Terry Bogard KoF XIII video thread. What else more is there to say? Post all Terry and Terry-related videos here and I will organize them all into the first post. I encourage everyone to try and post match videos and helpful combo videos/tutorials. I feel there are far too many 5 Stock training mode combo videos. Post them anyway even still, but I'm seeking to get more informative vids into this thread.
[spoiler]KOF XIII KCE公開動画その344現役声優による基本解説講座(Terry) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LvAes-eAf0#)[/spoiler]
[spoiler]KOFⅩⅢ 練習対戦研究実況プレイ 013 テリー① (Terry Master Class) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNHEKrvSRPc#ws)[/spoiler]
[spoiler]KOF XIII Technical Reference TERRY BOGARD (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCcU9pBV7QQ#ws)
(Arcade version)[/spoiler]
[/spoiler]A video showcasing differences between the left and right side damage values for the same combo.
Tournament Matches
STA Fall Brawl Finale - 12/04/11
Laban vs Hellpockets
J' (Reiki) vs. Michel S.
Jack Burton vs. Char-Rex
CJ SoulStar vs. Tyram
Hellpockets vs. Michel S.
Geovanny vs. Tyram
Freedumb vs. J' (Reiki)
Jack Burton vs. Rodger Dodger
Jack Burton vs. Fixel
CJ SoulStar vs. Hellpockets
Tyram vs. J' (Reiki)
STA Ranbats 3.3 - 02/05/12
J' (Reiki) vs. RogerDodger
J' (Reiki) vs. N4US
J' (Reiki) vs. Geo.YUC
Hellpockets vs. BBZ
Hellpockets vs. RogerDodger
Online Matches
SamsonK vs. Saitsuofleaves
Saitsuofleaves vs. MastaCJ 1
Saitsuofleaves vs. MastaCJ 2
Saitsuofleaves vs. MastaCJ
Combo Videos
[spoiler]KOF XIII: Terry combo tutorial - Terry the lone Wolf (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGsjCLuTSy8#ws)[/spoiler]
A video showcasing differences between the left and right side damage values for the same combo.
Various HD combos
Terry trials
Wow, that's odd. And a 4 bar 100% combo for Terry? Wuuut?
Yeah that is a bit surprising. Good to see. I'm gonna have to try that out for myself in training mode lol
Quote from: Reiki.Kito on February 06, 2012, 09:15:44 PM
Wow, that's odd. And a 4 bar 100% combo for Terry? Wuuut?
The 1st link blackgenma posted has a 3 stock 100% combo at 0:48~.
You have to space that pretty well or it'll reach the corner. Same with any of the midrange combos. It's nice to see he can use such small amounts of meter for a good 100%, but you'd have to be cornered or cross them up near the corner to do it...;-;
Actually, I think he spaces it so that after the Trinity Geyser, the wall stops the opponent from moving further. That's why he can catch up. So I dunno if you have to do it EXACTLY like in the video or if you can play around with the distance a little.
Quote from: Reiki.Kito on February 07, 2012, 07:41:38 PM
You have to space that pretty well or it'll reach the corner. Same with any of the midrange combos. It's nice to see he can use such small amounts of meter for a good 100%, but you'd have to be cornered or cross them up near the corner to do it...;-;
Actually, I think he spaces it so that after the Trinity Geyser, the wall stops the opponent from moving further. That's why he can catch up. So I dunno if you have to do it EXACTLY like in the video or if you can play around with the distance a little.
He actually spaces it so the wall forces trinity geyser to do an extra hit and toss the opponent higher which gives just enough time to run and do burn knuckle. When i messed a bit with the range trinity geyser only did the usual 3 hits and you can only follow up after it with an ex burn knuckle/buster wolf. The combo also starts with D, F+A into rising tackle which took quite a while to get the timing down since its kinda strict :(
Such things are nice to look at, but they're kind of just for flash and what not. What I am in the process of working on is seeing about getting actual tournament match videos up. THOSE are much more valuable to all players as opposed to strict 100% combos that require precise spacing etc. I recommend if anyone has any actual MATCH videos of Terry, please post those! This is not a combo video thread but a video thread. Combo videos are nice, but precise spacing 100% combos are really not what you see in tournaments or online. Posting combo vids are fine, but we're just seriously lacking good match videos in the KoF Community as a whole which I find painfully disturbing.
