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Topics - Remxi

King of Fighters 98/UM/FE / KOF 98UM - Heidern
October 08, 2010, 10:09:45 AM

Backstabbing:  ;bk/ ;fd;c (close)
Lead Belcher:  ;bk/ ;fd;d (close)
Critical Drive: air  ;bk/ ;fd;c (close)

Command Normals:
Steiner's Knuckles:  ;fd;b

Special Moves:
Cross Cutter:  ;bk~ ;fd;a/ ;c
Moon Slasher:  ;dn~ ;up;a/ ;c
Neck Roller:  ;dn~ ;up;b/ ;d
Storm Bringer:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk;a/ ;c
Kill Bringer:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk;b/ ;d

Desperation Moves:
Final Bringer:  ;dn ;df ;fd;dn ;df ;fd;a/ ;c
Heidern End:  ;dn ;db ;bk;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd;b/ ;d

Backstabbing - b/f+C - Good recovery and leaves the opponent closeby.
Lead Belcher - b/f+D - Switches sides, but it can be recovery rolled leaving you with no advantage.
Critical Drive - air b/f+C - Air throw, switches sides. Can be executed with the stick in db position which allows you to charge both specials at the same time.

Command Normals
Steiner's Knuckles - f+B - 2 hits, combos from heavy attacks. Normal version is overhead on both hits, cancelled version is no longer overhead, but cancellable on the first hit. Disadvantage on both hit and block (warning some chars can punish this on hit).

Special Moves
Cross Cutter - b~f+P - Can only be comboed from s.C [1 hit]. Can be made unblockable with hcb+P. C version moves faster and has faster recovery. Disadvantage at point blank range but if it travels a slight distance first you will be at advantage. Can combo afterwards if it counterhits someone out of the air.
Moon Slasher - d~u+P - Both versions combo from lights, moves forward slightly. Cannot be used as a reversal. Horribly unsafe on block. C version the hitbox takes longer to travel around Heidern's body thus it is better anti air but won't combo properly from lights.
Neck Roller - d~u+K - Possible to combo from s.C [1 hit] (not that you'd ever want to though). Cannot be recovery rolled. B version will bounce over the opponent if blocked. Can hit opponents out of the air but the hitbox is only near his hands so it isn't good for that. Horrible recovery on block.
Storm Bringer - hcb+P - instant command throw, combos from lights. The opponent can mash to reduce the damage, but you can counteract their mashing with your own. Leeches life from the opponent.
Kill Bringer - hcb+K - counter move. Counters anything that hits the active hitbox e.g. jumping normals, normals, command normals, physical specials and DMs. Moves forward slightly.

Final Bringer - qcfx2+P - combos from light or heavy attacks with the right spacing e.g. s.C [1 hit] midscreen or anything in the corner. Leeches life from the opponent. A version bounces behind the opponent on block. Can grab the opponent from the air but again the hitbox is only near his hands.
Heidern End - qcb,hcf+K - B version combos from light attacks, D and SDM versions combo from heavy attacks or f+B [1 hit]. D version runs forward slightly further before activating. Unsafe on block.

NB: Moon Slasher Bug - whiffing a Moon Slasher will increase the damage dealt by both Storm Bringer and Final Bringer, but does not effect the life gained. The effect will last until you are hit or thrown (blocking attacks is fine however).

- c.A, c.A, c.A, c.B
- j.C, c.A, c.A, d~u+A
- j.C, s.C [1 hit], hcb+P

DM (both DM do the same damage, but qcfx2+P leeches life as well)
- j.C, c.A, c.A, qcb,hcf+K DM (crossup only, on a non crossup use only one c.A)
- j.C, s.C [2 hit], f+B [1 hit], qcb,hcf+K (S)DM
- j.C, s.C [1 hit], qcfx2+P (S)DM (standing only)
- crossup j.C, s.C [2 hit], qcfx2+P (S)DM OR crossup j.C, s.C [1 hit], f+B [1 hit], qcfx2+P (S)DM

Quick Max
- c.A, c.A, c.A, QM, c.D
- c.A, c.A, QM, c.C, qcb,hcf+K (S)DM
- c.C, QM, c.C, qcb,hcf+K (S)DM

Quick Dodge
- f+B [2 hit], QD, qcb,hcf+K DM (timing/positioning is pretty difficult, so just use 1 hit to make it easier (or even possible in MAX mode).

