Dream Cancel Forum

King of Fighters XIII => Character Discussion => Joe Higashi => Topic started by: nilcam on October 27, 2010, 06:08:35 AM

Title: Joe Higashi (Arcade Version)
Post by: nilcam on October 27, 2010, 06:08:35 AM

;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

* = EX version possible

;bk / ;fd +  ;c / ;d = Sou Hiza Jigoku

Command Moves
;fd +  ;b = Step In Middle Kick

;df +  ;b = Slide

Special Moves
;hcf +  ;a / ;c = Hurricane Upper *

;dp +  ;b / ;d = Tiger Kick *

;hcf + ;b / ;d = Thrust Kick *

;a / ;c (rapidly) = Babusken * > ;qcb

∟ ;a / ;c = Follow up (during Babusken)

;qcb + ;b / ;d = Golden Heel *

Desperation Moves
;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c = Screw Upper *

;qcf, ;hcb + ;a / ;c = Hurricane Tiger Heel

;qcf x 2 + ;b ;d = Screw Straight

Joe's Wiki entry (http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Joe_Higashi_(XIII)).

Console changes:
* Ex Screw Upper (qcf x2+P) will stay in position when it hits. With this change, Joe can’t be punished afterwards when he hits the opponent with it in the corner.
* Sliding can be canceled with his Bakuretsuken (rapid P). But not with any other specials.
* Hit detection will remain on the opponent after his sliding hits. Again, it can’t be canceled with anything but his Bakuretsuken, but he can go into HD mode from the slide.
* Slash Kick (hcf K) can be drive canceled.
- EX Tiger Kick (Ex dp+K) comes out faster. Has strong invincibility in the front.
- Screw Straight (qcf x2+K) comes out faster. It has no invincibility and it has the same shot limit as projectiles. (Probably means that you can’t do it while there’s another projectile on the screen.)

Producer Yamamoto says:
He can actually juggle other attacks aside from his Bakuretsuken after his slide so please try them from going into HD mode from his slide and whatnot. Also, his EX Screw Upper has been changed so you can use it in the corner without worrying. He does things a bit differently on a Max Cancel too.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: metaphysics on May 12, 2011, 10:11:03 AM
so in case you guys were wondering Joe has A pretty good trap game in the corner, and against somebody that knows how to zone really well with fireballs, he can be a real bitch to play against. based off of playing Mr.KoF, lol
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Mr.KOF on May 12, 2011, 11:21:38 AM
Quote from: metaphysics on May 12, 2011, 10:11:03 AM
so in case you guys were wondering Joe has A pretty good trap game in the corner, and against somebody that knows how to zone really well with fireballs, he can be a real bitch to play against. based off of playing Mr.KoF, lol

Joe is a pretty good character for zoning. But he is too boring for my taste. His pluses are not having to use drive cancels and hyperdrive to win rounds. Overall a very good solid first round pick! Joe is on a league of his own...he can't be a Legendary Wolf...He can't get a girl as fine as Mai...but at least he's a part of Team Fatal Fury!
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: MUSOLINI on May 12, 2011, 07:06:12 PM
too bad terry aint as legendary as he used to be.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Kane317 on May 12, 2011, 08:24:19 PM
Quote from: Mr.KOF on May 12, 2011, 11:21:38 AM
Joe is on a league of his own...he can't be a Legendary Wolf...He can't get a girl as fine as Mai...but at least he's a part of Team Fatal Fury!

WTH?  That's so out of character for you to say something like that John haha.  You should post some of his corner traps/and or combos since you and 4leaf know them better than most.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Mr.KOF on May 12, 2011, 09:57:35 PM
Quote from: Kane317 on May 12, 2011, 08:24:19 PM
Quote from: Mr.KOF on May 12, 2011, 11:21:38 AM
Joe is on a league of his own...he can't be a Legendary Wolf...He can't get a girl as fine as Mai...but at least he's a part of Team Fatal Fury!

WTH?  That's so out of character for you to say something like that John haha.  You should post some of his corner traps/and or combos since you and 4leaf know them better than most.

St. A , F+B into hurricane upper is the Frame Trap.  You cant really roll during his frame trap unless you'd like to eat a combo. His jumping CD is very good while his stand A reminds me of OG 98 RYO (standing B!) You'll just have to feel Cheap Ass Joe to understand how cheap he is LOL.

