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Sakazaki Dojo => Training Room => Topic started by: BiGGDaddyCane on January 21, 2011, 09:02:02 AM

Title: Playing Too Defensive in KOF?
Post by: BiGGDaddyCane on January 21, 2011, 09:02:02 AM
  Now Im playing some GGPO, getting some practice in. I playing with this guy named "SuperKyo' we played before plenty of times, I've beating him 3 to 5 times but lost MANY, and we've had LOTS of Close Matches. After, the next 13 or so matches. He continuously complained saying "stop running away =(", "Im tired of Chasing You", "Is that all you do".
 Then he said last game, But stoped in the middle of the match in the 2nd round and said IIRC,  " I cant even play anymore" and said something about I turtle to much. I sayed you complain to much, Then he sayed "there's much more on mind but I rather not say".

Now I Play with Yamazaki, Vice, Mature ALWAYS, Is he just complaining about my defense or do I need to Step up my offense. It's hard to theoretically turtle fight in KOF. Especially in the case when my character's have no top notch projectiles. For me at the momment its hard to bring on offense, towards characters like Kyo, Iori, and Chris etc. Cause thats all the guy played was Top Tier go figure. Every one of his characters have good  DPs. ;fd ;dn ;df + ;a &  ;c/reversals, rush downs, and crazy mixups. I tend to beat them 75% by using strict defense and 25% Offense. However, I admit, I love my Defensive and my Offensive - Defense Strategies but at the same time im still learning, is this bad, I lose alot cause im still in this progression point were im working/practicing to get better. I feel im running people away  because of my playstyle.

I just want to know is it bad to play too defensive, If so I really appreciate for yall to give me some offensive tips with my mains. Yamazaki, Vice, and Mature.

Here's a video of me playing (Deadman). A cool player, He merked my ass hella matches lol, and I missed so many links but im getting better. The fact is tell me if it looks like my play style is coming off too defensive. Please critique anyway possible with tips on How I could change it up.  I need it thx.

DaddyCane (BlackandBlue) vs. (Deadman)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtsnvV1S2NQ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtsnvV1S2NQ)

I'ma upload more of my progression matches. I got em up to 480p but no sound for smaller files.
Title: Re: Playing Too Defensive in KOF?
Post by: desmond_kof on January 21, 2011, 09:36:36 AM
Quote from: biggdaddycane on January 21, 2011, 09:02:02 AM

OMG dude, don't bother with that scrub, he is no good and all he does is bitch, complain and rages when you actually use good defense. He said the same whiny things to me and quit in the middle of a game when he couldn't figure out how to get past my Venom Strikes, lol.

Don't waste your time.
Title: Re: Playing Too Defensive in KOF?
Post by: BiGGDaddyCane on January 21, 2011, 11:11:51 AM
Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on January 21, 2011, 09:36:36 AM

OMG dude, don't bother with that scrub, he is no good and all he does is bitch, complain and rages when you actually use good defense. He said the same whiny things to me and quit in the middle of a game when he couldn't figure out how to get past my Venom Strikes, lol.

Don't waste your time.

Ight. Thats, what I first thought in the back of my head but I just wanted to make sure.  He began to start crying whenever I had the upper hand and started winning. He called it turtling, I call it reading then reacting to countering your shit when the moment comes. Those moments came slowly more and more once I started figuring out his play style. But yeah, now I that I know he's a foolish complainer I understand, I aint gonna stress it.
Title: Re: Playing Too Defensive in KOF?
Post by: sibarraz on January 21, 2011, 08:24:53 PM
Lol, I was playing against a flayte (gangstas in the USA) 98UM, he was furious because he couldn't beat my takuma, I don't wanted to waste my time so I lost and went away from the arcade

I would enjoy more KOF in the arcades here if weren't because the worst scum play it here, there are also some cool guys, so is according to the day I guess
Title: Re: Playing Too Defensive in KOF?
Post by: FreeRunner on January 22, 2011, 04:17:08 AM
Well if playing defensive gets you wins, keep doing it. If people are complaining about your playstyle, find better opponents.
Title: Re: Playing Too Defensive in KOF?
Post by: jinxhand on January 22, 2011, 10:05:47 AM
Quote from: FreeRunner on January 22, 2011, 04:17:08 AM
Well if playing defensive gets you wins, keep doing it. If people are complaining about your playstyle, find better opponents.

That reminds me of David Sirlin and how he would abuse Rose's ducking mid attack in SF Alpha... If no one stops it, oh well...

Anyway, that cat you fought sounded like he doesn't know about breaking down an opponent's layers (take away all strats til there's none left)...
Title: Re: Playing Too Defensive in KOF?
Post by: Emil_kof on April 18, 2011, 06:46:10 AM
I know this topic is old but I haven't come here for a while and this subforum looks kind of dead...

Just because a tactic works doesn't mean you should keep using it. It might end up that your tactic is actually not good and you don't even know it until you fight an average player (or better) that destroys it. Even if something's working, you should think about why it's working, what opponent is doing wrong and if there is anything he could have done that would have beat it easily...and if you have a backup strategy if someone does end up beating it easily.
Title: Re: Playing Too Defensive in KOF?
Post by: Demoninja on April 18, 2011, 07:12:15 AM
Quote from: Emil_kof on April 18, 2011, 06:46:10 AM
I know this topic is old but I haven't come here for a while and this subforum looks kind of dead...