- j.CD counterhit, qcb,hcf+B midscreen or d~u+P/qcfx2+P corner

- far s.A/s.B/s.C/s.D and s.CD all whiff on crouchers.
- j.C is an amazing crossup and can be option selected with his air throw. j.D also crosses up.
- Despite how it looks, j.CD does not hit behind him. Regardless it is still a good AA.
- c.D is fast startup and cancellable on hit/whiff into specials/command normals.
- s.C has long active frames which makes it good for late cancel f+B (late cancel f+B also works from c.D).
- Most of his normals are poor on block, except s.C and c.C which are only at slight disadvantage.
- s.D has changed from OG 98 and now doesn't have the massive startup/step forward at the beginning.
- His GCCD animation has been changed from s.CD to s.C
- Choi & Chin can crouch under his fireballs, and Leona & Chris can run underneath them.
King of Fighters 98/UM/FE / KOF 98UM - EX Geese
October 07, 2010, 05:55:46 AM
EX Geese

Tate Katate Nage:  ;bk/ ;fd;c/ ;d

Command Normals
Raikou Mawashi Geri:  ;fd + ;b
Raimei Gouha Nage:  ;df + ;c (on hard knocked down opponents)

Special Moves
Reppuken:  ;dn ;df ;fd + ;a
Double Reppuken:  ;dn ;df ;fd + ;c
Shippuken: air  ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a
Double Shippuken: air  ;dn ;db ;bk + ;c
Jaei Ken:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a/ ;c
Joudan Atemi Nage:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk + ;b
Chuudan Atemi Uchi:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk + ;d
Shinkuu Nage:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk, ;fd + ;a/ ;c

Desperation Moves:
Raging Storm:  ;db, ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk, ;df + ;a/ ;c
Rashomon:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a/ ;c

Tate Katate Nage - b/f+C/D - D version switches sides, both leave the opponent facing you with enough time to meaty on wakeup.

Command Normals
Raikou Mawashi Geri - f+B - doesn't combo from anything, not cancelable, disadvantage when blocked unless spaced perfectly where it will be neutral.
Raimei Gouha Nage - df+C on downed - OTG throw, not guaranteed from anything. Switches sides, poor recovery.

Special Moves
Reppuken - qcf+A - Combos from light/heavy attacks but only at close range. The hitbox is much smaller than it actually appears, most chars can hop over it (think of the hitbox more like Iori's fireball). Disadvantage at point blank, but from even a short distance away (e.g. s.C, qcf+A) you will be at advantage.
Double Reppuken - qcf+C - Combos from heavy attacks in the corner or when opponent is backturned. The first part can eat a projectile and the second wave will still come out. The hitbox for this move actually follows the sprite and cannot be hopped over. Frame advantage works similar to qcf+A.
Shippuken - air qcb+A - Can't be used on a hop, minimum height for using after a jump. Maintains jump direction during recovery. Possible to combo after if in the corner. Good frame advantage when blocked. Can be cancelled into from vertical j.C.
Double Shippuken - air qcb+C - Same as above but two projectiles, and worse recovery (can't combo after).
Jaei Ken - hcb+P - A version combos from lights, C version combos from heavy attacks and switches sides. Unsafe on block.
Joudan Atemi Nage - hcb+B - counters jumping attacks and physical specials/DMs.
Chuudan Atemi Uchi - hcb+D - counters mid-level normals/command normals. Can be used to beat CD counters.
Shinkuu Nage - hcb,f+P - instant command throw with horrible recovery after it connects. Switches sides. Don't use this when you are too close to the corner as the opponent can combo you before you recover.

Raging Storm - db,hcb,df+P - combos from lights. The cage absorbs normal and some DM projectiles. The hitbox is only infront of Geese, not behind him.
Rashomon - hcbx2+P - instant commmand throw. Horrible recovery, don't use it when the opponent is too close to the corner as they can combo you before you recover.

- c.B, c.A, c.A, far s.B
- c.B, c.A, hcb,f+P or hcb+A
- j.C/j.B, s.C, hcb+P (C version does more damage, but A version might be better if you want to keep them in the corner)

- c.B, c.A, (c.A/s.A), db,hcb,df+P (S)DM
- c.B, c.A, hcbx2+P (S)DM
- j.C/j.B, s.C/c.C, either (S)DM
- s.D [1 hit], AB, hcbx2+P (S)DM or hcb,f+P

Quick Max
- c.B, c.A, QM, walk s.C/c.C, hcb+A or (S)DM (omit the c.A and you don't need to walk)
- c.B, c.A, c.A/s.A, QM, far s.C/c.D

Quick Dodge
- f+B, QD, hcb+A or db,hcb,df+P (S)DM
- j.C/j.B, s.D [2 hit], QD, hcb+A or db,hcb,df+P (S)DM

- s.CD counterhit, s.C (corner only)

- j.B is a crossup (j.A will work on some chars but j.B is just a better move). j.B and vertical j.C are instant overheads (j.C only on large crouchers).
- s.A and far s.A whiff on crouchers. close s.C will whiff on small crouchers like Choi/Chin.
- s.CD is neutral on block.
- c.D is cancellable, but not to command normals.
- Only the first hitbox of c.C is cancellable, the part where his arm is fully raised is not.
- His counters have startup and will not work as reversals in meaty situations.
King of Fighters 98/UM/FE / KOF 98UM - Geese
October 02, 2010, 10:56:21 AM