@Kane i don't know what you mean by me being out of character...I was trying to give Joe his props Lol
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: THE ANSWER on May 12, 2011, 10:08:49 PM
Quote from: Mr.KOF on May 12, 2011, 09:57:35 PM
Quote from: Kane317 on May 12, 2011, 08:24:19 PM
Quote from: Mr.KOF on May 12, 2011, 11:21:38 AM
Joe is on a league of his own...he can't be a Legendary Wolf...He can't get a girl as fine as Mai...but at least he's a part of Team Fatal Fury!

WTH?  That's so out of character for you to say something like that John haha.  You should post some of his corner traps/and or combos since you and 4leaf know them better than most.

St. A , F+B into hurricane upper is the Frame Trap.  You cant really roll during his frame trap unless you'd like to eat a combo. His jumping CD is very good while his stand A reminds me of OG 98 RYO (standing B!) You'll just have to feel Cheap Ass Joe to understand how cheap he is LOL.

@Kane i don't know what you mean by me being out of character...I was trying to give Joe his props Lol

I'm sure you have no problem with that  ;) ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Aenthin on May 24, 2011, 04:47:13 AM
Quote from: Mr.KOF on May 12, 2011, 11:21:38 AM
His pluses are not having to use drive cancels and hyperdrive to win rounds.

It was only this one and watching one of the rarer Joe videos that made me realize he has ridiculously fast recovery in most, if not all, his moves. I don't remember Slash Kick being THAT quick in previous games. ಠ_ಠ
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: The Fluke on May 30, 2011, 06:06:36 PM
Joe seemed pretty much unpunishable in kof xii except for his DM, not that it matters much but it is recent enough hehe. Joe is awesome, too bad he is shit out of luck. One of my favorite characters and an easy choice for me to start out with once xiii hits the shelves.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Sharnt on July 08, 2011, 04:38:05 PM
Double stun combo :

Really cheap combo (1ex/1hd bar) but i tried it today it's just impossible to done, some tricky timings. Good luck if you're training it.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Kane317 on July 12, 2011, 01:16:13 PM
Fixed the typo to Joe's Babusken follow up; meant to be qcb+P not qcf+P.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: ZeWickedOreo on August 05, 2011, 03:28:03 PM
I have a combo for you guys. IT'S VERY EASY. and it only costs 1 bar and 100% drive. :D
Very accessible too! :D
J.+  C, std. +  C, fwd+  B, [HD], std+ D, fwd+ B, hcf+ B+D, (dp+ B [HDC] qcb+ B) x2, dp+ D (you need the delay to continue the juggle), [HDC] qcb+ B, dp+ B, [HDC] qcb+ B, finish with anything you like! :D

(Insert Ex's wherever may apply and depending on your bars or something whatever you like*

you could do rapid punches to uppercut then continue juggle, or do an additional dp+ B/C, then neomax or something. :D

I've only studied him for an hour! I'll try to make up more combos.

-EDITED- Sorry guys!
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: MUSOLINI on August 05, 2011, 03:33:58 PM
at least try to get your moves and buttons correct.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: ZeWickedOreo on August 05, 2011, 06:24:34 PM
well soooorrry! now it's edited sorry.
:D 4 bars in equal for an easy combo for 98%... :| crap gotta make it cheaper.continuing studying. :) played with my brother for a while.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Kane317 on August 06, 2011, 11:25:39 AM
Quote from: MUSOLINI on August 05, 2011, 03:33:58 PM
at least try to get your moves and buttons correct.

Joe doesn't have a dp+P.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: ZeWickedOreo on August 06, 2011, 03:04:07 PM
Got confused for a moment there! I edited it already! Sorry guys :)
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Reiki.Kito on August 16, 2011, 11:12:20 PM
A little curious. Does Tiger Kick (any of his versions) have start-up invincibility? Also, does Golden Heel have frame advantage on block? From how HaxMurderer has showed me, that should be true, but I wanted to confirm it because a new player asked about it.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Kane317 on August 16, 2011, 11:37:13 PM
Quote from: Reiki.Kito on August 16, 2011, 11:12:20 PM
A little curious. Does Tiger Kick (any of his versions) have start-up invincibility? Also, does Golden Heel have frame advantage on block? From how HaxMurderer has showed me, that should be true, but I wanted to confirm it because a new player asked about it.