Well, I would be glad if we could take apart some match videos and see what could be done about our gameplay. Putting up some matches using Terry, there's me and Hotpockets playing this Sunday at STA Ranbats 3.3. I'm going to post some videos of our matches and maybe you can give us some feedback on our Terry gameplay. We've been working on safely spacing A Burn Knuckle to keep it safe and pressure patterns.
http://youtu.be/cmG8KgSSlDk?t=1h37m27s (http://youtu.be/cmG8KgSSlDk?t=1h37m27s)
Reiki.Kito vs. RogerDodger
http://youtu.be/cmG8KgSSlDk?t=1h58m4s (http://youtu.be/cmG8KgSSlDk?t=1h58m4s)
Reiki.Kito vs. Geo.YUC
http://youtu.be/Mew4zzPWx74?t=16m35s (http://youtu.be/Mew4zzPWx74?t=16m35s)
Reiki.Kito vs. N4US
and part 2
STA Ranbats 3.3: KOFXIII - PT2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mew4zzPWx74#ws)
Hellpockets vs. BBZ
http://youtu.be/Mew4zzPWx74?t=6m17s (http://youtu.be/Mew4zzPWx74?t=6m17s)
Hellpockets vs. RogerDodger
http://youtu.be/Mew4zzPWx74?t=35m8s (http://youtu.be/Mew4zzPWx74?t=35m8s)
Well first off, I am hardly qualified to provide any kind of tips for your Terry but I'll give my two cents since you asked.
You're using Burn Knuckle and Crackshoot way too much outside of combos. A Burn Knuckle is not as safe as it was in 02, so it's not as wise to just toss out there as a poke/whatever. Crackshoot is also a little unsafe if it's the D version. D version has it's rewards and can easily punish crouch blockers, but when people understand how D Crackshoot shenanigans work it's a wasted effort to try. I'd call it a scrub killing technique. Overall I think you've almost got it but perhaps you should study other Terry players and try and emulate a few of their tricks? Only other thing I saw was a lack of HD combos with Terry. You did one towards the end but you can actually get more damage if you do less in that combo (according to the guy commentating at least). But yeah there were a few times an HD combo would have ended things but you didn't do it or dropped the combo. I'd say work on that and try not to be so burn knuckle happy and you'll be good. At least, that's just me lol.
Thank you for posting these videos. This is actually the kind of stuff I've been wanting to see more of. I'm gonna have to scour through iplaywinner's channel now and copy url locations for not just Terry, but every character lol
Edit: The link of you vs Geo.YUC doesn't appear to be the right time of the video.
Actually, at a certain spacing, you CAN make Burn Knuckle safe. They won't be able to punish it aside from maybe a throw, but you can space it so well that you end farther away so even throws won't hit. If they try to punish it, you can beat it out with Rising Tackle.
If you're ever online, I'll show ya'! I do appreciate the feedback, any of it, so thank you for critiquing my play.
And the GEO.YUC match works for me.
EDIT: You can go to http://frame-advantage.com/ (http://frame-advantage.com/) and it will show you game, player, even character breakdowns. They're very thorough.
Quote from: Reiki.Kito on February 09, 2012, 01:47:36 AM
Well, I would be glad if we could take apart some match videos and see what could be done about our gameplay. Putting up some matches using Terry, there's me and Hotpockets playing this Sunday at STA Ranbats 3.3. I'm going to post some videos of our matches and maybe you can give us some feedback on our Terry gameplay. We've been working on safely spacing A Burn Knuckle to keep it safe and pressure patterns.
http://youtu.be/cmG8KgSSlDk?t=1h37m27s (http://youtu.be/cmG8KgSSlDk?t=1h37m27s)
Reiki.Kito vs. RogerDodger
http://youtu.be/cmG8KgSSlDk?t=1h58m4s (http://youtu.be/cmG8KgSSlDk?t=1h58m4s)
Reiki.Kito vs. Geo.YUC
http://youtu.be/Mew4zzPWx74?t=16m35s (http://youtu.be/Mew4zzPWx74?t=16m35s)
Reiki.Kito vs. N4US
and part 2
STA Ranbats 3.3: KOFXIII - PT2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mew4zzPWx74#ws)
Hellpockets vs. BBZ
http://youtu.be/Mew4zzPWx74?t=6m17s (http://youtu.be/Mew4zzPWx74?t=6m17s)
Hellpockets vs. RogerDodger
http://youtu.be/Mew4zzPWx74?t=35m8s (http://youtu.be/Mew4zzPWx74?t=35m8s)
I had something to notice regarding Hellpockets's meter usage for a while now... He throws EX power wave WAY too frequently and predictably. It's a major flaw in an otherwise solid Terry, and it really bugs me every time I see it because he doesn't react well to how his opponents deal with it. It's gotten me using that move only on specific knockdowns to meaty with, and only when the opponent is almost dead. I honestly think EX power wave is very overrated in the neutral game in just about every instance I've seen it used there.
Alright Reiki, I'm gonna break down at least the first 3 matches you posted both for K' and for Terry.