Just because a tactic works doesn't mean you should keep using it. It might end up that your tactic is actually not good and you don't even know it until you fight an average player (or better) that destroys it. Even if something's working, you should think about why it's working, what opponent is doing wrong and if there is anything he could have done that would have beat it easily...and if you have a backup strategy if someone does end up beating it easily.

I believe the opposite of what you just said here. Doing something over and over until you lose is a good thing. It allows you to see what's wrong with it  and is probably the best way to improve in my opinion. Once you know which parts of your strategy are leading to you losing you can amend that part but keep the its that were working out for you. Slowly putting down a solid foundation leads to a better player overall.

An example is when I started playing Athena. I started off with one thing in mind, throwing psycho balls. Then I quickly noticed oh they are rolling/jumping over the slow ball. I'll throw a fast ball to mix it up. Then they started blocking and only reacting to the slow balls which led to me dping or throwing after a slow ball. Over time I slowly layered on more things that I was looking for until I played Athena pretty decently.

This definitely was a long process and took about 2 months but it is worth it to learn how to play better.
Title: Re: Playing Too Defensive in KOF?
Post by: Emil_kof on April 18, 2011, 07:26:02 AM
Nah it's bad. Firstly, it shows you have no respect for the opponent's ability to read your actions and eventually when they do, you might pay far too much for it. To become a good player you should be able to identify at what point the opponent would be able to catch on to you using some kind of tactic, rather than you just repeating it mindlessly until someone finally punishes you for it.

I believe your style will lead to far too many bad habits and the learning process will be too slow. You got to be taking into account the possibility of counters based on what's going on now and what happened before, before it happens.
Title: Re: Playing Too Defensive in KOF?
Post by: Demoninja on April 18, 2011, 07:56:56 AM
Quote from: Emil_kof on April 18, 2011, 07:26:02 AM
Nah it's bad. Firstly, it shows you have no respect for the opponent's ability to read your actions and eventually when they do, you might pay far too much for it.
This is definitely a differing opinion about fighting games in general. I'm not here to respect them, I'm here to do what it takes to win. Losing happens in fighting games no matter how experienced you are, no way around that. You're going to pay far too much at some point no matter how you try to learn.
To become a good player you should be able to identify at what point the opponent would be able to catch on to you using some kind of tactic, rather than you just repeating it mindlessly until someone finally punishes you for it.
I am repeating something over and over but it is far from mindless. I am paying attention to what they are doing to beat it so I can bait out those exact things in the future and punish them back.
I believe your style will lead to far too many bad habits and the learning process will be too slow. You got to be taking into account the possibility of counters based on what's going on now and what happened before, before it happens.
Bad habits in what way?

The learning process is a slow one. Learning how to play a fighting game well is going to be slow no matter how or what you are trying to learn.

To reiterate, when I am playing and repeating the same thing over and over I am slowly taking into account all of the things they can do, just not right at the start because it's not good to overwhelm myself. I'm a slow learner and I have to lose in absolutely retarded ways over and over before I drill it into my skull. There's no way you can be prepared for something if it has not happened before and you've never seen it before. Basically what I'm advocating is a slow and long process that favors you getting a ton of experience by repetition.
Title: Re: Playing Too Defensive in KOF?
Post by: BiGGDaddyCane on April 18, 2011, 01:06:01 PM
I play much Different Now. No worries and still learning. Im progressing on my rush down tactics im doin well. Shit, I would like to join yall in some future GGPO sessions but im not going to be able too, Im very busy. Plus me having port fowarding problems that i still haven't had the time to get to.

But yea man no worries.

I'm always thinking why something is working and what the Opponent will do to stop it, and if He/She does stop my tactic in pursuit then what position will i be in and what will I do then. Also when and where to switch up my tactics at a good point in a match. Try to keep my opponent thinking and guessing wrong, and foremost never have a one track mind. From hoping in,Smart rolls, knowing a good time to super jump by making smart reads, Overheads, grab mixups and etc. Im learning it and getting it down slowley but surely. Thx for the insight yall.

Any more tips would be greatly appreciated!
Title: Re: Playing Too Defensive in KOF?
Post by: jinxhand on April 19, 2011, 06:03:05 AM
Quote from: Emil_kof on April 18, 2011, 07:26:02 AM
Nah it's bad. Firstly, it shows you have no respect for the opponent's ability to read your actions and eventually when they do, you might pay far too much for it. To become a good player you should be able to identify at what point the opponent would be able to catch on to you using some kind of tactic, rather than you just repeating it mindlessly until someone finally punishes you for it.

Just play to win... If the opponent can't stop tactic "a" for whatever reason, then its their loss... It is good to have an idea as what to switch things up with in the event the opponent does read your move...

Don't get me wrong, I respect all players and their abilities... But when the match begins, I care not for those things... I just fight...