For Tiger Kick, if it does have invincibility on his B or D, it's very little. The Ex version of his Tiger Kick does have start up invincibility to what I recall.  I don't think it's a positive frame advantage if that's what you're asking (which really the whole "frame" thing is a whole different story altogether but I disgress...) otherwise it'll be an infinite blockstring.   The Arcadia magazine shows that the B version has -5 and the D version has -1 which is good of course.  You also have to factor in pushback and distancing etc...
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: metaphysics on August 17, 2011, 12:28:46 AM
none of the golden heel moves leave you on frame advantage except for maybe ex. And d version tiger knee is the one the most considerable amount of invincibility, however doesn't reach hit frames until a lot later it leaves a big window to use a safe jump attack.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Reiki.Kito on August 17, 2011, 12:33:34 AM
Okay, thank you. That atleast tells me that the D version can be punished with command grabs if they're close enough and the B version is not really safe. That also means the D version Tiger Knee would be good.

Does that mean using it in a block string such as st.C, f+B, qcb+D is not safe? I do something similar with Terry in a blockstring using B crack shoot so just curious.

A little off topic, but where can I find the frame data for moves? That'd be good to know.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Kane317 on August 17, 2011, 12:43:47 AM
Quote from: Reiki.Kito on August 17, 2011, 12:33:34 AM
Does that mean using it in a block string such as st.C, f+B, qcb+D is not safe? I do something similar with Terry in a blockstring using B crack shoot so just curious.

I would wager that a quick punishing move would be able to hit Joe between the f+B and the qcb+D (like Shen's DMs etc...), but I'm not a Joe expert.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: metaphysics on August 17, 2011, 02:14:15 AM
any uppercut would breakthrough, and it's pretty easy to see especially if you whoever you are playing always cancels into any version of golden heel after a fwd b. I saw haxmurderer was getting away with it a lot against you guys at one of the ranbats, but it can't be used the same as crackshoot in a blockstring, crackshoot is a lot more difficult to punish and time to hit.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: HaxMurderer on August 18, 2011, 10:15:52 AM
Quote from: metaphysics on August 17, 2011, 02:14:15 AM
any uppercut would breakthrough, and it's pretty easy to see especially if you whoever you are playing always cancels into any version of golden heel after a fwd b. I saw haxmurderer was getting away with it a lot against you guys at one of the ranbats, but it can't be used the same as crackshoot in a blockstring, crackshoot is a lot more difficult to punish and time to hit.

:o I sprinkled some light hurricane uppers inbetween  ;fd ;b's and my  ;d Golden heels. Still not the safest thing to do, but if they don't punish the startup or try to jump I've got some pretty good options afterwards...unless they throw me...but you guys didn't hear that!

I really should use more EX Golden Heel..
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Reiki.Kito on August 18, 2011, 11:38:29 AM

Throw is good, hmmm?
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Dark Chaotix on August 18, 2011, 01:11:29 PM
Quote from: Reiki.Kito on August 17, 2011, 12:33:34 AM
Okay, thank you. That atleast tells me that the D version can be punished with command grabs if they're close enough and the B version is not really safe. That also means the D version Tiger Knee would be good.

Does that mean using it in a block string such as st.C, f+B, qcb+D is not safe? I do something similar with Terry in a blockstring using B crack shoot so just curious.

A little off topic, but where can I find the frame data for moves? That'd be good to know.

Guard roll cancel should be used to get out of sticky situations. Even guard cancel CD. No way qcb+D is safe.....
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Kane317 on September 03, 2011, 10:55:47 AM
Easily one of the best Joe out there IMO, haragoro: KOF XIII KCE公開動画 その318 ハレごろ〜セレクション1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOdYjA7bE9U#) (13m25s)
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: bigvador on September 04, 2011, 01:05:41 AM
he good but its and he do has one of the best combo abilities in the game and i do like the fact that in evey round when he start he doesnt do the same thing but yea hes up there (the player i mean)
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: HaxMurderer on September 04, 2011, 01:18:53 AM
Quote from: Kane317 on September 03, 2011, 10:55:47 AM
Easily one of the best Joe out there IMO, haragoro: KOF XIII KCE公開動画 その318 ハレごろ〜セレクション1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOdYjA7bE9U#) (13m25s)

The pressure from the st.a cr.B st.A f.B string MY GOOOOOOOD! I started using that the day after I saw this.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Atb_555 on September 08, 2011, 02:41:21 PM
Is there a shortcut pull off his multi punch special with only the follow up?

Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: MUSOLINI on September 10, 2011, 06:17:56 PM
press  ;a or  ;c very fast 3 or 4 times and remember the timingwhen it comes out. do it  when the move should come out and you will only get thhe finisher.

i need some help as well, when playing this game i noticed that a verysimple combo ive seen in vids didnt work for me. iwant to know how this combo works and if its character specific:

opponentin corner jump  ;d, standing  ;d,  ;fd ;b,   ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;a. the problem is the  ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;a not connecting as a combo. anybody wanna tell mewhat im doing wrong?

edit: really? nobody.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Atb_555 on September 12, 2011, 01:20:19 PM
Its best to replace the  ;a with  ;c as that will combo for sure unless you want the  ;a version for pressure after?

Back to the multi punch special I was wondering if people had and personal tricks to pull it off more effeciently.

Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: MUSOLINI on September 14, 2011, 01:38:02 AM
because after the  ;a version you can combo on by linking another attack/move after it without using your DC bar. ive seen the combo in vids, but couldnt get the  ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;a to connect and combo.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: metaphysics on September 14, 2011, 05:41:14 AM
Dude I tried a billion times myself, this shit is weird. however you can connect st.A,  fwd+b, hcf+A does connect, and allows you to combo the ex mash afterwards to start the stun combo
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: MUSOLINI on September 17, 2011, 06:45:10 PM
so you mean to say its got to do with the jump in attack? so ifyou try this point blanc without a jump in it works is what your saying, right? thanx anyways.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: HaxMurderer on September 18, 2011, 01:51:56 AM
Possibly after the jump there's a brief period where you move Joe forward before pressing  ;d and starting the combo. Gonna have to try it out tomorrow.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: MUSOLINI on September 18, 2011, 03:50:13 PM
yeah i got that, toobad i dont have the laptob to try it. i think i actuallytriedthiscombo point blanc range in corner witthout a jump in and still couldnt get the light hurricane upper to connect. at least iirc.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: metaphysics on October 28, 2011, 03:10:15 AM
Alright so This guy that knows Japanese told me this, In order for you to connect a fwd+B, qcf+A, off of stand D, you must cancel forward b late. It keeps you in front, Ok now go and stun the hell out of everybody guys!! lol

Also I'd like to say learning use TNT punch effectively has been like learning a musical instrument haha
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Kane317 on November 01, 2011, 05:40:46 AM
First page has been updated with the console changes.


Console changes:
* Ex Screw Upper (qcf x2+P) will stay in position when it hits. With this change, Joe can’t be punished afterwards when he hits the opponent with it in the corner.
* Sliding can be canceled with his Bakuretsuken (rapid P). But not with any other specials.
* Hit detection will remain on the opponent after his sliding hits. Again, it can’t be canceled with anything but his Bakuretsuken, but he can go into HD mode from the slide.
* Slash Kick (hcf K) can be drive canceled.
- EX Tiger Kick (Ex dp+K) comes out faster. Has strong invincibility in the front.
- Screw Straight (qcf x2+K) comes out faster. It has no invincibility and it has the same shot limit as projectiles. (Probably means that you can’t do it while there’s another projectile on the screen.)

Producer Yamamoto says:
He can actually juggle other attacks aside from his Bakuretsuken after his slide so please try them from going into HD mode from his slide and whatnot. Also, his EX Screw Upper has been changed so you can use it in the corner without worrying. He does things a bit differently on a Max Cancel too.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: bigvador on November 10, 2011, 03:24:26 AM
ummm does any 1 kno if his corner combo is still in console
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Reiki.Kito on November 10, 2011, 04:55:00 PM
Pretty sure it still works, but we should wait for the 14th
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: jay on November 23, 2011, 10:31:00 PM
Hey guys. Im new to KOF. I am messing around with Joe, becasue random select thought he would be a good pick at the time.

I am looking for a combo list. I know there is the DDTC Joe video that has a lot of combos to use, but I dont know if all of them will work for the console version. Is that true?
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: BioBooster on November 24, 2011, 07:02:37 AM
My guess would be yes and a heck of a lot more with the console changes, but honestly, I'm not in a position to comment as I don't have the game yet. As a Joe mainer since 97, I'll be putting all that to the test.

Anyone else able to confirm the DDTC stuff?