Tate Katate Nage -  ;bk/ ;fd;c/ ;d (close)

Command Normals
Raikou Mawashi Geri:  ;fd;b
Raimei Gouha Nage:  ;df;c

Special Moves
Reppuken:  ;dn ;df ;fd;a
Double Reppuken:  ;dn ;df ;fd;c
Shippuken: air  ;dn ;db ;bk;a/ ;c
Jaei Ken:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk;a/ ;c
Hishou Nichiringan:  ;fd ;dn ;df;a/ ;c
Joudan Atemi Nage:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk;b
Chuudan Atemi Nage:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk;d
Gedan Atemi Nage:  ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd;b
Shinkuu Nage:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk;fd;a/ ;c

Raging Storm:  ;db, ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk, ;df;a/ ;c
Deadly Rave:   ;dn ;df ;fd, ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk;a/ ;c

Tate Katate Nage - b/f+C/D - D version switches sides, both leave the opponent facing you.

Command Normals
Raikou Mawashi Geri - f+B - doesn't combo from anything, not cancelable, disadvantage when blocked unless spaced perfectly where it will be neutral.
Raimei Gouha Nage - df+C on downed - OTG throw, only guaranteed off hcb+K but can be used after a number of moves if the opponent doesn't recovery roll (does not work after throw or Raging Storm). Switches sides, terrible recovery.

Special Moves
Reppuken - qcf+A - combos from lights, absorbs projectiles, disadvantage on block.
Double Reppuken - qcf+C - combos from lights, absorbs projectiles, moves forward during startup, almost neutral on block (-1 or -2) with no pushback in the corner.
Shippuken - air qcb+P - can't be done from a hop/dash, gives enough frame advantage to combo afterwards if done late (there is a minimum height for it to come out though). Only cancellable into from vertical j.C.
Jaei Ken - hcb+P - A version combos from heavy attacks. C version is slower startup but better recovery (both still punishable on block).
Hishou Nichiringan - dp+P - A version combos from lights, C version combos from heavy attacks. Horrible on block.
Joudan Atemi Nage - hcb+B - counters jumping attacks and physical specials/DMs and sets up df+C.
Chuudan Atemi Nage - hcb+D - counters mid-level normals and sets up df+C. Can be used to beat CD counters if you know it's coming.
Gedan Atemi Nage - hcf+B - counters low attacks and sets up a juggle. Can be quickmaxed.
Shinkuu Nage - hcb,f+P - instant command throw with horrible recovery after it connects. Don't use this when you are too close to the corner as the opponent can combo you before you recover.

Raging Storm - db,hcb,df+P - combos from lights, full invincibility at startup. The cage absorbs normal and some DM projectiles. Can juggle after if it hits really late.
Deadly Rave - qcf,hcp+P - combos from lights, C version travels fullscreen. Does slightly less damage than Raging Storm.

- c.B, c.A, c.A, far s.B
- c.B, c.A, qcf+C (can add another c.A, but the second slash will whiff unless in the corner)
- c.B, c.A, hcb,f+P
- j.C/j.B, s.C, dp+C/hcb+A (dp+C does more damage and better oki but will whiff if previous part pushed back too far (e.g. maxmode, poor jump angle)
- hcf+B, j.CD (or dp+P in corner)
- hcb+C, s.C/c.C/s.B (corner only)

(S)DM (Raging Storm gives slightly better damage as a payoff for the harder execution)
- c.B, c.A, (c.A/s.A), either (S)DM
- j.C/j.B, s.C, either (S)DM
- hcf+B, qcf,hcb+P (S)DM midscreen or db,hcb,df+P (S)DM in corner.

Quick Max
- c.B, c.A, QM, walk s.C/c.C, hcb+A or (S)DM (omit the c.A and you don't need to walk)
- c.B, c.A, c.A/s.A, QM, far s.C/c.D
- j.C/j.B, s.C, dp+C, QM, dp+A or either (S)DM (must be in the corner for the final part)
- c.B, c.A, dp+A, QM, either (S)DM (corner only)
- hcb+C, QM, dp+A or either (S)DM (corner only)
- hcf+B, dp+C, QM, either (S)DM (corner only)

Quick Dodge
- f+B, QD, qcf,hcb+P (S)DM

- s.D [1 hit], AB, hcb,f+P
- s.CD counterhit, s.C or qcf,hcb+P DM (corner only)
- j.CD counterhit, qcf,hcb+P (fast enough to confirm midscreen)

- j.B is a crossup (j.A will work on some chars but j.B is just a better move). j.B and vertical j.C are instant overheads (j.C only on large crouchers).
- s.A and far s.A whiff on crouchers. close s.C will whiff on small crouchers like Choi/Chin.
- s.CD is neutral on block.
- c.D is cancellable, but not to command normals.
- Only the first hitbox of c.C is cancellable, the part where his arm is fully raised is not.
- His counters have startup and will not work as reversals in meaty situations.

