@MADE: Tuesday Night Fights in Oakland!Quote
Every tuesday we (me,Maka and Mcsoze) hold fight night at the MADE (museum of art and digital entertainment)
610 16th st, Oakland, CA, 94612
Dial "#0230" on our entry gate.
Tuesdays , 3- 9pm
http://themade.org/fight_night (http://themade.org/fight_night)
We Have:
Xbox 360 ( KOF2k2UM, umvc3 , sf4 ae)
sega saturn (super turbo)
game cube (melee)
if you would like to bring your own console its ok ... we have plenty of tvs, mostly crts...
This is a quote from their thread in SRK, but posting it here for it to get better KOF rep. Plus, word is that they're trying to get some livestream going so that'll give you plenty of action in all these games!
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/cylentshadow (http://www.ustream.tv/channel/cylentshadow)
This is the U-Stream channel for MADE Tuesday Night Fights. Check it out once it gets rolling.