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Announcements & Introductions => Meet & Greet => Topic started by: djdell82 on November 25, 2011, 12:13:17 AM

Title: 29 yr old KOF player from GA
Post by: djdell82 on November 25, 2011, 12:13:17 AM
Hey everyone, I go by the nickname my friends call me, which is Dell. I have a PS3(gamertag djdell82) and I'm a long KOF player. I have have all the KOF games on my PS2, but KOF Neowave, which I got for my orginal Xbox. On my 360 account, I have all the SNK games from the earlier ones with the bad netcode, up to the last one I bought, which was NGBC HD. And on PS3 I have all the KOF games from the SNK station, as well as SS1.

Besides 4 friends I play KOF games in my hometown(Albany,GA), that's the only about the kind of community I have with SNK based games. I go on GGPO for to level up, as well as PSN. I always support SNK, even when I pre-order KOFXII from play-asia to get it early than anyone.

I happy KOF XIII is a great game and I hope I can make some rivals on here, but more than that, so good friends that loves SNK based games.

Happy Thanksgiving guys, add me on PSN(djdell82) and XBL(djdell82). I'm on PSN more, since I buy all my fighting games for that system.

By the way, I use my Eyetoy as a mic on PS3 and also use Skype as well(djdell82- Skype handle). I have to buy another set of headphones for the 360 this weekend.
Title: Re: 29 yr old KOF player from GA
Post by: BioBooster on November 25, 2011, 01:54:56 AM
Happy turkey day and welcome to DC :)

Wish I had pals to play with locally!

Plenty of chance to make friends on the forum and make rivals on the matchmaking threads ;)
Title: Re: 29 yr old KOF player from GA
Post by: omegaryuji on November 25, 2011, 03:03:46 AM
Welcome to DC :)

Thanks for sharing your background.  Always interesting to hear where people come from.
Title: Re: 29 yr old KOF player from GA
Post by: thec0re3 on November 25, 2011, 03:36:30 AM
Hello! I'm glad to see more GA players are coming to the thread welcome. Make sure you put your gamer tags in the online matchmaking section. I'm on Xbox Live right now under the same user name o is zero. I have all the old KOFs still thinking about NGBC and just got KOFXIII. I live closer to atlanta
Title: Re: 29 yr old KOF player from GA
Post by: steamwolf on November 25, 2011, 09:23:21 AM
Welcome to DC, Dell. Are you DJDelly, and were you at CEO 2011 with the NeoGeo?
Title: Re: 29 yr old KOF player from GA
Post by: desmond_kof on November 25, 2011, 07:50:18 PM
Sup djdell. Yeah you have the same username as my guy djdelly from MN that is currently living Florida. I hope you enjoy your stay here and welcome.
Title: Re: 29 yr old KOF player from GA
Post by: djdell82 on November 25, 2011, 09:19:28 PM
Thanks everyone for the love you showing me. The only tourney I went was last year's Final Round, just for casuals and just to go to my first major tourney. But starting next year, I will have the funds to go to out of state majors. Matter of fact, the only SNK games I played in a tourney environment is Last Blade 2(mains:Lee Rekka & Hibiki Takane) and KOF 98.

Quote from: thec0re3 on November 25, 2011, 03:36:30 AM
Hello! I'm glad to see more GA players are coming to the thread welcome. Make sure you put your gamer tags in the online matchmaking section. I'm on Xbox Live right now under the same user name o is zero. I have all the old KOFs still thinking about NGBC and just got KOFXIII. I live closer to atlanta

My dad works and live in Gainsville,GA. I go up there for a whole week once and awhile. How far are you from Gainsville? Maybe we could hook up on offline casuals or something. NGBC HD is good to me. I still play it on XBL, because besides KOFXIII, it's the only SNK game for marketplace that has decent netcode. And I have all the SNK games for XBL. I'll make sure to add you. Plus, I will try to get my group of fighter gamers friends to hope on the forums.

Quote from: steamwolf on November 25, 2011, 09:23:21 AM
Are you DJDelly, and were you at CEO 2011 with the NeoGeo?

Naw, that's someone else, but heard of or read that name somewhere, but I don't know that particular guy personally. If I do go to gatherings, I the guy the bring the fat PS3 that plays PS2 games, since I got all the NTSC games that SNK released. Anyone knows if the fat models that plays PS2 games plays PS2 imports as well?
Title: Re: 29 yr old KOF player from GA
Post by: CHNchilla on December 06, 2011, 02:07:31 AM
Quote from: djdell82 on November 25, 2011, 12:13:17 AM

Quote from: thec0re3 on November 25, 2011, 03:36:30 AM

Hey guys, we have a GA FGC facebook page where we set up gatherings, tourney info is place, and just chat. If you guys wanna join just send me a pm and I could get it worked out.

Also my gt on xbl is CHNchilla89, feel free to message me for some games whenever