So yeah, I was thinking could maybe some of the good players on here make a list of ten things that separates a good player from a bad player. Don't put obvious things like "better execution" (of course its common sense we all know good players will always have better execution than bad players) but put more insightful things like what are the 10 golden rules or 10 commandments that a good player must follow like a bible. Like what are the 10 things that a good player must look for or cycle through in their mind when they are in an actual match. Maybe asking this will finally help all the new players get some of their troubles for this game out of the way
1) Now the frame Data and punish EVERYTHING
2) Never get cocky
4) Always stay calm and focused while on the defensive, only use your dp reversals if you know they're gonna frametrap or as an anti air. => Don't let them jump freely.
5) Do some random dp from time to time (for screwing your opponent rhythm), but if you're predictable you're dead.
1.) Practice everyday and make sure you have learned something or improved upon something when you leave training mode
2.) Concentrate and focus in battle. Think in the present. Don't let outside distractions make you lose your focus
3.) Be patient, especially when in a defensive position
4.) Understand your characters and the characters you are playing against
5.) Look for patterns in your gameplay as well as your opponents
6.) Take risks but understand what kind it is. If it's high reward or low reward.
7.) Understand how some players may play under certain situations. Like if the time or their health is low or if your health is low and they are in the lead. People tend to play more risky and reckless when the time is low or their health is low (YOLO dps/reversals)
8.) Don't frame traps too early. Watch your opponent's reaction first...then employ the trap later when you know they like to move or press buttons.
9.) Don't underestimate or overestimate your opponent, no matter what level they are.
10.) Play different players from different levels. Sometimes you may have to travel around for that. A lower level player may do certain things a high level player may not do, and it might throw you off. Also, high level players are less random and mash happy than lower level players. That might throw you off too when you play someone who is hella random and always mashes on the defense. Some players are more gimmicky than others too, so be sure to be always ready for that by playing those kinds of players.
1) No pillow for you. You're supposed to be uncomfortable. (Never let you opponent get comfortable. Dictate space and speed of match if he looks comfortable then you need to switch something up cause that's never good)
2) Spam is a food. QUIT PLAYING WITH IT! (In KOF spamming is easily avoided and punishable if you find yourself doing it stop it!)
3) F&*k Paper, Rock, Scissors! We play chicken! (Big problem I see is people thinking there is an attack that beats out other ones when clashing I.E. Medium kick in SF always beating out the heavy kick jumps . With KOF the first person to hit when the hit boxes touch wins.It drives a lot of players bonkers but dem's da rules.)
4) Who's afraid of the big, bad corner? Quit flinching! (When stuck in a corner one big mistake I see many do is try to throw something out right away. Wake ups are really stupid in the corner cause most vets are waiting for you to do that. If you need to get out it's easy enough to wait for them to get aggressive and simply roll out of the way. Being too aggressive in the corner leads to a lot of bad situations.)
5) This ain't Zombieland son. No double taps! (If you aren't getting a combo repeating a motion will not help in this game. It's pretty strict on getting it right the first time. Once you get how the buffering works it not as hard as it feels at first)
6) Don't be so greedy. Save some meter for later. (Meter is so useful for many things but overuse can leave you in a lot off trouble by the end of the match. It pays to keep some in reserve)
7) When the match is in doubt. A little meter might work it out. (If someone is in lockdown defense, or you just can't seem to set up any kind of offense there are many ex moves that come out quick enough to suprise an opponent to possible turn the tide. When they do't see it coming ex works best which is another reason why not to use it like crazy.)
8) Pitbulls hate dashers. (One thing I find with guys who need to stay on offense is a little thing like dash back when they are running at you or meeting them early by running foward or hyper jumps when they expect you to stay put can give you a big advantage. Most offensive players are very susceptable to breaking their timing.)
9) Kamehameha your turtles, but turtles do like spam. (When a guy wants to sit and wait on you well placed fireballs can make him move. I call it breaking the shell. It works well, but many people try to spam fireballs cause they're impatient. That just gives a good turtle an opening to attack.)
10) Only you can prevent wasted throws. (KOF is not basic throw friendly and it's easy to get around a basic throw. If you constantly waste time going for it then more then likely you're wasting good opportunities to attack.)
1). Knowledge of character match ups and/or frame data. Knowing the ins and outs of the characters they are playing, as well as the opponents.
2). Meter management and planning. One of the most important things during game play.
3). A good player would play to the best of their ability without underestimating or overestimating the opponent, and learning from their mistakes overtime.
4). Knowing when and where to change your play style up (going from turtle to rush down to keep away and back again). Adaptation plays a pivotal role here as well.
5). Training on a daily basis and devoting time into leveling up and learning more about the game and/or character specific match ups.
6). The players ability to stay focused on the match in itself.
7). The players must keep their cool when they are forced on the defensive. They also need to know how to get out of bad situations and stay away from the corner. The players must understand how to control space during game play.
8). Knowing when to conduct frame traps, meaties, and mix ups on the opponent. Understanding how to bait, as well as punish the opponent for mistakes is a huge one for good players as well.
9). Knowing when to adjust or put a stop to your offensive rhythm when the opponent is planning on doing a reversal of some kind.
10). Being a good player also relies on reaction and timing, much like every other fighting game does. Always be sure to have an understanding of the games fundamentals, as well as character specific technology.