Dream Cancel Forum

Sakazaki Dojo => Training Room => Topic started by: lphwo on August 07, 2013, 06:49:14 PM

Title: KOF2k2 combo
Post by: lphwo on August 07, 2013, 06:49:14 PM
Hi everyone, I'm a new player here and trying to learn to play KOF 2k2 and I've been having trouble doing combos that require entering max mode hitting then running.
For example, Terry
cl.C(2), BC, run cl.C(2), rest of the combo.
I just can't seem to be able to get the timing correct. When am I suppose to hit run, while Terry is still in the C animation, or time it just right as it ends? I keep spamming run hoping to hopefully hit the correct timing but to no avail.
Also I saw a combo video for terry that showed cl.C(2), df+C, BC, run cl.C(2) df+C, SDM.
Is this combo a 2k2 combo or is it a 2k2um? I ask cause I have been following the wiki on dreamcancel and it seems like the max combo is shortened, without the df+C.
Title: Re: KOF2k2 combo
Post by: desmond_kof on August 07, 2013, 07:00:53 PM
Welcome to the forums.

After the hit I usually activate immediately in BC then I run immediately. The timing is really tight but it's something you will have to keep playing around with.
Title: Re: KOF2k2 combo
Post by: lphwo on August 09, 2013, 02:08:43 PM
You mean I should start the run command immediately after BC, while I am still in the cl.(C) animation ?
Title: Re: KOF2k2 combo
Post by: PureYeti on August 09, 2013, 08:44:33 PM
That combo is pretty much both games. Yea you have to run immediately. There is no auto dash like how kof XIII has