I would love to see haregoro put together a console joe combo vid. 'course I would never be able to pull off his insane ones.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: metaphysics on November 24, 2011, 07:14:30 AM
Yeah they all work and then some lol, joe's combo's have gotten a lot more interesting
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: jay on November 24, 2011, 07:12:31 PM
Cool. I got DDTC 1-8 down but l can't get a hold of HD cancel.  I'm used to FADC and XFactor.  HD feels more instant.  I'll get a hang of it soon.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: jay on November 25, 2011, 12:10:26 AM
Instead of fwd+b, I am messing around qcf+b for the command normal.  This way, I can buffer into qcfx2p or qcfx2bd easily.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Diavle on November 25, 2011, 05:57:35 AM
How much invincibility does his DP+K exactly have?

I was playing a guy and he went through a lot of my stuff, even a fireball at one point. Then on wake up one time I was mushing a low attack and you could see Joe go right into the DP with the lows whiffing through him. Naturally I tried abusing it against another player and again it was highly effective at stuffing pretty much everything.

Really digging how this character plays, played some practice and will take him online next time.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: MUSOLINI on November 27, 2011, 11:44:22 AM
Quote from: metaphysics on October 28, 2011, 03:10:15 AM
Alright so This guy that knows Japanese told me this, In order for you to connect a fwd+B, qcf+A, off of stand D, you must cancel forward b late. It keeps you in front, Ok now go and stun the hell out of everybody guys!! lol

Also I'd like to say learning use TNT punch effectively has been like learning a musical instrument haha

thanx man, gonna try that tomorrow, you hppen to also know why that first mr kof 100% terry combo fucks up. they always seem to be out of place for that hard crackshootto connect like it should.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Libix on November 27, 2011, 03:29:33 PM
I was wondering if this works in the console version? at 1:30

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvcYUvyakA4#t=1m26s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvcYUvyakA4#t=1m26s)

I know they fixed Joe's infinite in an older arcade update... So I want to know if this is in the old arcade
or in the newest version of the arcade? or if this even works in the console?
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Sharnt on November 27, 2011, 03:41:09 PM
Where are no officials change which shows it won't be possible anymore, anyway as far as i know nobody has the console version and the skill to do this. We must wait japan players returns.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Libix on November 27, 2011, 03:53:51 PM
Quote from: Sharnt on November 27, 2011, 03:41:09 PM
Where are no officials change which shows it won't be possible anymore, anyway as far as i know nobody has the console version and the skill to do this. We must wait japan players returns.

wow that was a fast response! I do not have the game yet, but If I will have Joe in my team
I will learn this combo (or the shorter version if its nerfed) =D
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Sharnt on November 27, 2011, 05:07:06 PM
Good luck, this combo is really, really, really, really, have i said really? HARD
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Libix on November 27, 2011, 06:31:59 PM
Quote from: Sharnt on November 27, 2011, 05:07:06 PM
Good luck, this combo is really, really, really, really, have i said really? HARD

I don't care if its hard, I like challenges! =) If I will play Joe I will learn it ^^
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: jay on November 27, 2011, 07:10:22 PM
What is the timing on canceling to the follow up before the multi punches come out?  I'm going to work on that today!
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Joe on November 29, 2011, 10:03:39 PM
I dunno if it still works or not, but I can't get the EX Dynamite Punch to come out after the A Hurricane Upper (combo list on the SRK wiki says its the A version, though I don't think that f.B goes into A Hurricane Upper either, unless its done late?).

But yes I agree on keep playing Joe, for my name's sake.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: GuamoKun on November 29, 2011, 10:16:44 PM
Quote from: Joe on November 29, 2011, 10:03:39 PM
I dunno if it still works or not, but I can't get the EX Dynamite Punch to come out after the A Hurricane Upper (combo list on the SRK wiki says its the A version, though I don't think that f.B goes into A Hurricane Upper either, unless its done late?).

But yes I agree on keep playing Joe, for my name's sake.

I don't like doing those combos that have an ex special/normal after a fireball. Those are tooooo difficult for me.

I can't even get the Dynamite Punch to come out when I want it to and when it does I stand still throwing out about 4 random punches trying to mash my way to get it out haha
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Sharnt on November 30, 2011, 12:04:34 AM
Quote from: jay on November 27, 2011, 07:10:22 PM
What is the timing on canceling to the follow up before the multi punches come out?  I'm going to work on that today!

Just cancel the multi punches right after the start up of the first one.


What's why i said it's hard. But there is not only this, there are nearly one frame juggle timing and some other funny things to learn (i tried to learn this combo for fun some times ago).
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: C 3 on November 30, 2011, 01:17:07 AM
hey guys, i noticed some ppl need help with joes tnt, so i figured i could post the way i do it and maybe you can use it/use it as an idea.  i have been using him since 98 and in cvs2, but was scared to use him now because of the mash inputs being so crucial in this kof. 

