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Sakazaki Dojo => Online Matchmaking => Topic started by: steamwolf on August 27, 2011, 04:36:04 PM

Title: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: steamwolf on August 27, 2011, 04:36:04 PM
So since a lot of people are using skype these days, I think its only fitting we have a thread for people to be able to see who has skype and is willing to add and play people. Don't know what skype is? Never used it before? go here:

http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/welcomepage (http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/welcomepage)

The Vampire Savior community has been utilizing skype to do matchmaking and its apparently been working out. There are also some alternatives out there to skype: good and bad. I'll mention a few in this OP post after the skype listing. Everybody just post their skype handles and I'll list them here in this post afterwards so its easier to find. The handle on the left is the DC username, the handle on the right is the skype user name.

Skype Matchmaking Listing:

Mightymar: mightymarcurse

RunningWild: RunningWildWolf

Deadlyrave Neo: deadlyrave-neo

Desmond Dellaghetto: themotioninvisiblesmusic

steamwolf: steam.ninja








Skype Alternatives:

https://voxli.com/ (https://voxli.com/)

Downright my favourite voice chatting service. Its browser based, slightly interactive to provide a bit of fun to bored chatters, and is easier to use and lags less than skype. This I believe is a better option for DC players, especially since you don't really need to register. Its basically like creating an XBL party and just linking the webpage url to whoever will allow anyone to join. You can also chat with text if you desire. I've used this a lot with small groups of friends and its provided the best results when dealing with lag in games.

http://ventrilo.com/ (http://ventrilo.com/)

The old staple for PC gamers playing World of Warcraft. I was going to create a vent server for DC, but I don't think its a good idea right now. I have noticed a lot of WoW players now use skype ironically...it seems to be the staple for gaming. I still prefer voxli though as its free to get started and no need to port-forward to make a server etc...

http://store.steampowered.com/ (http://store.steampowered.com/)

We had a steam group for DC but it was disbanded since no one used it. Very good voice chatting service, top quality and very lightweight on the internet connection as well as computer resources. If we got enough people interested in this again...a steam group might not be a bad way to go about it. As it currently stands, voxli seems like the best and easiest option.

And that's about it. Anything else I can't overly recommend that I know of, or I don't actually know of anything else on the top of my head. The top two contenders I still have to say would be voxli and skype. Voxli seems the best imo since its free, browser based, light-weight, and requires no registering or installation. Text and voice options available as well.
Title: Re: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: Nocturnal on September 03, 2011, 10:02:16 PM
you guys can add me if you'd like to:


I barely get on it unless someone wants to do voice chatting instead of IMs.

There is also Teamspeak: http://www.teamspeak.com/ (http://www.teamspeak.com/)

It's pretty similar to Ventrilo. Some prefer Ventrilo over it but I find it just as good.
Title: Re: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: Feez on September 05, 2011, 11:50:25 AM
I use Skype daily to chat with a number of friends. I'm up for getting chats/games going if it'll help

Title: Re: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: Xxenace on September 05, 2011, 06:54:19 PM
i can make another steam group IF we get enough community support
Title: Re: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: Nunoelectric on September 14, 2011, 04:44:45 AM
I dont have a mic right now but soon i will, so mine is: Nunoelectric
Title: Re: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: Custle on November 12, 2011, 12:53:53 PM
Does anyone like Xfire?
Title: Re: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: djdell82 on November 25, 2011, 10:05:28 PM
My Skype handle is djdell82. You guys can add me if you wish.....

Quote from: Custle on November 12, 2011, 12:53:53 PM
Does anyone like Xfire?

I got a lot of friends on Xfire locally and around the states that uses it, since it supports GGPO. I use that and Skype, even thought I prefer Skype.
Title: Re: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: SpLSlick on December 09, 2011, 09:45:32 AM
Personally I prefer skype over xfire...the voice chat in xfire is a pain to work with and it just doesnt sound as clear as steam or skype...Steam from my exp, tends to drop a lot of calls but maybe thats just me....Skype seems like the best option considering you most likely have it if you are into pc gaming....My skype is kidextreme1...I really should change it but Im too lazy -______- lol
Title: Re: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: Orochi_Xell on January 30, 2012, 05:45:39 AM
I don't usually skype a lot but if I can find somebody to play with I'm down for it.

dragon_crusher85 is my skype screen name
Title: Re: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: ELTRO on February 06, 2012, 06:12:10 PM
got skype but no router so I cant talk and play

If you want to add me, skype name is eltro12202.
Title: Re: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: Dr.Faust on March 05, 2012, 10:27:43 PM
Skype: dr.faustsnk
Title: Re: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: PaTrickC on May 12, 2012, 12:45:47 AM
PSN: chintrick
Region: Romania , Bucharest

Title: Re: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: sonnywortzik on May 13, 2012, 05:28:06 PM
Add me into skype if you wanna make some matches or just wanna talk about fighting games in general. My skype name is sonnywortzik2
Title: Re: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: Potable Potpourri on July 09, 2012, 05:24:57 AM
My skype is funk-doobiest, if anyone's interested.
Title: Re: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: zerotrigger on July 12, 2012, 08:24:59 PM
I just set up a skype a month ago to keep in touch with a friend in VA and my brother. I'd be willing to expand my address book for this purpose.If anyone's interested, my skype tag is blazing-gear. I don't have a headset yet so I'm limited to IMing. :)
Title: Re: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: FabuSoul on January 10, 2013, 04:34:30 AM
I'm always on Skype! Add me if you wish. Skype Handle: soula_feest
Title: Re: Skype and other voice service listings for matchmaking
Post by: Mikel on January 10, 2013, 05:24:38 AM
I never used Skype until June of last year (2012), so yeah.

Skype ID: TheOneEyedDragon