Zabel: I will do one for EX Geese soon. Sorry, I misunderstood your PM... :P
King of Fighters 98/UM/FE / KOF 98UM - Eiji
September 30, 2010, 11:15:17 AM
Kuuchuu Ippan Seoi:  ;bk/ ;fd+ ;c/ ;d (close)

Special Moves
Kikou Hou:  ;dn ;df ;fd;a/ ;c
Kagenui: (air)  ;dn ;df ;fd;a/ ;c
Kasumi Kiri:  ;dn ;db ;bk;a/ ;c
Ryuu Kagejin:  ;fd ;dn ;df;a/ ;c
Kage Utsushi:  ;dn ;df ;fd + ;b/ ;d
Kotsu Hazaki Kiri:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk;b/ ;d
Tenba Kyaku:  ;bk ;dn ;db;b/ ;d

Zantetsu Nami:  ;dn ;df ;fd, ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk;a/ ;c
Zantetsu Kamakiriken:  ;dn ;df ;fd, ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk;b/ ;d

Kuuchuu Ippan Seoi - b/f+C/D - both leave the opponent backturned with enough time to meaty.

Special Moves
Kikou Hou - qcf+P - A version combos from heavy attacks, C version is slower but has a larger hitbox.
Kagenui - air qcf+P - must be blocked low if it hits near their toe. Can OTG but it's not guaranteed off anything. Can be done from a front & backdash. No cancellable air normals.
Kasumi Kiri - qcb+P - combos from light attacks. Can work well as AA. Long recovery period.
Ryuu Kagejin - dp+P - reflects projectiles (including DM), massive active frames. Combos from heavy attacks but only on backturned. dp+A gives slight advantage (meaty does not give extra advantage) and no pushback when in the corner.
Kage Utsushi - qcf+K - B versions has high/mid level invincibility, D version has low, allowing you to move through projectiles with the right choice. D version goes further.
Kotsu Hazaki Kiri - hcb+K - B version combos from heavy attacks, D version travels faster. Massive active frames. B version is poor on block, but when meaty gives massive frame advantage. D version starts at neutral and improves from there.
Tenba Kyaku - rdp+K - D version combos from c.D [1 hit] (only connects properly on standing). Can link normals after both, depending on the situation.

Zantetsu Nami - qcf,hcb+P - Amazing super. C version has great startup and travels fullscreen almost instantly (eating normal projectiles). Can punish a huge variety of moves from anywhere on the screen. Expect EX gauge Eiji's to spam this when they are on on low health. Combos from lights.
Zantetsu Kamakiriken - qcf,hcb+K - Combos from lights, does slightly more damage than qcf,hcb+P. SDM version switches sides and does hard knockdown.

Normal (hcb+B gives slightly better advatage on wakeup but is unsafe when blocked, qcf+A gives more meter)
- c.B, c.A, qcb+P - tends to whiff unless your jump is perfect, so omit the c.B when doing from a jump.
- far s.C/c.D [1 hit], qcf+A/hcb+B
- j.X, s.C/s.D, qcf+A/hcb+B
- c.D [1 hit], rdp+D, c.A, qcb+P - midscreen
- j.X, c.D [1 hit], rdp+D, s.C, qcf+A/hcb+B - corner
- rdp+B, s.C, qcf+A/hcb+B - corner
- c.A, s.C/s.D - link

- any of the above combos but with an (S)DM instead of the final special.

- s.C, QM, qcf,hcb+P (S)DM - this is a link
- far s.D, QM, qcf,hcb+P (S)DM
- c.B, c.A, QM, s.C/s.D, special or DM (must walk forward slightly. alternatively you can just do a single c.B and you won't have to walk forward).

Quick Dodge
c.D [1 hit], QD, qcf+A/hcb+B/qcf,hcb+K DM
j.X, s.D, QD, qcf+A/hcb+B/qcf,hcb+K DM

- meaty s.C, qcf,hcb+C
- dp+P fireball reflect, qcf,hcb+C
- dp+A counterhit, qcf,hcb+C
- j.CD counterhit, qcf,hcb+C

- j.B and j.D are crossups, j.D is an instant overhead. s.A and far s.A will whiff on crouchers.
- s.D [2 hit] can be punished or rolled during the gap between the hits when it is blocked.
- far s.D can hop over low pokes.
- c.C is good anti-air and cancellable. On counterhit it combos with qcb+P and qcf,hcb+C. A good way to set up meaty hcb+K (another way is from far s.A anti-air against hops).