If your opponent can just roll past the punch, be sure to cancel it.
- qcb+C takes care of any projectile spam. It can also be canceled into qcf+C.
- EX qcfx2 + P is your best friend. It goes through projectiles, and I think you could have used it to punish Athena for her qcb+K reflector move (in the first match). Again, great vertical range on it makes it great against jumps as well.
- Good basic combo for Shen is cl. C, f+B, qcb+A, qcf+A (DC) qcf+D, qcfx2 + P (or AC for EX version).

Hope some of this helps!


some simple things, try to play it like a kof (your playing it like a sf game). also, do combos. youve had enough chances to land one and i didnt see you do any. your letting your stocks go to waste, your doing 10% damage in situations where it should be 50% at least with all the meter your saving.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!

Rex Dart


Well, as I havne't played XIII myself yet, I was avoiding giving advice... but I think I can give some various KoF pointers in this case, since, as MUSOLINI said, you're kinda playing at it like SF.

> Too many full-height jumps! Hops are a KoF players best friend. They allow you to get over fireballs and lows swiftly, allow you to keep up pressure after knockdowns, and really mess with the minds of people who you've trained to anticipate constant low attacks from you. Remember that Dashing + A hop = hyperhop. It's a good way to keep on the pressure, with the quickest possible hop.

> On the subject of your full jumps, 2 things: It looks like you need to do your jump-ins later, as most seemed to whiff over your opponents head. And 2: Use your weak attacks more. Ralf's Jump B, for example, is good for crossing up, and in XIII, Weak jump-ins seem to have pretty dependable hitstun, allowing you to rather easily combo into more light / heavy attacks to combos, or blockstrings.

> You seem pretty passive. Maybe it's due to the lack of hops, but your pressure was very spaced out, and you retreated a LOT, even with characters who aren't necessairly good at zoning / footsies. This made it easy for the opponent to get you into playing HIS game, allowing your full jumps to fall on his dragon punches, for you to fall onto his fireballs, etc, etc. It's a bit easier to push your momentum in KoF than SF, thanks to your CD attacks (guarenteed strong knockdowns), Dashes, Hops, and a large amount of safe moves, generally speaking.

> Use those footsies! You can often frametrap people by assaulting with a bunch of crouching light attacks, pausing for a second, and then going to a sweep, crouching ;c (with someone like Ralf) or another light. This'll lead them into walking into a ton of hits from you, and that opens up dangerous combo opportunities.

> Try not to use Command normals (like Shen's  ;fd + ;b) outside of confirmed hits. They often have poor recovery. Use your other normals to spacing.

That's everything that came to mind for me. If you need any of it cleared up, don't hesitate to ask! Hope it helps, too!


Quote from: Rex Dart on June 14, 2011, 02:09:11 PM
Quote from: MUSOLINI on June 14, 2011, 01:52:00 PM
try to play it like a kof

Surely you can be more constructive than that.  ;)

lol i had to go somewhere. im back.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


sounds like i need 2 stop playing street fighter ok i see where everybody is coming from. I know for a fact that with ralf and shen i need to be inside. but hwa i have no idea how 2 use him and that was my first time using him. but what about wake up dps or anti airs thats what always causes me do draw back???


Quote from: bigvador on June 14, 2011, 09:21:43 PM
but what about wake up dps or anti airs thats what always causes me do draw back???

KoF gives you a few awesome ways to deal with DPs.

First off, many of the strong varieties of DPs are punishable. And they often offer the most reliable version to counter a jumper. Hence, baiting DPs is very useful aganist certain opponents.

When your opponent is standing, advance on them with jumping ;c ;d like you were doing with Shen. This puts them in heavier hitstun on block, which gives them less time (if any at all, if you keep hopping) for them to Anti-air you.

If you score a knockdown, you can bait a DP by running in, acting a fool over the opponents body with punches and crap, and then backrolling RIGHT before they'd DP. If you time it right, you'll recover, and be ready to run in and quickly combo them, as they recover from their failed reversal.

Auto Correct / 100% safe DPs aren't as big a deal here as in SF. With certain characters, you can hit DP people with a crossup on their way up (for example, Ralf's jump B could hit K' on way up out of his DP, if you time it JUST right.)

People like to DP jumpy opponents, so hop around their body after a hard knockdown. You'll increase the chance that they'll DP you with that.

For people without DPs, what to do on wakeup is a bit different:

Anti-air normals (Like Shen's Crouching ;c), just block and then sweep afterwards. Most good Anti-air crouch ;c s in KoF leave the opponent open if they don't cancel the recovery into another move.

Grapplers want to THROW you on wakeup. Since most command motion throws on reversal are instant, you can't beat them with any attacks, and even the roll-back strategy can get you thrown. So, you'll mostly be doing hop cross-ups with characters that have them, or just straight up jumps to bait the grab, letting you fall back down and combo.

A couple chara specific notes for knockdown situations:

Shen: start charging a SHEN WOO PUNCH right outside of their uppercut range. If they sit there and block it, you land a guard break after fully charged punch, and can combo. If they backroll, cancel the punch, and run in and pressure them. They roll towards you, cancel, wall into their roll, and throw them.

Ralf: Run up to their grounded body, then jump up-back. as they wake up, fall back down with you aerial dive punch (Blitzkrieg Punch, qcf+P in air). This hits overhead, and the explosion leave you hard to punish. So it's a nice mixup.

Hwa: I'd stay out of range, and poke with his slide, trying to hit confirm into his Dragon Kick. Dragon Backbreaker DM would probably also be good, I think it has invincible startup, it it counts as a leaping throw. Can't say too much more, as I've never played him.


could i practice in XII or XI dont have much money 2 go to the arcade


Sure. It won't be exactly the same, as hop timing, hitstun on jumping normals, and lack of EX / anywhere juggle properties will be different, but you can practice the basis of aggressive combat / learning how to use your tools.

I'd suggest 2002UM if you have access to it. XI is pretty different in game pacing than most other KoF's. XII also moves at a slower overall clip, but at least you can get used to some of the new moves to some degree.


how does king play out in XIII i used her but i went right back to hwa because i was still learning him


Quote from: bigvador on June 15, 2011, 04:32:32 AM
how does king play out in XIII i used her but i went right back to hwa because i was still learning him

Watch last weekends Revelations Tourney Vids (Findable in the Video Thread) to see some solid King play. The Character Threads + The Wiki here do a great job clearing up things.


Quote from: Rex Dart on June 14, 2011, 01:33:04 PM
Shen tips:
- qcb+C takes care of any projectile spam. It can also be canceled into qcf+C.
- Good basic combo for Shen is cl. C, f+B, qcb+A, qcf+A (DC) qcf+D, qcfx2 + P (or AC for EX version).

Great tips guys, just want to make two small corrections:
-Shen's qcb+C projectile slap can be cancelled into any special, although qcf+C seems like the best choice in most cases
-You can add an extra qcf+A after the qcf+D so it's: s.C, f.B, qcb.A~qcf.A, [DC] qcf D, qcf A, qcf x2+P DM


is the  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;fd ;c still in the game as a grab command


Quote from: bigvador on June 16, 2011, 03:15:32 AM
is the  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;fd ;c still in the game as a grab command

Yes the (hcb~f+P) is still his command grab.  You can find the move and description in the character thread.