Hi, I'm kinda new to kof, meaning I've only played a little 2k2um. I'm an active ST player, (one of three in the us lol), and I played a lot of cvs2. Kof 13 is the first of the new school fighting games that got me excited. I just the fact that it doesn't cater to new players and tries to stay true to its root. I'm getting the hang of it pretty quickly, and I think this will be the first game since ST that I play in tournament.
Welcome to the KoF13 scene man I'm excited to see new blood. If you are on psn I'd love to get some games in with you so we can both level up!
Welcome Zequki. Great to have another possible tourney player present. Wherever you take it, EVO or local, enjoy man.
Welcome to DC! I think if you like CvS2 you'll be right at home with KoF XIII