Vs. Rodger Dodger: You seem a bit...tentative at times to press anything. It's Point Yuri, until she gets that Drive and meter she won't murder you, don't be afraid to press buttons as K'. You threw out Minute/Narrow Spike a BIT too much. It isn't that safe. Ein Trigger wasn't too bad, though if you're gonna throw out EX ET at Neutral, either take the initiative to do Second Shoot if the opponent isn't that close, or at least Black Out or Second Shell. Something...just don't throw that thing out in Neutral without following it up unless it's a reversal or something.
As for your Terry play that match, I agree that you were throwing out way too many raw Burn Knuckles. Yeah, it can be safe at the right spacings...but half the time it was not the right spacing and one time you got extremely lucky doing it in his face. Doing at the start of the round is not advised because the start round spacing doesn't make it safe. You're basically hoping the opponent presses a button or move that doesn't beat Burn Knuckle. Do Crack Shoot at the start if you need to do anything, don't do Burn Knuckle. Also, matchup wise, just make sure to respect the Flash Kick against Kim...always...
Vs. GEO: As Terry...yet again with the meh spaced Burn Knuckles. Only unlike against Rodger Dodger, you got killed for it, simple as that. Once Robert got in on you, it was pretty much over without the meter help. You're Terry, you got better pokes for the most part, use them in that matchup. Against Kula...uh yeah, matchup problems, Kula's a bitch.
As K'...yeah, against Robert, that random Crow Bites got you in trouble early. And then I was baffled at why you were throwing ET/Second Shells from the distance you were. Especially burning a meter on one of them. You really came on strong late against Robert though. The round against EX Iori was a disaster though...for both of you. I'm just gonna throw that one out. Now against Kula...honestly, you didn't do too much wrong there, just got beat down a little, it happens. More knowing the matchup than anything to just pick your spots because Kula's a bitch...fuck Kula.
Main problem in that match is not knowing that Kula's Lay Spin is unsafe. As Terry, if she does B Lay Spin for pressure, RISING TACKLE her. It will punish a B Lay Spin with no followup and will beat all of her followups free. Now if it's D Lay Spin, you got a bit more of a problem. Preferably you're able to beat her out of it early or get out of the way. If not, you have to take the blockstring or guess that she'll for sure do the Ice Shot followup. But B Lay Spin? Free for Terry.
K' vs. Kula, not as easy for K'. All Crow Bites beat B Lay Spin/Ice Shot. You'll need EX Crow Bites for the Slide Followup. No followup, punish with whatever but you can't always be sure so Crow Bites to be sure, or EX Crow Bites just always just to get the Kula to stop. D Lay Spin, same problems as Terry.
I'll deal with your third match later.
Also, one last thing that's been bothering me, and I have a bit of a problem with it too. Punishing. You mess it up a couple of times like your mind freezes for the instant. I suggest, and I have to do this too, go into training mode with whomever, and drill into your hands and mind your biggest combos starting from st.C for 1 Drive, 2 Meters for both Terry and K', and then Drill the simplest HD combos you can. You stay in training mode until you can do them in your sleep. That way when the moment of truth comes up, there's no hesitation, you're on that and you make your opponent pay.
http://youtu.be/Mew4zzPWx74?t=35m10s (http://youtu.be/Mew4zzPWx74?t=35m10s)
Should be Hellpockets vs. RogerDodger - Don't mind Geo's bad commentary.
Trust me when I say I know what Kula's weak against. I should punish it more, but it was mostly the player rather than the character I was worried about. But you're right, I should've punished it more and more punishing in general. Just certain situations that are a little harder to get the maximum amount of pain in.
I think what it all comes down to is that we have to get back to the basics.
Anyway, in my free time I'm gonna figure out if I can record some crude matches with my Logitech Camera and upload them to a Youtube account to see if I can get at least some analysis of my own before Winter Brawl to see if I should take Terry or K' as my second in command.
Thanks for providing feedback for Reiki, Saitsu. Just make sure to stay on the topic of Terry and not get too much into his K'. Not that it's bad or anything, just need to make sure each sub-forum remains on topic etc etc.
Also: Wow thanks for that site, Reiki! I'll be doing MAJOR updates to this thread once I am done scouring through this site.
I know...it's just Reiki also asked about his K' in the other thread so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone here.
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on February 10, 2012, 06:19:31 PM
I know...it's just Reiki also asked about his K' in the other thread so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone here.
It's cool. But ya know, just trying to keep things on track. Don't worry about it but just keep it in mind for the future is all. I'm not trying to bust your chops or anything lol.
Samson K vs. Saitsuofleaves KOFXIII Test Upload (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRZSJbLzxJo#)
Well this should help, I made this as a test run to see how my Logitech cam would fare uploading replays. Quality is really meh, but we need all the replays we can get and I'm too poor right now for a nice Capture Card.