Basically, i drum the button i want the tnt to come out with with my index and middle one after another..... Index, middle, index, middle, and the tnt comes out with those inputs.  Four inputs for tnt, 3 inputs for ex tnt.  i press the button a fifth time with qcb to get the ender. 

You can also hide the inputs within other buttons, for example:

st.D, forward + b and a at the same time, a again, a x2 or a+c for ex.  i use this for his slide also.   

if you are doing it after qcf + a, just wait until the tail end of the move, then put in a, a, a+c  or c, c, a+c fairly quickly and it will come out.  Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: nightmoves on November 30, 2011, 01:22:02 AM
People are having trouble with Joe's TNT? This is news to me, cuz I can perform and combo with it pretty easily.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: The Fluke on November 30, 2011, 02:03:23 AM
When doing f.B Into Light Hurricane Upper you need to have the right spacing timing. In the corner I do s.D and slightly delay the f.B so i get pushed back and then move forward again and immediately cancel into hcf.A and then mash out the ex. It's simple once you get a feel for it. Outside of corners you should use hcf.C if you want it to combo, though that will not yield a followup.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: Sharnt on December 04, 2011, 05:44:32 PM
http://www.elive.pro/en/watch/QliFU3PPHkKc (http://www.elive.pro/en/watch/QliFU3PPHkKc)

Haregoro testing console Joe
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: C 3 on December 05, 2011, 10:35:43 PM
Thank you so much for posting that up.

A few questions for you guys:

1.) I've seen Haregoro do a combo to EX TnT, tiger kick, TnT, DP, TnT, elongated TnT, jump D reset.  What versions of these special moves are you supposed to do to get this full combo? I can only get the first 4 parts to work.  Is there specific timing or a specific technique?

2.) Can Joe do anything other than another TnT after a 3-hit string, forward B to A heel in the corner?
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: BioBooster on December 06, 2011, 04:19:54 AM
1)It's important to make sure that the last hit of TNT is the finisher in most cases if you want to follow up more. If they fall onto another punch from TNT for example, they won't be in juggle status at that point. I think tiger kick can be either strength, but I always use strong for DCs. EDIT: weak is better bc faster startup.

2)Joe can do EX slash kick in to start up juggles after a fwd.B. This will work slightly away from the corner as well if you pick it up with an EX heel or EX TNT.

I don't think you can do anything after fwd.B A heel as the move cannot be DC'd (actually tried this a bunch, but hitstun is over no matter what gets thrown next)

Something nice to note. On console, you can do fwd.B weak screw upper in the corner for more damage than his other DM in the corner. Not sure if this was possible in arcade.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: C 3 on December 06, 2011, 04:38:04 AM
thanks for the responce.  any advice in terms of consistently getting the ender and only the ender to hit?
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: BioBooster on December 06, 2011, 04:43:29 AM
Basically hit LP about 4 times fast and input the finisher just before the move comes out. Works pretty consistently once you get a feel for the timing (think you will get a feel for this quickly if you do it like that). You may want to try df.B > TNT in the corner as a general TNT practice as well bc it's pretty unforgiving if you don't land the finisher after just a few hits.
Title: Re: Joe Higashi
Post by: C 3 on December 06, 2011, 04:53:02 AM
i can do one or two hits max into the ender, but the dp still doesnt combo....
Title: Re: Joe Higashi (Arcade Version)
Post by: BioBooster on December 06, 2011, 02:19:27 PM
Hard to tell what you are doing from the description.

Are you doing a slide combo?

If so you can do slide > tnt~finish <DC> LK heel > anything you want including tiger knee.
If you are using the slide, you'll want to stick in the heel otherwise you will not juggle.
The timing to DC into heel off of finish is fairly severe (is why I like the slide to practice).
You'll know if you don't have it right bc if you use too many punches before the finish, the DC heel whiffs.

So for example that's
;df ;b TNT(1-2punches) ;dn ;db ;bk ;a  (DC) ;dn ;db ;bk ;b   ;fd ;dn ;df ;b ~etc.

An aside: Found a PRIZE today.
(near corner)
j.D> s.C> f.B>  ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd  ;b + ;c  (HD Bypass slash kick) xx TNT~finish xx LK heel > (knee xx heel heaven till meter runs out or you have to jack again)

If not near corner can use heel instead of TNT to carry I think, but still exploring that.