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Announcements & Introductions => Meet & Greet => Topic started by: Mr.Minionman on April 09, 2012, 10:21:01 PM

Title: New to KOF, @ TN, PSN
Post by: Mr.Minionman on April 09, 2012, 10:21:01 PM
Hey all, Mr.Minionman here,

I've been playing League of Legends and Starcraft 2, got bandwagon'd into playing some fighting games by some friends, but now I'm mildly hooked. Long history of SSB, but had a vendetta against real fighting games up to this point, so consider me fresh (besides getting some experience playing Bang in BB a bit before kof). Still working on getting inputs in muscle memory, etc, but I'll be coming here occasionally to ask questions and the likes. Excited to learn some KOFXIII, and hopefully my visit here will allow me to start winning some games!  ;)  On PSN, so if you want to beat up a scrub or something feel free to add me, username: mrminionman

And because I don't want to start a new thread for a short question, mind giving opinions/advice on my team build? Wanting to focus on a few characters to start to learn the games core, I'm pretty set on learning King and Maxima, but looking on a starter. Initially considered Shen or Kim, but they don't seem to be strong on point. Not all that interested in Benimaru, the Kyo's, or the Iori's, but I'm still hoping for him to be solid in all matchups. suggestions?
Title: Re: New to KOF, @ TN, PSN
Post by: baccano1932 on April 10, 2012, 12:09:18 AM
Hello and welcome to the forums Mr.Minionman, it's a pleasure to meet you and any questions you may have are more then welcome as i'm sure you'll find someone who will be more than happy to help you out.
Title: Re: New to KOF, @ TN, PSN
Post by: solidshark on April 10, 2012, 04:12:20 AM
Greetings and welcome Mr. Minionman. Got bandwagoned into fighters, eh? I guess be sure to thank your friends for us. Hopefully you'll come to like KOFXIII and other 'real' fighters a lot (SSB is fun too).

For some team building advice, most players follow the battery/second/anchor process. The battery (1st) builds meter the best, the second is as advertised, and the anchor (3rd) I want to say is considered your strongest/last stand/can and will use the built metere the best character. Way I see it though, since every character has his or her strenghs, you don't necessarily need to follow that process. As with any fighter, the most skilled will beat out the less skilled.

King and Maxima are pretty good. I usually see King as a battery or second, and Maxima can be anywhere. Since I use Kim a lot, I'll say he can be an excellent starter, once you take advantage of all his tools. Others I might recommend for good starters are Clark (if you like grapplers), Takuma, Mature, Athena, or Yuri. Opinions will vary, but best thing you can do is look more for a character that clicks with you, like I assume King and Maxima did with you; the rest will work itself out later.

Keep our website's wiki in mind for learning about the characters too.
Title: Re: New to KOF, @ TN, PSN
Post by: Mr.Minionman on April 10, 2012, 07:11:34 AM
Thanks for the replies! I'll be sure to look into the those. I decided on Maxima because I really enjoyed Bang's autoguard drive moves, and i liked the fact that he hit like a truck, as well as the aesthetic fact that he's a cyborg. And I didn't think I'd enjoy a zoner (didn't really like what I saw in other games), but I was set on King after just a few games with her. I greatly enjoyed the mix of zone and offense she presented. I'll be sure to read up on the wiki too.