This really isn't much of a match for my Terry, it was 1 AM, I just wanted to get a replay up and I hadn't planned on playing at all yesterday. Of course when Samson turned out to be beast I got into it more...to which my Terry got stomped every single time. I don't have video of that because I got into the habit of skipping the replay screen by mistake...whoops. I ended up losing 7-3.
Updated the first post for anyone who wants to see. I'll be adding more Terry matches to it in the near future.
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on February 10, 2012, 10:57:16 PM
Well this should help, I made this as a test run to see how my Logitech cam would fare uploading replays. Quality is really meh, but we need all the replays we can get and I'm too poor right now for a nice Capture Card.
Thanks for uploading the match! I added it to a new section in the first post labeled "Online Matches" just so everyone can differentiate between the two (lag potentially changing things). As for affording a good capture card? Well A hauppage of course would set you back a bit but I recently invested in a much cheaper option. It's not the BEST but it cost me maybe twelve bucks for a splitter and this capture device? I can show you if you like.
Saitsuofleaves vs. MastaCJ 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZLfM9CLWYY#)
Saitsuofleaves vs. MastaCJ 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzinNL63IWg#)
Saitsuofleaves vs. MastaCJ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Rqutb0i7uU#)
Three more videos of me getting blown up. The irony is I had played 5 games with MastaCJ...but the two games I forgot to save the replays of I actually did a lot better with Terry.
Anyway again, quality's not the best but you know look to it if you want.
And yeah, if the options are cheap and decent please show me what you have steamwolf.
First post updated again. Finished posting videos from STA Fall Brawl. Will begin working on posting STA SCR Norcal KoF XIII Qualifiers 5v5 next.
Quote from: SaitsuofleavesAnd yeah, if the options are cheap and decent please show me what you have steamwolf.
In terms of what is a cheap, better, option? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002H3BSCM/ref=oh_o01_s00_i00_details (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002H3BSCM/ref=oh_o01_s00_i00_details) I recently purchased this. Someone I know who does some streaming of non-fighting games recommended this. With it, you'll need http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000V0DY7U/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&m=A3RXZ98XF59X38 (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000V0DY7U/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&m=A3RXZ98XF59X38) and http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003ZA67GI/ref=oh_o00_s00_i00_details. (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003ZA67GI/ref=oh_o00_s00_i00_details.) I cannot promise the quality of this stuff. It's pretty cheap, so don't expect some hauppage capture card quality, but it should get the job done better than what you are recording on now. I have yet to receive the easycap in the mail (it apparently can take awhile, shipping from Hong Kong) but I will let you know how it works for me. Should be here any day now.
Yes, please tell me how it goes for you. If it goes well, I'll look into it myself.
Terry's coordinated guard crush video (http://youtu.be/ICaCRYwKpck?t=16s).
Quote from: Kane317 on July 28, 2012, 12:35:13 PM
Terry's coordinated guard crush video (http://youtu.be/ICaCRYwKpck?t=16s).
anybody else completely wowed over the way he got trinity geyser to get all 3 hits for a corner combo? sorry if im late to the party here but thats big news to me! i always thought the closest he could do it was 1/4 screen. that incredibly raises his damage output in the corner and the BnB versions are really easy to do.
keep holding down on the stick / pad when going into HD to cancel the slide immediately.
3 stocks 840 dmg
cr.B , cr.A , cr.C > [HD] > cr.C > qcf+A (optional) > qcb~db/f+A > [HDC] qcfx2+AC > qcb+A , qcb+B, d~u+C
4 stocks 940 dmg
cr.B , cr.A , cr.C > [HD] > cr.C > qcf+A > [HDC] > qcb~db/f+AC > [HDC] qcfx2+AC > qcb+A , qcb+B, d~u+C
5 stocks 986 dmg
cr.B , cr.A , cr.C > [HD] > cr.C > qcf+A > [HDC] qcb~db/f+AC > [HDC] qcfx2+AC > qcb+A, qcb+B, d~u+AC
Hey guys! just because I care I decided to share something with all my Terry brethren!
KOF XIII Tech Update: Terry Bogard (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3rPzjBSZCc#)
This is pretty damn cool. I'm not sure if I could pull this off in a match, but this is mind blowing to me. Also a real eye opener that I need to step up my counter hit game.
King of fighters XIII tech update: Terry 3 bar HD combo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goC3T1Uuw-A#)
Latest vid :)
King of Fighters XIII CMV - Terry Bogard : Lone Wolf Edition (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3cO9cqzl1Q#ws)
Hope it helps with some ideas
By ZeroBlack of Chile
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEcIWqMUM0k (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEcIWqMUM0k)
Saw this in the front page and I'm storing it here.
KOF XIII - Terry Bogard: 3F/4F Safe Jump (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQ7Mj3zDZCY#ws)